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1、九年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 3湘教版【本讲教育信息 】一 . 教学内容:Unit 5 Topic 3二 . 重点、 点:Section B1. Both my father and I like it a lot.我爸爸和我都十分喜 它。both and 接相同 的 或相同的句子成分,意 “既又”两者都 接两个 作主 , 用复数。如:我和李雷都喜 英 。Both I and Li Lei like English.她既会唱歌也会跳舞。She can both sing and dance.2. Neither my mother nor my father likes it, but

2、 I like it a lot.我父母都不喜 它, 但我非常喜 它。 neither nor 既不也不表示“既不也不” “两者都不” 接两个并列的成分,当 接两个主 ,遵循就近原 。 双鞋子既不大也不小。This pair of shoes is neither too big nor too small.她和我都没看 部 影。Neither she nor I have seen the film.Neither I nor she has seen the film. neither 用于没有冠 、 物主代 或指示代 的 数名 之前, 用 数, 而 neitherof 用于名 有冠 、物

3、主代 或指示代 的情况,名 是复数,而 可以是 数或复数。如:(两个学生)没有学生知道答案。Neither student knows the answer. Neither of the students know(s) the answer. neither of 、none of 的区 两者均含否定意 ,neither 只能用来指两者,而none 是指三者或三者以上,后接复数名 , 用 数或复数。如:我的两个姐姐都不在北京。Neither of my two sisters in/ are in Beijing.我的三个姐姐都不在北京。None of my three sisters i

4、s/ are in Beijing.3. In order to be the new emperor, there was a great final battle between them. 了称帝,他 之 就挑起了决斗。 in order to/ so as to两者都可以表示目的,意 “ 了,以便”。in order to 动词原形均可放在句中so as to动词原形如:她起了个早以便赶上早班 。She got up early in order to/ so as to catch the early bus.用心爱心专心 in order to 可放在句首。而so as to 不可

5、。 了 得比 ,他 刻苦 。In order to win the match, they practised hard. so as to可分开使用,而in order to 不可。老 得很慢,以便于学生能听懂。The teacher spoke so slowly as to be understood by the students.Section C1. Before it was invented, sailors had to depend on the stars to find direction.在 (指南 ) 明以前,水手 不得不依靠星星辨 方向。depend on/ re

6、ly on depend on 表示“信 ,依 ” ,可以和depend upon, rely on/ rely upon互 , 构 :depend on/ rely on sb. sth. 依 某人某物depend on/ rely on sb. to do sth. 依 某人干某事。如: 个女孩已 不再依靠父母了。The girl no longer depends on her parents. The girl on longer relies on her parents.他依靠你去帮助他。He depends on you to help him. He relies on you

7、 to help him. rely on/ upon 气比 depend on/ upon 重,多以人作主 。人 依靠自身的力量。A man should rely upon his own power. depend on 可以表示“依而定,由而定,取决于” 不用rely on 。如: 取决于你自己。This depends on yourself.2. At first, it was used for making fireworks.开始,它(火 )是用来做烟花的。be used for名 或 名 。表示“用于,被用于”介 for 表示用途。小刀是用于切 西的。A knife is

8、used for cutting things.另外以前所学 的有关 有: used to do sth. 去常常做某事( 在不做了),只用于 去式。如:他 去常常去游泳。He used to swim. get/ be used to sth. /doing sth. 于某事 /做某事。如:我 于早睡早起。I get used to getting up early and going to bed early. be used as名 ,被用于当做如: 房 被用作他 的 公室。This room is used as their office. be used by 作 行者, “被某人使

9、用”英 正在被全世界的商人和旅游者使用。English is used by businessmen and travelers all over the world.用心爱心专心3. At the end of the Tang dynasty people began to use it in wars. 唐代后期,它(火 )开始用于 争。at the end of /地点 /其他物品,表示“在末,在尽 ”如:他上个周末前往北京了。He left for Beijing at the end of last week.在 路的尽 有一所医院。There is a hospital at t

10、he end of the road.另外: by the end of ,“到末 止”如:到上月底 止,他 已 学了1000 多个英 。They had learnt more than 1000 English words by the end of last month.到今年年底,他 会建好 座学校。They will build the school by the end of this year. in the end 最后、 于 at last最后他 得了 球比 。He won the basketball game in the end.最后他弄到了足 的 。He got en

11、ough money in the end.4. This to technology then spread to Korea, Japan and Europe. 种技 然后 到了朝 、日本和欧洲。spread 流 、 播、蔓延、 散,后常跟to, through 或 across。如: 种食物从美国 入中国。This kind of food spreads to China from America.水开始漫 地板。Water began to spread across the floor.微笑慢慢地在她 上 放。A smile spreads slowly across her f

12、ace.5. Not only paper but also printing is very important to people 和印刷s在daily人 lives.的日常生活中十分重要。not only but also 用来 接两个平行的并列成分。but 后面的 also 有 也可省略, 连接主 , 遵循就近原 , 接 ,not 前不可有助 。如:不但他 了,我也 了。Not only he but also I am wrong.Not only I but also he is wrong.他不但 了,而且也做了。He not only said it, but also did

13、 it.【模拟试题 】(答题时间: 30 分钟)I. 。1.Could you look after my catI am away?A. untilB. whereC. whileD. since2.he or I am wrong.A. NeitherB. EitherC. BothD. As3.Could you tell usit snows in winter in Australia?用心爱心专心A. ifB. thatC. afterD. before4. Water the young trees as often as possible,they will die soon.

14、A. soB. butC. orD. and5.LilyLucy may go with you because they must stay at home.A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; norC. Both; andD. Either; or6. Do you know? Next year.A. when he came hereB. when did he come hereC. when he will come hereD. when will he come here7. Little Kate went to schoolit rained

15、heavily.A. thoughB. ifC. butD. since8. He hurt himselfbadlyhe had to see a doctor.A. too; toB. such; thatC. much; thatD. so; that9. Alice want to knowher grandmother likes the bag.A. thatB. whyC. whichD. what10.Both Jim and Kategood at Chinese.A. isB. amC. areD. be11.You canstay at homego out for a

16、walk.A. both; andB. either; orC. as; asD. so; that12.Zhang Ping has lived herehe moved to the city.A. forB. sinceC. fromD. because13.I thinkthey are at home.A. ifB. thatC. whetherD. where14.Work harderyou will make greater progress.A. butB. orC. soD. and15.Han Mei didn t go to schoolshe had a bad co

17、ld.A. whenB. whileC. ifD. because16.Not only your father but also yougoing to the history museum.A. isB. amC. areD. be17.Either you or hethere.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go18.Neither you nor Ithere.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go19.I fell asleepI was reading.A. whileB. as soon asC. afterD. because20.Tom

18、 is short,he is strong.A. Though; butB. Thought; /C. Because; andD. Although; butII.完形填空。Paper was first invented by a Chinese man called Cai Lun in 105 A.D. He made it1thewood of a kind of tree.Today, paper still24paper now because itfrom trees. We use3paper every day. We must begin using5about a h

19、undred years for a tree to grow.用心爱心专心How can we6paper? We can use7 sides of every piece of paper. We can reuseenvelops. We can choose drinks in8 instead of drinks in cardboard cartons ( 纸盒 ). We canuse plastic cups andplates instead ofpaper9 . We can also use handkerchiefsinsteadoftissues. We can u

20、se fewer paper shopping bags and we can reuse these paper bags10aswell.()1. A. ofB. fromC. withD. for()2. A. comesB. makesC. getsD. uses()3. A. manyB. a fewC. a lot ofD. a little()4. A. moreB. fewerC. lessD. smaller()5. A. takesB. spendsC. costsD. pays()6.A. useB. saveC. getD. make()7.A. everyB. allC. eachD. both()8.A. glassesB. bottlesC. boxesD. cups()9.A. oneB. onesC. cupsD. plates()10. A. laterB. lateC. latestD. lately用心爱心专心【试题答案】I. 1. C2. B3. A4. C 5. A6. C7. A8. D9. B10. C11. B12. B13. B14. D15. D16. C17. B18. A19. A20. BII. 1. B2. A3. C4. C5. A6. B7. D8. B9. B10. A用心爱心专心


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