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1、Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolPBRead and write同步练习一、选出不同类的一项。() 1. A. sheB. yourC. he() 2. A. handB. teacherC. student() 3. A. ChinaB. USAC. NBA() 4. A. boyB. pupilC. girl() 5. A. friendB. tigerC. bear二、 情景选择。() 1. 你班有新同学来时,你应该说:A. Welcome!B. Are you OK?C. You re welcome.() 2. 你想知道对方是哪里人,可以这样问:_A. Ho

2、w are you?B. Whats your name?C. Where are you from?() 3.新同学迈克来你家做客,你可以这样向父母介绍他:_A. He s Mike. B. This is Mike.C. Hello, Mike.() 4. 小明来自江西,他应该这样介绍自己:_A. I m from JiangxiB. Im Jiangxi.C . He s Jiangxi.() 5. 假如你是魏华,可以这样对新朋友说:_A. Hi, Wei Hua.B. This is WeiHua.C. Hello, I m Wei Hua.三、 选择合适的句子填空,将对话补充完整。A

3、: Good morning, Jim.B: 1._,Li Mei. Mike, this is my friend Li Mei. Li Mei, this is mybrother, Mike.C: Nice to meet you, Li Mei.A: 2._C: 3._A: I am from China.C: 4._A: Thank you.A. Where are you from?B. Welcome to our school!第 1页C. Good morningD. Nice to meet you, too.四、 选词填空。fromhaveareandabout1. Go

4、od morning, boys _ girls.2. Im Amy. Im _ the UK.3. What _ you?Where are you from?4. We _ a new friend today.5. I am a teacher. You _ a student.五、 给下面的句子找出合适的答语。()1. Good morning.()2. Lets play a game.()3. Hi. Whats your name?()4. Nice to meet you.()5. Where are you from?A. Im from the UK.B. Im Amy.C

5、. OK.D. Good morning.E. Nice to meet you, too.六、阅读短文,判断正 (T)误(F)。Hello,boys and girls.My name is Zhang Peng.Im a boy. Im 9 years old.Im fromShandong. I have two friends. They are Amy and Mike. Amy is a girl. She is from the UK. Mike is a boy. He is from Canada. They all like China. We are good frien

6、ds.()1. Zhang Peng is a girl.()2. Zhang Peng is from China.()3. Zhang Peng has three friends. They are Amy, Mike and John.()4. Amy is from the USA.()5. Zhang Peng,Amy and Mike are good friends.参考答案一、 1 5 BACBA二、15ACBAC第 2页三、14C D A B四、1. and2. from3. about4. have5. are五、 1 5D C B E A六、 1 5F T F F T第 3页


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