Unit 1 Friendship A Sad Love Story.docx

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1、Unit 1 FriendshipA Sad Love Story (Reading & Speaking)Lin Wanchun一、教学目标(一)知识目标:1.掌握文章主旨大意,抓住主要细节信息,把握篇章结构。2.学习新单词,新短语和理解一些句子。(二)水平目标:训练学生的阅读技巧和口语表达水平。(三)情感态度:1让学生理解爱的真谛:相互信任,相互理解。2让学生学会如何积极面对和化解人际关系中存有的矛盾。二、教学重点和难点(一)教学重点:本课阅读量正常,难易度适中,文中穿插的“乞巧节”的故事为学生所熟悉,所以将重点放在对现代爱情故事的理解上,并指导他们为这个故事续说一个结尾。(二)教学难点:

2、1.如何调动学生的积极性,激发他们的学习热情。2. 如何协助他们提取信息,分析信息,增强对文章的理解。3. 如何协助他们利用文中信息实行英语口语表达。三、教学程序:Step 1. Lead-inT: Boys and girls, we have learned Festivals around the world.Which festival do you like best?In this way, I introduce Valentines Day to my students.Step 2. Story-telling T: Do we have our own Valentines

3、 Day in China?(Qiqiao Festival)When do people celebrate it?(On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month)There is a traditional love story about Qiqiao Festival.First I introduce three characters in the story to my students: The herd boy, The weaving girl and The Goddess of Heaven. Then Ill ask the

4、m to tell the story with me according to five pictures and key words on the computer screen.Step 3. ReadingI designed three scenes according to the modern love story.Scene 1. Show a picture to the students.T: On Qiqiao Festival this year, a young man sat at a coffee shop.Was he sad or happy?Can you

5、guess what happened to him?Now, open your textbooks and turn to page 7.Today we are going to learn a new passage A sad love story. Please read the first paragraph.Task 1. Fill in the blanks.Li Fang wanted to celebrateValentines Daywith his girlfriend Hu Jin. Hu Jin promised to meet him atthe coffee

6、shop. Li Fang waited for her for a long time but Hu Jin didntturn up. Li Fang thought that Hu Jin didntkeep her wordand washeart-broken. You see, he hadlooked forward tomeeting her all day, and now hewas alone withher Valentine gifts. He didnt hope tohold his breathfor Hu Jin toapologize. He woulddr

7、ownhissadnessin coffee.Scene 2. Show a picture to the students.T: How time flies! It was too late. Other customers had gone and only Li Fang sat at the coffee shop. What happened at the coffee shop? Please read from paragraph 2 to paragraph 4.Task 2.Answer the following questions.(1) What did the ma

8、nager of the coffee shop do?(2) What did they see on the TV?(3) Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?(4) Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?Task 3.Find out the following expressions in paragraph31.相爱fall in love2.与某人结婚get / be married to sb3.使某人做某事make sb do sth4.尽力做某事t

9、ry to do sth5.决定做某事decide to do sth6.能够做某事be able to do sthScene 3. Show a picture to the students.T: On the romantic festival, a handsome man was alone with his roses and chocolates. Would he meet his lover Hu Jin? Please listen to the tape.Task 4.True or False1. Li Fang threw away roses and chocol

10、ates becausehe didnt like them. ( F ) 2. Li Fang met Hu Jin atthe coffee shopon the corner on his way home.( F )3. Hu Jin waited for Li Fangwithout any giftfor him.( F )4. Li Fang thought that Hu Jinwould forgive him.( F )Step 4. ActingT: At last, Li Fang met Hu Jin on his way home. However, he had

11、thrown away her Valentine gifts. What would he do? The love story stops here.What do you think was going to happen to Li Fang and Hu Jin?A sad ending or a happy ending?Now please make a dialogue of an ending to the story with your partners or group members in five minutes. Then Ill choose some group

12、s to perform.Step 5. ThinkingT: Love exists everywhere It is not only between lovers, but also between parents and children, between friends, between you and me.What do you think is important when you communicate with other people?Step 6. ConclusionWhat did you learn in my Class?Step 7. Homework Write an ending to the story


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