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1、Unit 1 How do you study for a testThe Sixth Period . Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary native, speaker, make up(2)Fill in blanks and make sentences using feel, spell, write down; join andfind.(3) Write an article using the target language.2. Ability ObjectTrain students

2、 writing skill.3. Moral ObjectEverybody longs to winning a prize like Xu Zheng. Do remember, no pains, no gains. . Teaching Key Points1. Fill in blanks and make sentences.2. Write an article using the target language. . Teaching Difficult PointMake sentences using feel, spell, write down, join and f

3、ind. . Teaching Method Teaching by explanation . Teaching Aid The blackboard .Teaching Procedures Step I RevisionFirst check homework. And then ask some students to read their writings aboutone of the peopleinterviewedin Activity4. Collecttheirwritingsand helpcorrectany errors before returning them.

4、Step Part 1This activity provides a comprehension review of vocabulary presented in theunit.Focus attention on the box. Invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the top.Say. You are to fill in the blanks with the Words. In some cases, you may need to use another form of the word, for example

5、 adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.Check the answers.Fivestudentseach reads a sentence,fillingin theblanks.The rest of students check their work.Answers1. write down 2. spell 3. join 4. found 5. feelsAsk students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentencesthat are me

6、aningful. Move around the room. Collect a few students answers with1mistakes on the blackboard. You along with the students help correct the mistakes. Sample answers1. Please write down the words on the blackboard.2. I can t spell some English words.3. Why don t you join an English club?4. I have fo

7、und my keys.5. Cotton feels soft.Step Part 2Thisactivityprovidesreading,writing,listeningand speaking practiceusingthetarget language.Read the instructionsto theclass.Ask studentstolook atthe Notes on Xu Zhengand Notes on Xu Zheng s essay.Elicithow to convertthe notesintosentences inan article.Instr

8、uctstudentsto say, Xu Zheng likes writing notes, watching movies and listening to pop songs.He thinks most people speak English as a second language.Ask students to complete the work individually. Say, the order of informationwill vary but should contain all the points in the notes.As studentsare do

9、ingthis,move aroundtheroom checking progressand offeringhelpwhen necessary.Ifsomestudentshavedifficultyinwritinganarticle,encourage him/her to write two or three sentences.Step Just for Fun!Thisactivityprovidesreadingand speakingpractice withthe targetlanguage.Ask all the students to read the conver

10、sation. Ask, What is funny about thiscartoon story? Help students to answer, The alien thinks he can learn English byeating an English book. Invite pairs of students to present this conversation tothe rest of the class.Step SummarySay,In thisclass,weve reviewedsome vocabularywords presentedintheunit

11、.And we ve also made up sentences using some words.Step VI Homework(1) Review all the language points presented in this unit.(2) Finish off the exercises on pages 3 4 of the workbook.StepBlackboard DesignUnit 1 How do you study for a test?Self checkThe Sixth PeriodSample answers to Activity 1:1. Please write down the words on the blackboard.2. I can t spell some English words.3. Why don t you join an English club?4. I have found my keys.5. Cotton feels soft.2Teaching Postscript:3


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