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1、9A Unit 5巩固练习一词汇运用:A) 根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词:1.- Who is the d_ of the film Part A and Part B?- Feng Xiaogang is.2.Zhang Ziyi,one of my favouritea_, isnot onlypopularin China,but alsoin many other parts of the world.3.Be r_ ! Time waits for no man. You should work harder instead.4.Mr Wu was givensome flowers

2、by his students becauseof his great _(成就 ).5 His grandpa was h_ with a number of awards because of his charity work.6.I don t like horror films because they make me feel _ (吓坏的 ).7.Romantic films usually have happy e_ .8.My parents _ (坚持 ) that I should go to the best school to study.9.Lu Xun is fam

3、ous for his _ (小说 ) .10.It s our duty to protect the _(环境).11. You should put your _(努力) into your study.12. The wonderful film _(吸引) their attention.13. .Jack e_ a lot of money last year. He is very rich now.14. Audrey is well- k_ for her beauty.15. Dong Cunrui was a hero. He d_ his life to our cou

4、ntry. B) 根据英文解释填写单词:1 The Great Wall _ (arouse interest or pleasure in) numbers of touriststo Beijing.2.It s _ (almosteveryoneknows about it)thatlighttravelsfasterthansound.3.The headteacher and monitor usually play the _ (main , important) rolein a class.4.InChinas revolution( 革命 ) a lotlfrevolutio

5、nists_ (gave whole or用心爱心专心- 1 -completely to ) their lives to the building of a new China.5.In the early 1930s, there were few _ (ways of making a living) open towomen.C)用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.Why dont you _ (write) an article about Jacky Cheng?2.We hope they can solve the problem _ (peace).3.In thewest,th

6、e _ (lost)of water isa big problem.Some peopleeven havenot enough water to drink.4.Her dream is _(become) a famous doctor.5.You can t watch TV while _ (do) your homework.6.Sam didn tsee thefilmyesterdaybecause he _ (see)it two days before.7.Tracylikeswritingatthemidnightbecause she likes the_(silent

7、)of midnight.8.Flyingacross the Atlanticfor thefirsttime was a great_ (achieve).9.Her playing was wonderful. Shes a very _ (talent) pianist.10. Kitty was the first one _(arrive) at the cinema.11. Daniel arrived out of _ (breathe) at last.12. She is one of the most popular _( write) in the world.13.

8、Do you think Gong Li is a great _(beautiful) ?14. I like this job because I want to work _(close) with children.15. Eating too much can make you _(health).二单项选择:() 1.He devoted much of his time _ computer games.A. to writeB. writeC. writingD. to writing() 2. Jims never read such a book, _ ?A. hasn t

9、 heB. isnt JimC. has heD. is Jim() 3 . Simon did all kinds of things to make the baby _ . But the babycried harder and harder.A. stop to cryB. to stop cryingC. to stop to cry D. stop crying用心爱心专心- 2 -()4.Wehave _ many wildanimalsbecause of the_ of theirlivingareas.A. lose; lossB. loss; lostC. lost ;

10、 loseD. lost; loss()5. _ people came to the meeting. _the people is about1,000.A. A number of ;The numberB. The number of ; A number ofC. A number of ; A number ofD. The number of; The number of()6. This book is a bit difficult. _ read something easier?A. Why not toB. Why dontC. Why notD. Why not yo

11、u() 7. She told us that her brother _ the league for more than threeyears.A. had been inB. has been inC. had joinedD. has joined() 8 Not only _ but also _ are interested in seeing films.A. he ; his parentsB. his parents; heC. he ; his motherD. he ;his father()9. Did you catch the train yesterday ? N

12、o. It _ when I _ to the station.A. left ;gotB. had left ;gotC. left ;had gotD. was left; was getting()10.This is his first _ on the stage, but he hasnt _ by now.A. appear ; appearanceB. appearance; appearC. appearance; appearedD. appeared; appearance()11. Last weekend, I went to see a film _Gong Li

13、with my parents.A.starsB.starredC.starringD.is starring()12. The film, Tales of Old Beijing, shows us _ Beijing looked likemany years ago.A. whatB. howC. thatD. which()13. Do you know _?A. who is he talkingB. who was he talkingC. who he is talkingD. who he is talking to用心爱心专心- 3 -()14. The film _ fo

14、r half an hour when I got to the cinema yesterday.A. has begunB. has been onC. had begunD. had been on()15. What he said made me _.A. to feel excitedB. feel excitingC. feel excitedD. felt excited()16. To our surprise, the thief is a _ boy.A. 12 year oldB. 12-year-oldC. 12 years oldD.12-years-old()17

15、. My father said he _ for Shanghai the next day.A.was going to leaveB.isgoing to leaveC.leftD.had left()18.I found him _, forhe found the answer to the question_.A.cleverly. easilyB. clever. easyC. clever. easilyD. clever. easy三 全 :A. His hobbies are driving , swimming and collecting something about

16、 LiXiaolong.B. Stephen Chow played the leading role the film.C. Can you tell me something about Stephen Chow?D. What do you think of it ?A: Have you seen the filmKung Fu ? _B: Yes, I ve seen it several times.A: _.B: It s very interesting.A: Do you like seeing his films?B: _.A: How many films of his

17、have you seen?B: Five.用心爱心专心- 4 -A: _B: Sure . Stephen Chow is his English name ,and his Chinese name is Zhou Xingchi .He was born in Shanghai on June 22nd,1962 . He isa well-knownactor._A: Wow, you know a lot!四句子翻译:1. 你知道他是谁吗 ?Do you know _ _ _?2. 他不喜欢演戏,他宁愿当导演。He doesnt like playing, he _ _ _ a di

18、rector.3.他们为什么不停下来休息一会儿呢?_ _ they _ to have a rest ?4. Anny 不仅歌唱得好,舞也跳得好。Anny _ _ _ well, _ _ _ well.5. 不久,他在那部电影中担任了主角。Shortly after, he _ the _ _ _ that film.6. 这项计划获得了巨大成功。This project was _ _ _.7. 昨天他们气喘吁吁赶到车站时,火车已开走半个小时了。When they _ the station _ _ _ ,the train _ _ for half an hour.8. Tom关好门窗之后

19、就回家了。After Tom _ _ the doors and window, he _ home.9. 由于暴风雪我们不得不呆在家里。_ _ the snowstorm ,we _ _ _ at home.10. 女孩子门晚上最好不要独自外出。The girls _ _ _ out alone at night.五书面表达:假如你是王平,你将给你的笔友Jack 写一封e-mail ,介绍你最喜欢的影星成龙Jacky用心爱心专心- 5 -Chan。请根据下表所给的信息,写一段约60 字的信。Date of birth1966Star signAriesPlace of birthHong K

20、ong, ChinaAppearancestrong with a big noseTalentsgood at Chinese Kung-fuOther achievementsdevote his time to charity_9A Unit 5一 A) 1.director 2.actress3.realistic4.achievements 5.honoured6.scared7.endings8.insist9.novels10.environment11.effort12.attracted13.earned14.known15.devotedB)1.attacts2.well-

21、known 3.lead4.devoted5.carreersC)1.write2.peacefully3.loss4.tobecome5.doing6.had seen7.silence8.achievement9.talented10.to arrive用心爱心专心- 6 -11.breath12.writers13.beauty14.closely15.healthy二 DCDDACAABCCADDCBAC三 BDECA四 1.who he is2.would rather be3.Why dont stop4.not only sings but also dances5.played

22、 lead role in6.a great success7.reached out of breathhad been away8.had closedwent9.Because ofhave to stay10.had better go五 Dear Jack:Do you know Jacky Chan? He ismy favoritefilmstar.He was born in 1966 in HongKong China. His star sign is Aries. He is not very tall but very strong. He has a big nose. He is quite good at Chinese Kung-fu, so he often plays the lead role inaction films. Besides achievements in film industry, he also devotes much of his time to charities. Now, you have known much about him. Do you like him?I hope to hear from you soon!Yours sincerely,Wang Ping用心爱心专心- 7 -


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