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1、九年级英语 Unit7 Lesson 25Lesson 28 人教朗文版【同步教育信息 】一. 本周教学内容:Unit7Lesson 25 Lesson 28学习过程一. 词汇1. inventorn. 发明者,创造者 someone who makes something that has never been made.e. g. Thomas Edison was a great inventor.托马斯爱迪生是一名伟大的发明家。What kind of spirit do you need to become an inventor?成为一个发明家需要具备什么样的毅力?2. try o

2、ut 试验、尝试 to try something to see if it works.e. g. The idea seems very good, but the students need to try it out.这个主意看上去很好,但学生们需要试验一下。When he was a child, he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.当他是个孩子时,他总是爱问问题,并且尝试各种新想法。3. frightenv. 惊恐,吓唬= making someone feel afraide. g. Did the no

3、ise frighten you?那声音使你吃惊吗?frightened 是形容词,“受惊的,害怕的”,常用 be frightened at something 或者 be frightenedto do sth. 是“害怕某事”或“害怕做某事”之意。e. g. Victor was frightened at the idea of eating snake.想到吃蛇,维克多就害怕。I m frightened to stay at home by myself.我害怕自己一个人呆在家里。A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was to

4、o frightened to move.有辆火车越来越近,小男孩吓得不敢动。4. rushv. 猛烈、或匆匆地做某事to do something quickly.e. g. 词组rush out 冲出去。The children rushed out of the school gate.孩子们冲出学校大门。When Frank heard someone calling for help, he rushed out quickly to see what had happened.当佛兰克听到有人喊救命时,他快速冲出去,看看发生了什么事。Edison rushed out and ca

5、rried the boy to safety.爱迪生冲过去把男孩抱到安全的地方。5. open up开设、开业、开放to start as in a business or a lab.e. g. The company open up an office in Shanghai公司在上海开设了一个办事处。With the money he made from some of his earlier inventions, Thomas Edison opened up his own Lab in New Jersey.托马斯爱迪生用他早期的发明赚取的钱,在新泽西成立了自己的实验室。6.

6、lifetimen. 一生,终生period of time during which a person is alive.用心爱心专心e. g. In New Jersey Edison worked most of his lifetime.在新泽西爱迪生渡过了自己大半生时间。His grandpa lived in the country most of his lifetime.他的爷爷在乡村过了大半生。二. 课文重点分析:1. I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it. I will be able to write faste

7、r. 我想:如果我能造出里面装有机器的钢笔,我就能写得更快一些。that has machine in it 为定语从句,修饰a pen。定语从句的引导词that,本身没有意义,它的意义等同于被修饰的词,本句中也可用which 引导。本课中另一句: Thomas Edison saidhe liked people who had ideas. 此句也含有定语从句: who had ideas,被修饰的是 people。被修饰的词称为先行词, 先行词若指人, 引导词用 who(m) ,先行词若指物, 引导词用 which/that 。be able to 表示“能,会”,有能力,要用有生命的名

8、词作主语,可以用在一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去将来时和完成时态中。请注意与can/could 的区别:( 1) can 和 is/am/are able to 都可以表示现在的能力。表示将来的能力要用 shall/will be able to。e. g. He can speak English very well.他能讲十分流畅的英语。I m sure I shall be able to speak English very well some day.我相信某一天/有一天我能够说好英语的。( 2)用于过去时间, could 仅表示 “有完成某事的能力” ,而 was/wer

9、e able to 表示 “经过努力已经完成”。e. g. He could swim very well at that time.他那时游得很好。Jesey could speak Japanese when she was sixteen.吉希 16 岁时能够讲日语了。He tried hard and was able to swim across the river.他一再努力,终于游过了河。Mike ran so fast that I was not able to catch up with him in the sports meeting.在运动会上迈克跑得如此快以致于我赶

10、不上他。After practising skating for more than six months, Li Lei was able to skate on the ice as long as a day.练习了 6 个多月的滑冰,李雷能够在冰上滑长达一天了。用完成时态时:My daughter has been able to write letters in French.我女儿已经会用法语写信了。2. We can come up with the answer together. 我们可以一起找到答案。 come up with 主要用于口语,意思是“想出,找出(答案,计划)

11、”。e. g. You ve come up with a goodidea.你想出了一个好主意。The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Sam came up with a good answer.老师问了一道难题,但最后萨姆还是做出了一个很好的回答。3. We just need to keep working on it and not give up.我们需要坚持去做,而不放弃。用心爱心专心1) keep doing 是“ 做”之意。e. g. The cat kept running after that mouse,

12、trying to catch it.那只猫不停地在那只老鼠后面跑,企 抓住它。 同学 看第27 有一个句子:He wanted to do something to keep himself busy,其中keep 后面接复合 。keep 后面的 足 可以是 的-ing 形式, keep sb. doing 意思是“ ”做某事。e. g. She kept me waiting for half an hour.她 我等了半个小 。2) work on 后接 ,是“从事,搞”的意思。e. g. The novelist is working on a new book.那位小 家在写一本新

13、。work on 重在 程, 另有一个 果的短 ,work out 意思是 “解决 ( ) ”,“ 算出”“ 定”等。e. g. Can you work out how much money it will need.你能算出 需要多少 ?He worked out all the details of the plan.他 定 个 划的所有 。3) give up 意思是“ ”、“放弃”、“解除”。e. g. Don t give up half way.不要半途而 。可以接 。e. g. You should not give up hope.你不要放弃希望。give up 后面接 的-

14、ing 形式作 。e. g. My father has given up smoking.我父 已 戒烟了。在第 28 中有一个句子:And at times you ll feel like giving up其.中短 feel like (意思是“想要”)的后面也接 的-ing 形式作 。4. No matter how hard it was, he never gave up.无 有多困 ,他从不放弃。no matter how / when / where / what / which / who的意思 “无 如何/ 何 /哪里 /什么 /哪一个 / ”,用来引 步状 从句。 同学

15、 看本 另一句:Thomas Edison thought thatno matter how difficult something seemed, he could find the answer.又如:No matter what may happen, don t lose heart.不管 生什么,不要灰心。No matter who wants to come in, he must knock on the door first.无 想 来,他必 先敲 。He will go to surfing lessons, no matter how much they cost.无 冲

16、浪得花 有多么昂 ,他也要去上冲浪 。5. Most of the questions had nothing to do with his lessons. 其中的大多数 都与他的功 无关。have nothing to do with 是一个固定搭配 ,表示“与无关”, 似的 有: have something to do with “与有关”之意。e. g. This matter has nothing to do with her. 件事与她无关。Peter s job has something to do with computer.用心爱心专心彼得的工作与 算机有关。6. Th

17、e boy s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messagby telegraph. 个男孩的父 非常感激,于是,他教 迪生 的方法。1) thankful 是形容 ,表示“感激的,感 的”之意。e. g. The thankful mother can t help crying at once. 位感激的母 立刻禁不住哭了。2) so that 意思是“如此以致于”之意。e. g. I ran so fast I got a pain in my legs.我跑得太快了,以致于我的腿很疼。比 so 和 su

18、ch 表示程度的用法。so 用于“ so+形容 /副 ”,“ so+形容 +a(n)+ 名 ( 数)”,“so+many/few+ 名 (复数)”,“so+much/little+ 名 (不可数)”等 构中。e. g. His teacher didn t understand why his new pupil had so many strange questions.他的老 不明白 什么 个新生有 么多奇怪的 。I ve never seen sobeautiful a city.我从来没 么美 的城市。such 用于“ such+形容 +名 (复数 /不可数)”, “ such+a(n

19、)+形容 +名 ( 数)”等 构中。e. g. He is such a clever tennis player that everyone loves him.他是如此 明的网球运 ,每个人都喜 他。It s bad manners to use such bad words.用 不好的 是坏的 。7. He said that he thought more of apeople who has one idea and makes it work, than of aperson who has a thousand ideas but doesn t do anything abou

20、t them.他 他 与其做一个有一个个想法,但 些想法置之不理的人, 不如做一个有一个想法,就把它付 的人。1) work 是“起作用”的含意,根据上下文看, 成“付 ”。2) more than是“与其不如”之意。e. g. I think the book seems to be more a grammar than a dictionary.我 本 看来与其 是一本字典,不如 是一本 法 。当然, more than 可以表示“比更”之意。e. g. This piece of advice is more useful than that one. 条忠告比那条忠告更有用。8. D

21、on t you think her radio is too loud? Yes, I do.你 得她的收音机声音不大 ?不,我 得她的收音机声音太大了。1) Don tyou think ? 是“你 ( 得)不 ?”之意,在think 等 引 的 从句中,如果要否定 从句,要将否定前移,翻 句子 要把否定的意思放在think的 从句中。e. g. Don t you think he is a naughty boy? No, I don t.你 得他不是个淘气的孩子 ?是的,我 得他不是个淘气的孩子。I don t think chickens can swim.我 是不会游泳的。2)

22、turn down 是“(把开关)关小,降低(音量)”之意, 可以表示“拒 ”之意。用心爱心专心e. g. The baby is sleeping, please turn down the radio. 儿正在睡 , 把收音机的音量 低些。Whenever Len invited me to have dinner, I did n t turn him down.无 什么 候 邀 我去吃 ,我都不会拒 。三. 重点 法 不定式(一)不定式的用法基本形式 “ to+ 原形”,有 可以不 to。例句He likes to play chess.I saw him come in.具有 的性

23、,可以 自己的 或状 ,Jack came to borrow my ruler.但在句中不受主 人称和数的限制。He wants to bike more carefully.具有名 性 , 可以在句中作主 , 、 表 To see is to believe. 和 足 等。How old were you when you learn to surf?Would you like me to leave now?具有形容 性 ,可以在句中作定 。I want some water to drink.具有副 性 ,可以在句中作状 。He stopped to have a rest.I m

24、glad to see you.It was too cold to swim.直接 不定式作 的及物 ,通常表示What do you want to say?“意愿”、“企 ”等,主要有:want, wish, I don t like to trouble others.ask, like, would liketo, love,would love to, Remember to post the letter for me.hope, wish, plan, decide, get, learn, try, need, She has forgotten to phone them.

25、agree, choose, begin, start, forget,remember, It is beginning to snow.manage 等。He chose to stay in the city.He asked to see the boss.Does she agree to lend you any money? 不定式作复合 中的 通常是使He feels it difficult to make what he wants.役 或表示“判断”的 ,主要有think, Robert doesn t think it a good idea for Lucy tofe

26、el, make 等。be on a diet.He has made it possible to grow ricein thenorth. 不定式作 足 的 通常是感官 Mum doesn t let me play outside. ,使役 或表示“命令”,“忠告”等的I felt the train move. ,主要有: let, make, feel, hear, see(以上 Did you hear her say that she was thirsty? 后的不定式不 to) ,help( 不定式I didn t see him go.可 to,也可以不 to) , wa

27、tch, want, wish, Could you help me (to) do the cooking?like, ask, tell, teach, order 等。I didn t ask him to pay for the bill.Would you like me to call him?Please tell her to go to New York as soon aspossible.不定式作状 表示目的I opened the window to let some fresh air in.too to 和 enough to 构中的不定式表示 You are to

28、o young to join the army.果。The house is big enough for three of usto livein.用心爱心专心【模拟试题】一. 找出下列的 是 的名人名言。( 1) _ :You have to believe in yourself. That s the secrect of success.I m for people, I can t help it.( 2) _ :I find what the world needs; then I go ahead and try to invent it.If you do not lear

29、n to think when you are young, you may never.Genins is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.The man who is perfectly pleased with the present state of things is a failure.( 3) _ :Imagination is something more important than knowledge.If a equals success, then the formula is A

30、 equals X plus Y plus Z, with X being work, Y play, and keeping your mouth shut.( 4) _ :Life is not divided into semesters. You donget summers toff and very few employers areinterested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.Television is not real life. In real life people actually ha

31、ve to leave the coffee shop and goesto jobs.You will met make 40 thousand do llars a year right out of high school. You won t be vicepresident with a car phone, until you earn both.二. 填空1.Don t give _. I m sure you ll make it.A. inB. upC. toD. off2.The TV is really too noisy, could you _ a little pl

32、ease?A. turn it upB. turn it offC. turn it downD. turn it on3.If you work hard enough, you ll soon _ catch up with Tim.A. be able toB. able toC. canD. may4.When he was young, he became _ in biology.A. interestB. interestsC. interestingD. interested5.We wondered if _.A. the teacher would comeB. the t

33、eacher comes.C. the teacher is comingD. the teacher will come.6.Edison said that he would try to finish the work _ difficult it was.A. howB. howeverC. no matter howD. no matter what7.The baby kept _ for an hour.A. cryingB. criedC. criesD. cry8.Edward made himself _ and ask questions every minute.A.

34、to thinkB. thinkingC. thoughtD. think9.The headmaster is _ angry _ he can t say a word.A. very thatB. with upC. so thatD. with to10. Please tell him _ come here too late.A. dontB. not toC. notD. don t go用心爱心专心三 . 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. You must do more exercise to keep _ (health).2. He asked me _ (pass)

35、him the ball.3. He taught Edison how _ (send) messages by telegraph.4. The Yellow River is the _ (two) longest river in China.5. I hope _ (find) a good job after I graduate from school.四. 翻译句子。1. 你对音乐感兴趣,是吗?You are _ _ music, _ you?2. 我到处找自行车,但是没有找到。I ve _ _ my bike everywhere, but I can t _ it.3. 用

36、这笔钱,她为自己买了一所房子。_ the money, he _ a dictionary _ _.4. 请将收音机声音调大点,好吗?Please _ _ the radio _ _, will you?五. 阅读理解:How to Select A Home ComputerComputers are very versatile. They can do many things such as teaching, playing games, or helping with a business, so choosing a computer is not an easy, simple

37、job. But if you follow these steps, you will find it easier.First, decide on the main reasons why you want a computer. Is this computer very useful foryou? Is the most important reason to play games or to help with your business or to help with your homework?Second, look carefully at the programs th

38、e computer can use. Some people also write their own programs, If you want to write your own, it is important to look at the computer language. Is it easy to learn?Third, decide the smallest, or the least needs you have for your computer. What are the characteristics you would like to have? For exam

39、ple, do you want a typewriter keyboard? Is a colour display important to you? Your use of the computer will help you decide which characteristics are necessary, which are nice, and which are unnecessary.Fourth, when you have limited your choices to a few computers, look at the secondary usesand prog

40、rams. For example, if your main reason for buying a home computer is to play games, you may take computer A instead of computer B because computer A also can be used as a word processor.Fifth, think of the price. There are prices to think about. The first price is the price you mustpay to take the c

41、omputer home. The second is the price of additional programs and possible additions that you might want to buy at a later date.Be sure to try out the computer before you buy it. Sales people at computer shoes are happy to help you choose the computer that will best fit your needs and cost you least.

42、1. How to select a computer. Here “ select” means _.A. buyB. chooseC. examineD. find2. Computers are very versatile. This sentence means _.A. computers are very expensive.B. computers can do many things用心爱心专心C. computers are very good to play withD. computers are very cheap3.You should take _ steps before you buy a computer.A. fiveB. sixC. fourD. seven4.Which step is the most important for you to buy a good compu


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