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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic2SectionB教案 仁爱版The main activity is 1a.本 重点活 是1a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目 1. Learn a new word and some phrases:see off, put out, ask for a ride, get in, pick up, victory2. Learn some useful sentences:(1)The foreigner is asking for a ride.(2) It s qui

2、te all right.(3) I hope I wont have much difficulty communicating.(4)Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.3. Go on learning present continuous to show the future:(1)My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.(2)When are you leaving for Disneyland?(3)I m leaving this afternoon.4. Talk about sign

3、 language and body language. Teaching aids教具 音机 / 幻灯片 / 教学挂 / 小卡片. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步复 ( 时间 :8 分 )通 生 ,复 不同英 国家的表达 及网 用 ,引出手 , 入1a。T:We know thatEnglishisspoken differentlyin differentcountries.Then how tosay hello to each other in Australia?S1:They say“ gday” .T: What d

4、oes the word “ boot ” mean in British English? S2: It s the trunk of a car.T:Good! What s the meaning of“ F2F” in e-mail English?S3:Face to face.T: What about “ GR8” ?S4:It means“ great ” .T:Well done! In fact,Englishspeakers communicate in thiskind of simplifiedform.Besides, they also use gestures

5、to express their meanings. Look at me. This is mythumb. I put out my hand with my thumb raised. (做拇指朝上伸出手的 作。) What smy meaning? Do you know?Ss: Sorry, we don t know.T: It means that I am asking for a ride.( 板 生 及短 , 解并要求掌握put out, ask for a ride;了解 thumb。)thumbput outask for a rideT:OK, look at the

6、 picture in 1a, whats the foreigner doing?Ss: He is asking for a ride.用心爱心专心- 1 -T:Yes, where is he going? Lets listen to 1a.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈 ( 时间 :12 分 ) 学生 着 听 1a 的 音,以听力的形式呈 1a 内容,并找出文中重点 句和目 言, 生共同学 法, 下一步的学以致用打基 。1. ( 置听力任 ,首先帮助学 理解生 flight,然后 学生 着任 听1a 音,从整体上把握 意思,并完成所列 。)( 板 要求学生理解。)fl

7、ightT: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.(1) What s the foreigner leaving for?(2) When is Wang Junfeng s flight?( 生一起核 答案, 答案先不 正, 学生再听一遍,找出 的关 行 比,提高学生听力技能。)2. ( 学生朗 1a,在 本中写下 在 行 表示将来的句子,仔 察并 着去掌握。 )T: Please read 1a and write down the sentences that use present continuous to s

8、how the future.( 板 )I m flying to Disneyland.I m leaving this afternoon.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.3. ( 生共同 在 行 表将来的用法,教 用幻灯片展示。) 在 行 表将来 常有“意 ”、 “安排” ( 但不是固定不 的 ) 或“打算”的含 , 种 在 行 比 生 , 人一种期待感。它常表示最近或 近的将来,所用 多是位移 (come, go, start, leave, stay, arrive ) 。例如:I m going.When are you starting?I m l

9、eaving tomorrow.表示将来的 在 行 除用位移 外,亦可用某些非位移 。例如:I m meeting you after class.She is buying a new bike soon.4. (小 合作,找出1a 的重点 ,同 教 帮助学生掌握see off和 get in;理解minibus ;了解 guidebook 。 )( 板 生 并解 。)see off, get in, minibus, guidebook( 幻灯片展示下列 句。)They are on their way to the airport. on one s way toMichael and

10、Kangkang are going to see them off. see sb. offI hope I won t have much difficulty communicating. have difficulty (in)doingStep 3 Consolidation第三步巩固 ( 时间 :10 分 )以角色表演等形式巩固 1a,并操 在 行 表将来的用法,体 学以致用原 ,培养学生 言 运用能力。用心爱心专心- 2 -1. (播放 1a 音,学生跟 并注意 音 ,然后 行人机 。)T:Read afterthe tape and pay attentionto the pr

11、onunciationand intonation.Suppose you are Wang Junfeng. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with it.2. (学生分 ,然后 每 分角色 行表演。完成1a。 )T: Class, now let s work in groups. I ll choose six students to act the dialogout in the front.3. ( 根据 1a,判断正 ,完成 1b。 )T: Mark True or False according to 1a. Finish 1b.(核

12、 答案。教 解 pick up并板 。要求学生掌握 。)pick up4. ( 教 展示1c 画, 出一些关 , 学生用 在 行 表将来的 构造句并板 。)T:Here are some pictures.Now make sentenceswith the key words given below,usingpresent continuous to show the future.leave for Disneyland this afternoontravel to Canada tomorrowcome home in twenty minutes start at 7 o cloc

13、kgo to Shanghai next weekPicture1: is leaving for Disneyland this afternoon.Picture2: is traveling to Canada tomorrow.Picture3: is getting home in twenty minutes.Picture4: is starting at 7 o clock.Picture5: is going to Shanghai next week.5. (在熟悉 在 行 表将来的用法之后,两人一 操 ,完成1c。 )T: Pair work. Make dialogs

14、with your partner according to the example in 1c. Example:A: When are you leaving for Disneyland?B: I m leaving this afternoon.( 在每个小 充分 之后,教 找出几 表演 。)T:Now I llask severalgroups to act out the dialogs.Let s have a competition.( 通 , 学生熟 掌握 在 行 表将来的用法。)Step 4 Practice第四步练习 ( 时间 :10 分 )学 体 , 巩固 在 行 表将

15、来的用法。 在不同情境中 目 言,展开任 型活 ,激 学生学 趣。1.( 准 一些写有指令性 作的卡片,如 go shopping ,leave for Shanghai,fly to America等等, 一些同学来抽, 抽到哪个指令就做一些相关 作, 其他同学猜, 行 与 的 比。 )T:I have some cardshere. There are some instructionson them. I llask one studentto choose a card and he should do an action according to the card he gets.

16、Otherstudents should guess what he is going to do. Now let s see which team acts best.S :( 做 作 )What am I going to do?1S2:You are going shopping. Am I right?S1:Yes, you are right. / No, you are wrong.S3:( 做 作 )What am I going to do?S :Are you flying to ?4S3:Yes, I am. / No,I m not.用心爱心专心- 3 -2. (出示

17、2a体 的 片, 生 , 学生猜出它 的含 。)T:Class,suppose one of you is travelingin the UnitedStates. But you can t speakEnglish. If you are in trouble, what are you going to do?Ss:T:Good. You can take an interpreterwithyou or you can make a gesture to expressyour meanings. Now, look at these gesturesthatpeople often

18、 use in the United States.Guess the meanings of them, and you can discuss with your partners.( 教 把 片 在黑板上,一分 后提 学生。)T:Whats the meaning of the gesture in Picture ?S1:It means “ Have a victory” . ( 可帮助学生回答。 )T:What about Picture ?S2:It means I m puzzled. (帮助学生回答。 )( 板 并要求学生掌握victory;理解 puzzled 。)vict

19、orypuzzledT: Class, do you agree with him / her?Ss: Yes. / No.3. ( 小 。尽量多地找出日常生活中我 所运用的体 ,并且用 笔画把它 做成小卡片, 学生 行“猜一猜”的游 。)T:Boys and girls, let s workin groups and each group has four students.Westickthe gesture cards to the back of one student. He / She can ask questions about thegestures, and the ot

20、her three just describe the gestures and make the student whohas pictures on his/her back guesses what the gesture is.( 通 此小游 学生在 中掌握了不同的体 及其含 ,激 了学生的学 趣。)Step 5 Project第五步 合探究活 ( 时间 :5 分 ) 学生收集不同国家的手 和英 国家在 音、拼写等方面的差异, 学生的探究能力。1. (引 学生收集不同国家的手 并理解其含 。)T:Suppose you re a volunteerof the 2008 Olympic

21、 Games, try to search the Internetfor sign language and body language as many as possible, and then make a form like this. After that, please make a report to your class.CountryGestureMeaningAmericaGermanyAustraliaJapanIndia2. Homework:(1)Write several sentences using present continuous to show the

22、future.(2)Collectmore informationabout the differencesin Englishamong differentEnglishspeaking countries, including spelling and pronunciation.板 :用心爱心专心- 4 -English is spoken differently in different countries.Section Bface to faceI m flying to Disneyland.see sb. offMy uncle is meeting us tomorrow.put outIt s quite all right.ask for a rideI m leaving for Disneyland this afternoon.get inpick uphave much difficulty (in) doing用心爱心专心- 5 -


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