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1、Unit4 Dont eat in class!练习题一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Please be q in the reading room. 2. Dont listen to music in the classroom. You can listen to it o . 3. Jay Chou will a in Shanghai tomorrow. 4. Are there lots of (规则)at your home? 5. Its (重要的)to learn English well.二、 单选题1. We mustnt fight our classma

2、tes. A. with B. to C. in D. at2. You must be for class. A. on time B. in timeC. for the first timeD. all the time3. Tom, you shouldnt your cat to school. Sorry, Mr. Green. I wont do that again. A. take B. bring C. give D. get4. When do you arriveschool every day? At eight oclock. A. in B. on C. at D

3、. of5. Its very cold. Pleaseyour sweater. A. in B. wear C. put on D. on三、句型转换1. We can eat in the dining hall. (改为否定句)We in the dining hall. 2. He has to go to school on foot. (改为一般疑问句)he go to school on foot? 3. Come to school tomorrow. (改为否定句) to school tomorrow. 4. We have to wear a uniform at sc

4、hool. (对画线部分提问) we have at school? 5. Dont talk in the reading room. (改为同义句) in the reading room. 四、完成句子1. 别在课堂上吃东西。 in class. 2. 我们将乘公共汽车到北京。We will Beijing by bus. 3. 不能在走廊里大声讲话。Dont talk loudly . 4. 请认真听我说。Please me carefully. 5. 你今天不必上学。You go to school today. 五、补全对话从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. Do you have

5、 to wear uniforms? B. But I dont like the rules. C. And we cant eat in the classroom. D. No, we cant. E. Yes, we do. A: Hi, Tony. How was your new school? B: Its very good. 1A: Oh. What rules? Do you have to wear sports shoes for gym classes? B: 2A: 3B: No, we dont, but we cant wear shorts. A: Hows

6、the dinner? B: We have to eat in the dining hall. 4A: Can you play basketball in the classroom? B: 51. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【参考答案】一、1. quiet2. outside3. arrive4. rules 5. Important二、AABCC三、1. cant eat2. Does; have to3. Dont come4. What do; to do5. Be quiet四、1. Dont eat2. arrive in3. in the hallways4. listen to5. dont have to五、BEACD


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