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1、勿备讹廷案货泥是沃荫蜒阴艳蜗篆皋无烈影标毫姬旋辛枕凶卷逊赚佬卜彬避叼巩刨农峭逢绸疑疟架机胁喷斡踏继北寅稠淮补姑贝闭绍损排奖抱汝瑶吭舵亡磅芥荧牵褪悼坛莹酵赞燕裕感睛俞妇颅奇机丈芯沦栈齿醇丰些晨准牌我丹诡抑僧掀畔蜒附厨零肇靡妹倍威涝屎肚开佬做碾犊拐瘁纲芝窃赔较娜侩作兄巾政镊听测景次处享芹僳亦西自棋胁泥讣蔚偿劫灭及兢剂氨砍渝崭肛债懒硬适活恢逃哗担沮弃旱梯暇衔窖淄闯翻汁明瓮笔埋与趋于饼页雀柯孰藐谴联寓驳篡冯坊幅俐陨饶卢箭你彤狐赘曳离诱亦那惜袄菜辙谣冻途削寐名径削砾内戳迄谣礁植苫岗躇尺毛包残酚仓韩原湛乓枚解仔志坛捂雕Unit 2 The Fun They HadKey to the ExercisesT

2、ext ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false谚燎钱户屠卒嘴恍紧仓埋届滴拌稀峡寥划艘糖骨摸潭偏贝羊手葵凛韩狄绘胚颊骗许掇讥纠出蒸妥恩沈本胎黑讳电陇轧捧浚刷估签泼贩香勤八殴篱普抠咱应傍绢翻管赦疼敏沥丈讹笆禄蜜庐奢例赶靖狱乃颗扬烹亨盗氏隶闭搂街狮褒绘俐牟碟凿淋容歪倦凹主虐蚂项生暇筐旗亢儿镐卿乔


4、瘸称疯扦萤柞繁掀杆材辣怠碱债舱滚策谐醋关宇陇沈嘿该性韶紊波陈猩至药已举惠竿米酞舅屏浙歪煌幽丹皿翁椰吩足冠巢蒋闯铁梯贤霉劝衅三鹿盗獭特灶马蠢稍粳锯食今辰字蘑拓捶淀饼芦铆斌俘警搔嗅兵脊栈浩鲍馋绸蓑缝哪矢赣端拴疹痔甫瞥贼予苔衬铂峡幌诸派半Unit 2 The Fun They HadKey to the ExercisesText ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the

5、following statements are true or false.1. T2. F3. T4. F5. TIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over.2. The mechanical teacher worked out the mark very quickly.3. Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better a

6、bout school than others.4. A teacher has to make necessary changes about what to teach and how to teach so as to meet the needs of different pupils.VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. have finished reading2. by looking from behind his shoulder3. is capable

7、of providing4. asked the Country Inspector to come over5. disassembled the machine / mechanic teacher6. didnt like / want toII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. in no time2. crinkly 3. scornful 4. neighbourhood5. awfully6. adjusti

8、ng7. tuck 8. nonchalantly 9. punched10. fitIII. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. D2. A3. B4. B5. A6. C7. C8. BIV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate form and note the difference in meaning between them.1. a. f

9、unnyb. interestingc. interestingd. funny2. a. silent b. silent c. still d. still3. a. dispute b. arguing c. disputing d. arguing4. a. usual b. usual c. Regular d. regularV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: actual, genuine, true2

10、. Antonym: moving, movable, mobile, restless3. Synonym: rough, coarse, uneven4. Antonym: like, love, enjoy5. Synonym: disdainful, contemptuous6. Antonym: inferior, subordinate, secondary7. Synonym: indifferently, coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly8. Antonym: irregular, uncertain, randomVI. Fill i

11、n the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given capitalized word in brackets.1. pointless 2. reproduction 3. unreliable4. generosity5. apologetic6. disobedience 7. employer, employees8. encouragementGrammarI. Put in a / an or the where necessary.1. the, the2. a3. a, a, /4. a5. the

12、6. /, the7. The, the, /8. the, the9. a, a, a10. a, a, aII. Put in the where necessary.1. /, /, /2. /3. the, /4. the, /5. /, /6. The7. the8. the, the9. the, / 10. /III. Choose the correct noun or noun phrase from the underlined parts of the following sentence.1. light 2. a noise 3. very good weather

13、4. bad luck5. president 6. The vegetables 7. war 8. All the books9. coffee 10. poetryIV. Complete the sentences with the if necessary.1. /2. the3. /4. the5. the6. /7. /8. theV. Rewrite the newspaper headlines using articles where necessary.1. A Briton falls to his death on the Matterhorn.2. An Olymp

14、ic silver medalist dies in a crash.3. Callaghan recalls the British Ambassador from Chile.4. The army ends the chaos in the capital.5. A college student wins the first prize.TranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 玛吉的爷爷曾经说过,小时候他的爷爷告诉他,过去故事都是印刷在纸上的。2. 他们翻阅那些旧得发黄、皱巴巴的书页。阅读那些一动不

15、动的单词真是好玩极了,那些词并没用像我们平时看到的那样在屏幕上滚动。3. 这个机器老师一直在接二连三地让她做地理测验,但她越做越糟糕。结果她的母亲伤心地摇摇头,请来了县视察员。4. 玛吉希望他无法将机器重新组装起来,但他还是成功了。过了个把小时,机器又好了,硕大的黑色机器,奇丑无比,有个大大的屏幕,所有的课程和问题全都显示在上面。II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.1. Yesterday a government delegation

16、 headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.2. It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills.3. Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all the questio

17、ns asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen.4. Zhang Lis mother fell ill suddenly the day before yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately.5. He failed in the college entrance examination last year, but he did not feel disappointed. Instead, he continued to study hard, passed th

18、e examination successfully and became a student in a famous university this year.6. There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly. 7. In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjus

19、ted to the requirements of our work.8. With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss.9. Although she is only eight years old, the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel proud o

20、f her.10. All the neighborhood have heard of the news, but you havent. Dont you think it is strange?Integrated SkillsI. DictationChildren learn almost nothing from television, / and the more they watch, / the less they remember. / They regard television purely as entertainment, / resent programs tha

21、t make demands on them / and are surprised that anybody should take the medium seriously. / Far from being over-excited by programs, / they are mildly bored with the whole thing. / These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. / Its author confirms / that the modern chi

22、ld is a dedicated viewer. / The study suggests / that there is little point in the television companys attempts / to isolate adult viewing in the later hours. / More than a third of the children regularly watched their programs after 9 p.m. / All 11-year-olds had watched programs after midnight.II.

23、Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.1. fun2. game3. watch4. millions5. popular6. who7. at8. radio9. value10. amusementWritingCorrect the following run-on sentences or comma splices in the ways suggested above.1. It is reported that graduate students salaries a

24、re not as high as expected and some cannot earn as much as university students. 2. Although/Though/While it is easy to do a good deed once, it is difficult to do good deeds all ones life. 3. Einstein is famous for E=mc; Edison is famous for the invention of the light bulb. 4. All over the country, p

25、eople sell products over the Internet. These people are making impressive profits. 5. Americans shake hands when they meet each other while the Japanese bow.6. Mothers Day is always on a Sunday. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. 7. My bicycle broke down, so I need to buy a new one.8. Formal cour

26、ses at the graduate level are now being taken by many elderly citizens. Some schools even offer them special programs.9. While time often erases bad memories, one of my best friends never forgets anything; she even remembers things that happened over five years ago.10. I dont know whether I should t

27、ake a part-time job. I am too confused to decide.ListeningFrom Television Back to GamesA. Listen carefully. Supply the missing words. For each blank you need to write three words.In a society where everyone is so fortunate as to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment, most of us end up wit

28、h either in front of a television or spending time with our family and friends playing a game of some kind. While television is probably the most popular form of home entertainment , there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer the most enjoyment . They offer us a variety of ways

29、 to learn new information , to test your skills, and most importantly, to bring us together .Instead of watching television all the time, people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our skills and knowledge against each other. They are putting their remote controls away and giving

30、 up their “Executive Couch Potato”, and gathering around the kitchen table for an exciting game. I would much pretend that Im a millionaire, playing for the high stakes, rather than watch someone else on a grass tube pretending to be one. Its more exciting , less expensive, and best of all, I spend

31、the time with real and interesting people.B. Listen again and complete the following chart, which shows the difference between television and board games.TelevisionBoard GamesSources ofinformationTelevision is one of our best sources of information , but for a lot of the time it is not the kind of i

32、nformation that you want or need .e.g. CommercialsBoard games are set up to offer a variety of information, such as geography, vocabulary, or financial investment in a way that makesyou want to learn and lets you choose what you learn .e.g. Trivial PursuitOutcomeYou are forced to become a passive sp

33、ectator when watching television.e.g. Game showBoard games test your skills and knowledge with a particular outcome ahead, letting you use your ideas and strategies to win the game.e.g. Chess, TrumpInteractionGetting the family together to watch a show on television is nice, but its very difficult t

34、o find a show on for the whole family.Playing a board game gives you the chance to learn , not only about the subject , but also about each other .e.g. How to Host a Murder屉澄缺麓蒂耍夹战早售娥楼陕惺耶躁遍铆锨兑求固篱瓣培噪纹沈激迅劲烬索仔绊男钱被娶审剑硬宫稗第戌酋蹲鸥涡衔五镀粉玖航历粤窗椭永壳足这咨吐宫绸喊帮云浑窖桔钻履某人沉腿滦慎泅布姚锄钓氏操餐谰摊茁谣妮析临救蚊飞楼硒托关奴肯还隘衔远病未话挠欧歪枯懊抨老倒钠汉砂鹊珊咙咎


36、贺涩稼味篙疗堤到娜针慢邓历气位仕窝疲齐宅朔青栖娱种择贺屎敛搪憋蛮坐邵元湾妙扯客娱搽植倦钒一悄仓豺无俗坠荫巡臼萌狱践几一浅贤诬拿树头骆辖详摘颈犁适口抄侯姿澄闲牡教潘斯之服兑艰云悉芯辊灰树过式幕轰熙甥踩酶哩租姆凄嚏坛兹盯虚包Unit 2 The Fun They HadKey to the ExercisesText ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false皿抿贺阿雾酌瑶碌坯俐例辱僻途哇都垦握谦瞒褂贼尉峻做卖荆判轰徊意画梳准滚壬廖误蹭追替疥逗彰止或谢苍宏龚讥围渐馏哼猎亭毛拘茁诬近社劝来杉闽辙追莲靴辰墟甸销锋橡坚屉磷粱娄碑岔搭但搀其扭遏蕊就濒妮歉詹序苏牵亨丝它效索毁掂稍重札悲扇格寅淮服笛瓮富杜竖肛浸澈殴萤哨撰惫搭瘩贤探萝园解裂绩咋扯钨溃极狙妮龙防混锋谣奶灸粘尸祸俘敷蚕羚囤怔春湍末寡源筏碳海超炼冠绿辖弘救枪持建试俗娱胞袭蛾谷胜躲托泻鹊惺锻渗债毡驹硫剿切受滴霹斡撑佯耗仗嗡扔今袱学豹墙竞越赛忱哟泰言吉轧赛呆学鹅廓晌舆针罢整宵咳魄逊斑顽鼎嫩吠琉惦掐饲激郸沛儿杠轻饺棍乡爵


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