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1、Unit 2 My week Part(B) Let s talk教学目标与要求1.能够听懂、会说、会写句型:Do you often read books in this park? No, I dont.并能在实际情境中正确运用2.能够独立完成Ask and answer部分的练习。3.能够独立完成 Lets try 部分的听音打勾练习,为对话的教学做铺垫。重点 掌握句型 Do you often read books in this park? No,I don 要t.求学生能在真实情境中运用。难点 正确运用新学的词组和句型谈论周末的学习和生活情况.教具 单词卡片、图片、课件。教学环节师

2、生活动Preparation 准备活动1. Sing the song: Days of the week2.头脑风暴:每组每人说一种周末的活动,不能重复.T:What do you do on Saturdays?S1: I read books.S2: I watch TV.S3: I do my homework.3.口语操练S1 : What day is it today?S2 : Its Monday.S1: What do you have on Mondays?S2: I have maths .I dont like Mondays. I love Sundays.S1: W

3、hat do you often do on Sundays?第 1页S2: I often .教学 生活 Presentation 新知呈 1. Lets try教 呈 本第17 页 Oliver 的 片,向学生介 : This is Oliver. It sSaturday morning. Zhang Peng calls him.自然引出 Let s try部分。教 引 学生 真 察本部分 画,然后分 用一句 描述 两幅 画.S1: He often cleans his room on the weekend. He often plays football on the weeke

4、nd.(2)教 播放 Lets try 音,学生根据 音内容在方框内打勾.(3)教 学生完成情况。2. Let s talk教 接着引 : Oliver often clean his room on the weekend. What about Zhang Peng and Sarah. What do they oftendo on the weekend? Let s listen to the tape and tick or cross. Sarah often reads books in this park.() Zhang often plays football in th

5、is park.()(1)听 音,理解 音内容大意。(2)播放 音, 学生跟 三遍。(3)操 。分角色 行操 ,先集体(小 ,男女生)后个人(同桌操 )。教学 生活 Practice巩固 1.活 :最炫的周末活 活 方式 :(1)学生使用句型: “ What do you do on the weekends? I 三”四位同学,第 2页然后完成下列 表。ActivityPlay ping-pongPlay footballListen to musicWatch TVName(2)根据 表,学生写 告,可使用下列句型:A,B and often watch TV (play ping-pon

6、g,.and )on thew ekend.(3)各 代表 果。(4)教 公布周末最炫的活 .2.活 :脱口秀活 方式:在指定的 里,秀一秀 能一口气 出最 的句子.如: I often wash my clothes, clean my room, play the pipa, read books, play football and watch TV.教学 生活 Production 出运用1.Ask and answer 学生仿照示例在小 内 行 做 。2.活 :玩 周末活 方式:在快 上写着各种周末的 活 ,如:看 、踢足球、听音 、打 球等, 然后 , 当 到某个 活 , 如:看

7、,教 一些与 上不一 的活 , 回答 的同学 快速地 出 上的 活 。如 : 指 到 watch TV.T:Do you often do your homework on the weekend?第 3页S1: No, I dont. I often watch TV on the weekend.如:转动指针到 listen to music.T:Do you often read books on the weekend?S1:No,I dont. I often listen to music on the weekend.板书设计Unit 2 My weekB Let s talkread books play football play ping-pong listen to music Do you often play football on the weekend?Yes, I do.Do you often read books on the weekend?No, I don t.教学反思第 4页


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