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1、Obama悼念曼德拉逝世中英文演讲稿本文是关于Obama悼念曼德拉逝世中英文演讲稿,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。At histrialin 1964,Nelson Mandela closedhis statement from the docksaying,Ihave foughtagainstwhitedomination,and I have foughtagainstblack domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and freesocietyinwhich allpersonslivetogether

2、inharmony andwithequalopportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. Butif needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.And Nelson Mandela lived for thatideal, and he madeitreal.He achievedmore than could be expected of any man. Today, he has gone home. And wehave

3、lostone ofthe most influential,courageous,and profoundlygood humanbeings thatany of us willshare time with on thisEarth. He no longerbelongsto us - he belongs to the ages.Through his fierce dignity and unbending will to sacrifice his ownfreedom for the freedom of others, Madiba transformed South Afr

4、ica - andmoved all of us. His journey from a prisoner to a president embodied thepromise that human beings - and countries - can change for the better.His commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who jailed himset an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the livesof nat

5、ions or our own personal lives. And the fact that he did it all withgrace and good humor, and an abilityto acknowledge hisown imperfections,only makes the man that much more remarkable. As he once said, I am nota saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.I am one of the coun

6、tless millions who drew inspiration from NelsonMandelaslife.My veryfirstpoliticalaction,the firstthingI ever didthat involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest againstapartheid.Istudiedhis words and hiswritings.The day that he was releasedfrom prisongave me a sense of what humanbeings

7、can do when they re guidedby their hopes and not by their fears. And like so many around the globe,I cannotfullyimaginemy own lifewithouttheexample that Nelson Mandelaset, and so long as I live I will do what I can to learn from him.To Graa Machel and his family, Michelle and I extend our deepestsym

8、pathy and gratitudeforsharingthisextraordinarymanwithus. His life s work meant long days away from those who loved him the most. And I onlyhope that the time spent with him these last few weeks brought peace andcomfort to his family.To the people of South Africa, we draw strength from the example of

9、renewal,andreconciliation,and resiliencethatyou madereal.A freeSouthAfrica at peacewithitself -that s an example to the world, and thats Madiba s legacy to the nation he loved.We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. So it fallsto us as best we can to forward the example that he set

10、: to make decisionsguided not by hate,but by love;to never discount thedifference that oneperson can make; to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice.For now,let uspause and give thanks for thefact that Nelson Mandelalived -a man who tookhistoryinhishands, and bentthe arcof themoraluniverse toward justice. May God Bless his memory and keep him in peace.


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