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1、,补全对话专练,Warming up: 1)A: What was the weather like in winter? B:_. 2)A: What is the weather like today? B: _. 3)A:_ B: It will be sunny and warm.,It was snowy and cold,It is rainy,What will the weather be like tomorrow?,Rush to answer(抢答): 1.A:You look beautiful in the red skirt B: . 2.A:May I speak

2、 to Jim? B: . 3.A:His father is in hospital. B: . 4.A:Thank you very much. B: . 5.A:Shall we go out for a walk? B: . 6.A:Wish you a happy New Year! B: . 7.A:I got an “A” in my Chinese test. B: . 8.A:Would you mind my sitting here? B: . Its for Mary.,Thank you,This is Jim speaking,I am sorry to hear

3、that,You are welcome,Good idea,Thank you,Congratulations,Youd better not,9.A:_ ? B:Yes, I have.My temperature is a little higher. 10.A: ? B:He is tall and thin. 11.A: ? B:Ive just been to Hainan to spend my holiday. 12.A: ? B:I have read the book 3 times. 13.A: ? B:Lets meet outside the school gate

4、at 14:00 p.m. . 14.A: ? B:He traveled with his friend. 15.A: ? B:Its ten miles from here.,Have you taken your temperature,What does he look like,Where have you been,How many times have you read this book,When and where shall we meet,Who did he travel with,How far is it from here,复习目标,了解补全对话考察的功能意念,话

5、题项目的范 围。,三. 做题的方法指导,介绍这种题型的解题方法,步 骤和技巧。,二. 重点解决购物,看病,打电话等三个交际项目的运用与解答,calling,Going shopping,Seeing a doctor,Step 1设疑自探,According to these dioluges, Try to ask some questions.,1 What have we talked about just now ? 2 What are the important sentences about each topic?,Step 2 解疑合探,First. You can read

6、the test and look up your dictionary. Find out the answer. Second.Talk about your answer in groups.,展示和评价分工,展示要求:板书规范,书写流畅,思路清晰,条理清楚; 评价要求:能及时准确地指出展示同学的优缺点,姿态自然大方。,topics,Go shopping Appointment See a doctor ask the way Call Have dinner Go on a holiday Book a room/tickets .,Making telephone calls,He

7、llo! May I speak to Tom? Hello! Id like to speak to Mr. Green. Is that Tom speaking? Can I leave a message? Ill call back later/again. Ill ring him/ her up again.,Useful expressions for A(打电话的人):,Useful expressions for B(接电话的人):,Hello! This is Mary speaking. Hello, who is that? Hold the line, please

8、. Hold on( for a moment) , please. Wait a moment, please. Im sorry he isnt in right now. Would you like to leave a message, please? Can I take a message for you, please? Can/Could you call back later? Its not a very good line.,Making telephone calls,实战演练,A: Hello! May I speak to Sue, please? B: 1_.

9、A: Oh, this is Jim speaking. Is that Mrs. Green? B: 2_. A: Mrs. Green, Ive got something to tell her. Can I leave a message? B: Sure.3_? A: Please tell her we are going to see our teachers tomorrow. B: 4_? A: Well meet at school at eight in the morning. B: 5_ ? A: No. Thats all. Thank you B: Youre w

10、elcome.,Sorry, she isnt in,Yes, this is Mrs Green speaking,What is it,When and where will you meet,Anything else,售货员常用语 Can I help you? What can I do for you? How many/much do you like? What color/size/kind do you like? What about this one? Heres your change. 顾客常用语言 I want a pair of shoes. How much

11、is it/are they? May I try it on? Its too big/small. Sorry, Its too expensive. Do you have any other colors/sizes/kinds? Thats fine. Ill take it. Just have a look. Well, Ill think about it.,shopping,返回,实战演练,A: Good morning, sir.1. _? B: Id like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts? A: Y

12、es. 2. _? B: I want Size M. A: Here you are. B: Can I try it on? A: Sure. Is it all right? B: Yes. I like it very much. 3. _? A: 296 yuan. B: Thats a bit expensive. 4_? A: Yes. What about this one? It is only 108 yuan . B: OK. I will take it. 5 _. A: Goodbye, sir.,What can I do for you,What size shi

13、rt do you wear,How much is it,Do you have a cheaper one,Here is the money,Seeing the doctor,1. Whats the matter ?whats wrong with you? What s the trouble ? 2.Have you taken your temperature? Do you have a fever ? 3. How long have you been / felt like this ? 4. Its nothing serious . 5. Take this medi

14、cine three times a day . 6. Youll be all right / well soon .,B. 1. I have a headache / cough / fever . 2. I feel terrible / bad . 3. Im not feeling well . / I dont feel well. 4. Ive got a pain in my leg / here . 5. It hurts here . 6. I cant sleep well .,医生询问病人的用语:,病人回答,(Lin Tao is a student from Bei

15、jing. He was ill last night. He hurried to a hospital this morning. Now he is at the doctors.) Lin Tao: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Good morning.(1)_, young man? Lin Tao: Ive got a headache and a cough, Im afraid Ill be dead. Doctor: Dont worry. Its nothing serious. (2)_ _? Lin Tao: Yes, but I hav

16、ent got a fever(发烧). Doctor: (3) _ _? Lin Tao: Ever since last night.,实战演练,Whats wrong with you,Have you taken your temperature,How long have you been like this,Doctor: Let me look you over. Open your mouth and say “Ahh”. Oh, its nothing serious. Just a cold. (4) _and drink more water. Youll be bett

17、er soon. Lin Tao: (5)_ _, Doctor. Doctor: Youre welcome.,Thank you very much,Take the medicine three times a day,Step3:质疑再探,Do you have any other questions?,解题方法与技巧,1.仔细审题,明确大意。看对话前是否有中文或者英文提示,若有,则要通过提示明确对话者的身份,进而推测对话所谈论的大致话题。从而能够确定他们之间的的关系,有助于理解他们对话的背景和话题。 2.通读全文,了解情景。快速阅读全文,可以知道对话的大概内容及其所围绕的某种情景。有

18、助于启迪思维,便于做出恰当的回答。了解所补句子的基本句型,结构,时态,表达方式。要在通晓全文大意和具体要求后,再填补适当的句子。 3.分析对话,试填答案。身临其境地把自己想成对话的一个角色,在答题时,一定要联系全文通盘考虑,重视语篇的整体理解,切不可就句解句。,4.看标点,知句型。空格后面是逗号,空格内的第一个单词除非是专有名词或第一人称 I,其它情况用小写。空格后面是问号,空格内用_,是句号用_,是感叹号用_。 5.突出重点,不说废话。所填句子尽可能言简意赅。能用简单句的就不用复合句,能用短语的不要用句子。牢记言多必失! 6.重读对话,验证答案。确保语言形式正确,结构合理,符合英语语言习惯及

19、对话意思连贯完整。,做好补全对话的关键:,做题重场景,巧用上下文,补全对话=场景句型+上下文判断,怎样巧用上下文?,注意一般疑问句的使用;(时态,构成,回答) 特殊疑问词的判定和特殊疑问句的构成; 上下时态保持一致; 问答自然、恰当;尊重原文,不乱发挥; 重视标点符号的暗示。,一定要记住呦!,“补全对话”答题技巧,(1)通览全文、领会大意、揣摩话题。 (2)根据语境、细读全文,初定答案。 (3)通盘考虑、前后联想、先易后难。 (4)通读对话、义形结合、验证答案。,Step4 拓展运用,Make some dioluges with your deskmates.,A: Hello, may I

20、 speak to David? B: _.(1) A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking. B: Hi, Lin Tao . Whats up? A: What are you going to do next Sunday? B: _.(2) Do you have any ideas? A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear theres a dolphin show there. B: A dolphin show? Good idea! _?(3) A: By bike. B: _? (4) A: At half pa

21、st nine. B: _? (5) A: Lets meet outside the zoo gate. B: All right .See you then.,中考冲刺,A: Good morning, Doctor. B: Good morning, my boy! _? (1) A: Ive got a headache and a cough. Im sure theres something wrong with me. B: _? (2) A: Im feeling even worse now. B: _. (3) Oh, its a bit high. Im afraid y

22、ouve got a cold. How long have you been like this? A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctor? B: No. _. (4) Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning? A: No, I didnt feel like eating anything. What should I do, doctor? B: Well, dont worry about it. Take the medicine three times a day. St

23、ay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. Youll get well soon. A: _, (5) doctor. Goodbye. B: Thats all right. Goodbye.,A: Good morning, madam. _? (1) B: Id like a T-shirt for my son. B: _? (2) A: Size L. He is a tall boy. He loves cotton T-shirts. _ ? (3) Its made in China. B: OK. Let me h

24、ave a look. _? (4) A: 120 yuan. Its popular now. B; But Im afraid its a little more expensive and I dont like the colour. A: Do you like the black one? Its only 80 yuan. B: Hmm, it looks nice. _. (5) Thank you. A: Youre welcome.,Summary,文化差异要分清,地道英语记心中。 吃透课本为基础,通读全文判情景。 先易后难为顺序,完后重读来验证。 巧思多练是上策,补全对话真轻松。,Thank you!,1. Remember the sentence patterns. 2. Finish the exercises on Learning outline.,Homework,Thank you for listening!,


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