Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.doc

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《Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A Period 1 (1a-2c)【学习目标】:重点单词和短语:humorous silent helpful get good grades in from time to time重点句子:I used to be afraid of the dark. You used to be short, didnt you?【重点 、难点】Used to 的用法【课前预习】预习书本p25-26,翻译下面的短语。1.used to 2.be afraid of 3.look like 4.over th

2、ere 5.wait a minute 6.play soccer 7. be more interested in 8.on the swim team 【展示交流】1.通读SectionA1a-2c了解大意,明白要求,用铅笔标出自己不能理解的地方.2.独立完成1a,然后组内展示答案。3.听听力完成1b、2a 和2b,完成后检查答案。【合作探究】1 .I used to be afraid of the dark . 1.)used to do sth.过去常常做某事。用于过去式中, 表示现在已不存有的习惯或状态.查阅资料,掌握used to的用法。(1). He_ _ _ _after s

3、chool. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。(2) He _ _ _ _. 他过去不吸烟。(3)He used to play football. (改为一般疑问句,再回答)_? _(4)They used to be workers, _?(反意疑问句)【拓展】:be/get used to doing sth 意思是习惯做某事; be used to do sth和be used for doing sth表示被用来做什么。2. You used to be short, didnt you? 复习反意疑问句,完成练习:来源:学。科。网Lily will go to China, _ _? Sh

4、e doesnt come from China, _ _?You havent finished homework, _ ?He knows little English, _ _? 3.Whats he like now ? 他长得怎么样 ? Whats sb. Like ?What does sb. Look like ?Eg: ( )What_Mr Wei _? A.is;like B.does;be like C.is;look like D.is;like4. But now shes more interested in be interested in sth/doing st

5、h.对某事/做某事感兴趣=take/have /show an interest in sth/doing sth.Eg: He _ _ _ math, but he isnt interested in _ English. 来源:学科网 他对数学感兴趣,但是他对说英语不感兴趣。 interested adj. 感兴趣的,指人对某事物感兴趣,主语是人【达标检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I used (go) to school by bus, but now I am used to (ride) to school.2. There are many places of in Ch

6、engdu. Im really in these _ places (interest).3. Different have different (person).4.The child is afraid (swim) in the river5. We are visiting for a couple of (day)6. I will succeed, Im sure of (me)二、句型转换1. He used to go fishing.(变成一般疑问句,并作答) he ? No, he ? Yes, 2. You used to be really shy, ? (反意疑问句

7、) You used to be really shy, ?3. Let us have a break, ? Lets go home, ?4The boy shows great interest in the story(写出同义句) The boy the story. Tina the toy.【总结反思】_ Period 2 (2d GF 4a4c)【学习目标】1、 重点单词和短语: score European African British used to give a speech in public2. 句型:Its adj. to do sth. 做某事是的。Its be

8、en some time since引导的一般过去时句子。自从有一段时间了。【重点、难点】能正确运用used to对过去事件进行描述【自主预习】:翻译下面的短语。1.很好的一个主意_ 2.时常;有时 _3.turn red _ 3.get good scores _5.害怕_ 6.戴眼镜_7.be popular_ 8.at least_ 【展示交流1】朗读2d,在疑难句处做出记号。【探究合作1】1. Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. 自从上次我们见到小 学同班同学已经三年了。句型:Its

9、 been一段时间_ 引导的 _ 的句子。Has been 可以用is代替。 Eg:Miss Brown _ _ there for three years _ she _ there.自从布朗小姐搬到那里,她已经住在那里三年了。2.Its interesting to see how people have changed. 看到人们如何变化的真有趣。 句型:Its adj. to do sth.表示“做是的”在这个句型中,_ 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的_,形式主语it不能与其他代词如this,that等替换。Eg: _ is interesting to play with a lit

10、tle dog. A.It B.This C.That D.Its【展示交流2】1. 朗读Grammar Focus的句子,并翻译。2. 独立完成4a、4b 和4c,完成后小组内核对答案。【探究合作2】1.used to 和be used to 的区别。be/get used to 习惯于-。 后跟名词和动名词。 Eg: We are used to the weather here. 我们习惯于这儿的天气。 Im used to _ (teach) children English. 我习惯于教孩子们英语。 2.Im afraid of the dark be afraid of同义短语 I

11、 used to be terrified of (speak) in public Most girls are afraid snakes She is afraid (go) out when it rains heavily【拓展】(1) be afraid to do.不敢做 (2)Im afraid that .恐怕. (3)Im afraid so.恐怕如此 Im afraid not.恐怕不是。(1)She is afraid _ _ _ at night.(不敢晚上出去) ( 2 ) _ _ _ she cant come . 恐怕她不能来了【达标检测】1. Jim is a

12、fraid of (fly). He feels (terrify) before he gets on the plane2.It seem that he (change) a lot in the past few years3.She _ listen to classical music, but now she dancing(use)4.He in the sun, but now he at night (use, read)5. sleep, I , my, often, bedroom, open, with, window连词成句 6.妈妈对儿子说:“你能不能做作业时不看

13、电视?”Mother asked her son, “ you do homework the TV 7. What his father like ?(改为同义句) What _ his father _ _ ?8.My mother plays games on the Internet_ _ _ _( 有时)【总结反思】_ Period 3(3a-3c)【学习目标】重点单词和短语: dare private guard deal with in public notanymore2、 句型:I didnt use to do Hanging out with friends is alm

14、ost impossible for me now.【重点、难点】能正确运用used to对过去事件进行描述,以及它的否定式和一般疑问句的结构。【课前预习】预习27页,完成下列单词或词组1.十九岁的_2. take up doing_ 3.敢做某事_ 4处理_5. not anymore_6. all the time_7. tons of_ 8 担心_9. 要求;需要_ 10. 私人时间_11.be prepared to _ 12.give up_13.a small number of_ 14.做成功;做到_【展示交流】1. 快速自读课文一次,把握大意,完成3a。2. 仔细读课文,小组合

15、作完成3b和3c.然后分组展示答案。【探究合作】1. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. Candy 告诉我她过去很害羞并用唱歌来克服她的害羞。 deal with _,它的同义词是_.deal with常与how 搭配,其同义词_常与what搭配。 Eg: How do you deal with the matter ?What do you do with the matter? 2. As she got better,she dared t

16、o sing in front of her class, and the for the whole school.随着她变好,她敢在全班同学面前唱歌,然后为全校师生唱。 dare to do sth_eg: How did you _ _ _her about that ?你怎么敢告诉她那件事?【拓展】dare作情态动词时经常用在否定句、疑问句或条件句中。Eg:I _tell him the truth. 我不敢告诉他真相。3. Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.现在她不再害羞并且喜欢在众人面前唱。n

17、ot anymore_,同义词是_,_4. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.你真的需要有足够的天赋并努力工作才能成功。require_;_ 常用在require sb. to do sth.要求某人做么事Eg:They required me _(keep) silent.5.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有一小部分人才能成功到达顶峰。a number of_many修饰复数可数名词,谓语动词用_.【拓展】the number

18、of 的数目,修饰复数可数名词,谓语动词用_.Eg:A number of people_(walk) to work every day. The number of the books in the library _(reach) 3,000.【达标检测】一、选择题1. ( ) -What_ your uncle_now? -He is tall and heavy. A.is; like B.does; like C.is ;be like D.does ;be like2. ( ) Miss Wang used to be heavy,_she ? A.is B.isnt C.did

19、nt D.did3. ( )There is_snow on the road .Its _difficult for the drivers to drive. A.too many; too much B.much too; many too C.much too; too many D.too much; much too4 ( )_is almost impossible for me_with my friends when I become famous. A.It; hang out B.It; to hang out C.This; hanging out D.This; to

20、 hang out 二、按要求完成句子。1. Zhu Di dared to dance in public.(改为否定句) Zhu Di _ _ to dance in public.2. How do you _ _(对付) that naughty boy? 3. There were_ _ _ _(一小部分)students on the playground. _ _ _(的数目)them was forty-five.4. Liu Tao still plays compute games sometimes.(改为同义句) Liu Tao still plays computer

21、 games_ _ _ _.【总结反思】_ Section B Period 4(1a-1e)【学习目标】 掌握used to的用法 【重点、难点】used to 的用法【课前预习】完成下列单词或词组walk to school on the soccer team worry about all the time be nervous about_ P.E class_【展示交流】1.独立完成1a然后小组展示。2.听力训练完成1c和1d,然后核对答案。【探究合作】1. I dont worry about test. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/某事,worry 是

22、动词。 be worried about sb./sth. 担心某人/某事,worried 是形容词.来源:Z.xx.k.C如(1) .不用担心他。(2) Mother _ _ _her son. 妈妈担心他的儿子2 .I didnt used to like tests, but now I dont worry about tests. 谈论过去的喜好,并与现在作对比I _ _ _English _ in the morning.(过去早上我常常大声朗读英语)But now I like to learn English _ _ _ _ _. (我喜欢通过听磁带来学英语。)3.walk t

23、o school 步行去学校= go to school . 来源:学科网fly to +地点 = 与此相同的用法还有哪些? 4. be nervous about 焦虑的;担忧的_ 【达标检测】选择填空:1.A:six-year-old B: six years old1).This is a _ boy. He started school this week.2).The boy is _. He is old enough to go to school.2.A: worry about B: be worried about1).Dont _ him, he is old enoug

24、h to look after him.2).We _ him.3.A: takes the bus B: by bus.1).He goes to school _ every day. 2).It means that he _to school.二、改错1.My parents are worry about my PE test.2.Most students in the countryside used to on foot to school.3.She hasnt to do her homework everyday. hasnt she?4. I used to spend

25、 much time to chat with my friends on line.5. They didnt use to school by bike.【总结反思】_ Period 5(2a-2e) Section B Period 4(1a-1e)【学习目标】重点单词和短语:influence seldom fail examination be proud of in person take pride in boarding school to ones surprise take care of【重点、难点】重点单词和短语【课前预习】,翻译下面的短语。1.以什么自豪_2. pay

26、 more attention to 3.be absent from classes 4no longer 5. to his surprise 6.做出决定 7.even though 8.寄宿学校_ 9.考试不及格_ 10违规_ 11.退学_ 12in person_. 13.take pride in 14. give up 15.令人惊讶的是_ 16.搬走_【展示交流】 阅读文章2b,完成2c ,2d 和2e,完成后小组讨论,展现答案。【合作探究】 1.Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy.fifteen-year-old 作形容词15岁的 fifte

27、en years old 指年龄15岁连字符的作用:连字符前后连接的词应用单数形式,通常作定语。1).Tom is a student. He is seven years old.Tom is a _ student.2).He will have a _holiday. A. three day B. three days C. three-day2.They were proud of him.proud 自豪的,骄傲的 它的名词是_ 自豪;骄傲take pride in . 以而自豪=be proud of 如:His father always _ _ _him.他的爸爸总是以他而自

28、豪His father always_ _ _ him.3.He was no longer interested in studying.1). no longer 不再 _ ; _;_2).be interested in sth/doing sth _3.and he failed his examinations.fail v. 不及格;失败;为难做到Eg:她驾驶执照考试不及格。_.【拓展】fail in sth 在某方面失败,其反义短语是_ fail to do sth 未能做成某事 Eg: He _ _ _ up the tall tree.他未能爬上那棵高树。4.To Li We

29、ns surprise, theri conversation changed his life. to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 in surprise 惊奇地 be surprised 感到惊奇.1) .To _ surprise, she passed the test.(he)2).He was very _ to meet her on the way to the school.3).You havent found the place? the old woman asked her _.【拓展】to ones +表示感情色彩的名词 意思是“令人.的是” to

30、her excitement 令他兴奋的是to ones joy _ to ones anger_ to ones sadness_5.They also told me that even though they couldnt be there to take care of me ,they were always thinking of me and would take pride in everything good I do. even though 即使,尽管=though =although= even if不与but连用Eg: .Even though he is very

31、 young, he knows more than me. He is very young, _ he knows more than me._ it is dark,_ I can go home alone. A. Although, but B. Though, C. although 6.and I have tried to make my parents pay more attention to me. pay attention to 意为“注意”,其后常跟名词,代词,或动词ing形式。来源:学科网你应该注意你的发音You should _ _ _ your _.【达标检测

32、】1、 选择填空.( )1.She is snakes because she was bitten by a snake one year ago A. interested in B. afraid of C. pleased with( )2.You should study hard as usual you have passed the exam A. when B. if C. even though( )3.He play computer games, but he doesnt do it now A. was used to B. is used to C. used t

33、o ( )4.To our ,the park is noisy, but it used to very quiet A. surprise, be B. surprised, be C. surprising, be ( )5.Some people dont like summer because its hotA. too much B. too many C. much too ( )6. took me 20 minutes to do morning exercises every day A. This B. That C. It ( )7.My mother takes pr

34、ide everything I do A. of, well B. in, well C. in, good ( )8.I cant wait for you A. no longer B. any longer C. some longer二根据提示填空1. Mary decided to host the meeting in person.(改为同义句) Mary _ _ _to host the meeting in person.2. Mrs Zhang doesnt have much private time any more.(改为同义句) Mrs Zhang _ much

35、private time _ _.3. Zhe Mingming used to be silent.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ Zhu Mingming _ to be silent? _,she _.4. Timmy used to go swimming in the lake.(改为反义疑问句) Timmy used to go swimming in the lake, _ _?5. He visited the young man who saved the boy _ _(亲自;亲身)6. My grandfather had a great _ _ me.(影响)7. His father _ great _ in what he has done.(对感到自豪)【总结反思】_ Period 6 (3a-se


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