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《PEP6 Unit4 Read and write说课稿.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP6 Unit4 Read and write说课稿.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、PEP6 Unit4 Read and write说课稿一、教材分析1教材内容 本节课是日记体的语篇教学,属于一节阅读课。其中包含了对动物成长变化的描述和具体时间的表达。这个读写板块通过配有图片的日记为学生提供有一定意义的语篇综合性训练活动,包括阅读理解活动及个性化写句子活动,旨在协助学生进一步巩固本单元学习的核心句型和词汇。本节课的文本语言紧密结合本单元的重点语言点,适当复现已学知识。阅读材料尽量体现真实话语的特征,言之有物、前后连贯、组织结构清晰。所配的插图起到了辅助阅读理解的作用。它不但是对本单元知识的巩固与延伸,也和前三个单元有着千丝万缕的联系,通过钟点、季节、月份、日期多种方式、多种

2、角度让学生学习不同时间的表达方式,感受英语的无穷魅力。 小学阶段阅读习惯的培养十分重要,英语课程标准二级关于读的技能标准明确要求学生“能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按养成按意群阅读的习惯”。基于对教材的理解和分析,我将该节课的教学目标定位为:(一)教学目标1.知识目标:(1)能够在图片的协助下读懂日记,并根据日记内容完成连线活动。(2)能够在语境中理解kitten,diary,still, noise, fur, open,walk的意思。2.水平目标:(1)能够根据日记内容,仿照例句,写出两个描述小猫生长状态的句子。(2)能够按照准确的意群以及语音、语调朗读日记。3.情感态度目标:

3、学会关心爱护小动物,尊重生命。(二)教学重难点本课的教学重点是让学生能理解日记内容并按准确意群及语音、语调朗读日记,并搭配关键信息完成句子书写。教学难点是学生能能够在语境中理解生词以及较长句子的意思。突破重点和难点的关键是教师充分使用任务型教学法,设计不同层次的活动,使单调的知识溶入生动的活动之中,让学生在听,说,读,写的过程中,理解知识,掌握知识,并灵活地使用。三、教学策略1.设计有趣的话题和活动,激发学生阅读兴趣 在阅读教学中,激发学生的阅读兴趣是前提。所以,老师在本节课的起始阶段我精心设计了能引起学生阅读兴趣的话题和活动。以此引起学生对阅读材料的强烈好奇和兴趣让学生不知不觉从阅读前的紧张

4、心理中释放出来。 2.分层次设置任务,使阅读更具目标性 我对本节课阅读任务的设置始终循序着“由易到难,层层递进”的原则,保证他们完成任务,保持学生阅读的积极性。使他们对阅读的兴趣不是表面、浅层次的,而是内在的、能持续发展的。 3.注重阅读方法和水平的培养 让学生自己根据上下文猜生词意思,扫除阅读障碍;根据我所设置的任务寻找信息,培养他们获取信息的水平;训练他们限时阅读的水平,提升阅读效率。 4.精心设计重点句型的书写活动 在课堂上我设计了具有挑战性、趣味性的任务型写的活动。引导学生使用句型写出自己的想法,这是对学生思维水平的一种训练,并且即时纠正学生在书写句子中常犯的错误。 四、教学过程 St

5、ep1: Warm-up and lead in.1.Greetings.设计意图:通过简单的交流拉近师生的距离,同时为后面的学习做好铺垫。2.Enjoy a song: The Baby Animals Song设计意图:通过动画歌曲的欣赏了解本课的主题。3.Free talk: What baby animals do you like? What about Sarah?T:Sarah likes baby cats. Look, its Sarahs baby cat.How old is it? Whats it like? We call it “kitten”. What col

6、our is it? It has white fur.Day by day, the kitten is 2 years old. Later, she is pregant. And she is a mother cat. She has two kittens.设计意图:通过创设Sarah的小猫成长历程情景展示,教学本篇文本中的新词:kitten, Fur. Step2: Presentation1.Pre-reading :To know the diaries and the dates. T:Sarah has two kittens. She likes kitten very

7、 much. So she keeps diaries about them.Please guess ,whats the Chinese for “diary”?Ss read the dates: April 15th, April21st, April 26th, May 3rd.设计意图:初步感知日记的格式,学习新词“diary”,读会本课重要的四个日期2.The first diary. (1) read and choose the photo for Diary 1.T: Sarah often takes photos for her diaries. Now read th

8、e diary and choose a photo for it.T: Why you choose “B”? (They are pink because they are very young.) Can they see? Why? 板书(They are very young. Their eyes are closed)设计意图:通过观察图片和猜测,将照片与日期,日记内容的配对。 (2).Listen and read the first diary.3.The second diary. (1).T: Now,its April 21st.How old are they? (T

9、hey are six days old.)T: Are they still pink? Can they see? (No, they still cant see.) What do they do? Listen! (make noises)Ss listen to the diary and find out:When do they make noises?(2).Listen and read the diary.设计意图:引导学生根据图片和生长规律去想象和表达。通过问题交流更好地了解still的运用。在解答的过程中完成对重难点词句的梳理4.The third diary(1)L

10、ook and answer.T:Can they see now? Yes, their eyes are open.(2).Listen and read the diary.5.The fouth diary.(1).The students discuss with the partners: what can the kittens do on May 3rd.(2).Listen and read the diary.6.Enjoy how two kittens growGuide the Ss read follow the computer.Ss choose their f

11、avourite diary and read it.7.Do the exercises on the book.设计意图:提供小猫长大的后的图片,激发学生说的输入,为后面的书写做准备。Say more sentences, and find out how kittens grow.T: On April 15th , they still cant see. What about April 21st?From their abilities, lets find out how kittens grow.Read the diaries and underline the key se

12、ntences. Work in pairs and fill in the blanks. Ss complete the blanks.Diary2: They make noises when they are hungry.Diary3: They can see.Diary4: They can walk and play.Step3 : Extension and writing.1)Read a picture book .2)Try to write some diaries about the puppy设计意图:尝试日记的书写。Step4: Homework.1.Liste

13、n and read the diaries.2.Try to keep diaries about 板书设计: PEP5 Unit4WhenisEaster?BRead and writeTimeLook like(are/ have)can/cantApril15thpinkyoungcant see.April21stwhitefurcutecant seemakenoisesApril26thblueeyesseeMay3rdwalk.play设计意图:随着阅读的步步深入,教师逐渐完成这个表格的板书。它涵盖了文本中的生词、重点句子,显现了各段之间的联系与区别,将阅读内容清晰、有条理的展现出来。


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