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1、Unit 2The United Kingdom( Book 5 )Class:_Name: _ Group: _No:_ . Words1 consist16. administration2. attract17. enjoyable3. arrange18. countryside4. plus19.opportunity5. fold20.description6. delight21.imaginary7. unite22.alike8. clarify23. fax9. accomplish24. possibility10. conflict25.quarrel11. unwil

2、ling26. sightseeing12. convenience27. splendid13. roughly28. original14. nationwide29. thrill15. collection30. consistent . Phrases1. consist of10. make a list of2. divide into11. to one surprise3. leave out12. in memory of4. for convenience13. ring out5. break away from14. on show6. to one s credit

3、15. feel proud of7. as well16. refer to8. take the place of17. on special occasions9. break down18. leavefor . Sentences1. 个博物 的收藏品包括了什么?。 (consist of)What do the collections of the museum consist of ?2. 得称 的是,史密斯先生愿意无私帮助我 完成 划。(to one s credit)To his credit, Mr. Smith selflessly offered to help us

4、with the project / to help us (to) finish the project.3. 了 方便 , 我把参考 放在 桌附近。 ( for convenience)I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.4.她在 “ because”一 中漏掉了一个字母 e ?。 (leave out)Did she leave out an“ e” in the word, because?5.很 憾, 19 世 建的工 城市没有吸引游客。 (It is a pity that )It is a pity tha

5、t the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.6. 如今当人 提起英格 ,你就会 威 士也是包括在内的。Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.7. 如果你想要使你的英国之旅愉快而又不虚此行,你就必 留心 察。第 1页You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make a trip to the United Kingdom enjoya

6、ble and worthwhile.8. 她提高了声音,以便大厅里的人都能听得见她。She raised her voice to make herself heard by all the people in the hall.9. 刚建成的时候,它看起来金碧辉煌的。It looked splendid when first built.10. 这似乎是一件怪事: 这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过, 并且在伦敦去世。It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died

7、 in London. PassageThe United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, which is shown to the world in a flag named the Union Jack. The four countries do work together in some areas, but they have developed different educational and legal systems. England, th

8、e largest of the four countries, is roughly divided into three zones. Its capital, London, has been influenced by the invaders of England, and you will find the greatest historical treasure in it. . 语篇背诵老师列出去郊游的学生名单。他把名单读了一遍看有没有学生被 遗漏,然后把名单里的学生 分成三组,每组 由 15 个人组成 。每组 一旦形成 ,就要一起行动。我们组所乘的汽车竟然在路上 坏了,这似乎

9、不可思议 。因为快到了,没有必要再坐出租车,我们只好一起走路去。很多年以后,每当我们谈起这一难忘的经历时,你都会发现这次旅游 包括在内。The teachermade a list of the students who would go on an outing and read it out to see whether any student was left out. Then he divided the list into three teams, each of which consisted of15 students and once formed, each group m

10、ust go together.It seemed strange that the bus we took should have broken down on the way. As we were quite near the destination, there was no need to go by taxi, which made us all walk there. Many years later, when we talk about the unforgettable experiences, you willfind this travel included.Unit

11、2The United Kingdom(Book 5)ConsolidationClass:_Name: _ Group: _No:_ . 单词拼写 (20 分 )1.The common interests u(联合) the two countries.2.The bad i(影响)of the flood is that no people dare swim in that river.3.The boss _ (安排 ) that the meeting will begin at 9:00.4. The teachers explanation has _澄(清 ) the puz

12、zling problem.5. The story has _吸(引 ) a lot of interest from the media.6. He found himself in _冲(突 ) with her parents over her future career.7.Everyone should enjoy the right access to the乡(下 ).8.We are(感到激动)to hear a wonderful piece of news that the peoplelived in the mainland can go to visit Taiwa

13、n.第 2页9. The second Childrens Palace of Guangzhou sits in _(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River.10. My sister and I are _ 相(似的 ) in many ways. . 填空 (30 分 )A 英 互 (10 分 )1. consist of _6.省去; 漏;不考 _2. divide .into_7. (机器 ) 坏;破坏 _3. take the place of _8.同 ;也 _4. break away from _9. 念 _5. to one s cr

14、edit_10. 提到; _B 用以上短 的正确形式完成句子(20 分)1. The town is _ two parts by the river.2. While he was away, his son _ him.3. The medical team _ five doctors and ten nurses.4. It is wrong of him to _ all his good friends.5. Please decide what to _and what to leave in.6. If she keeps on working without any rest

15、, her body will _.7. _ he won the first prize in the competition.8. The hospital was built _of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.9. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included _.10. If you have some questions, _ the guidebook. . 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻 成英 。(20 分)1. 个博物 的收藏品包括了什么?。 (consist of)2.她在 “ because”一 中漏掉

16、了一个字母 e ?。 (leave out)3.很 憾, 19 世 建的工 城市没有吸引游客。 (It is a pity that )4. 如果你想要使你的英国之旅愉快而又不虚此行,你就必 留心 察。5. 她提高了声音,以便大 里的人都能听得 她。 . 法填空( 10 分)The United Kingdom 1. _ of four countries: England, Wales, Scotlandand Northern Ireland, 2. _ is shown to the world in a flag 3. _(call) the Union Jack. The four

17、countries do work together 4._ _some areas, butthey have developed different5. _(education) and legal systems.England, the 6. _(large) of the four countries, is 7. _(rough)divided into three zones. 8. _ capital, London, has been influenced 9._ the invaders of England, and you will find the greatest

18、historical treasure10. _ it. . 篇默写 (20 分 )老 列出去郊游的学生名 。他把名 了一遍看有没有学生被 漏,然后把名 里的学生 分成三 ,每 由 15 个人 成 。每 一旦形成 ,就要一起行 。我 所乘的汽 竟然在路上 坏了, 似乎不可思 。因 快到了,没有必要再坐出租 ,我 只好一起走路去。很多年以后,每当我 起 一 忘的 ,你都会 次旅游包第 3页括在内。_Keys:1. unit2. influence3. arranges4. clarified5. attracted6. conflict7. countryside8. thrilled9. sp

19、lendid10. alikeA.1. 由 成2. 把分成3. 代替4. 脱(束 );脱离5. 来荣誉; 得 ;在名下6. leave out7. break down8. as well9. in memory of10. feel / be proud ofB.1.divided into2. took the place of3. consists of4 break away from5. leave out6. break down7. To his credit.8. in memory of9. as well10. refer to1. What do the collecti

20、ons of the museum consist of ?2. Did she leave out anin“the”word, because?3. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.4. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make a trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.5. She raised her voice to make herself heard by all the people in the hall.1. consists2. which3. called4. in5. educational6. largest7. roughly8. Its9. by10 . in第 4页


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