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1、Unit 3 单元过关测试听力部分一 . 听录音,从每组中选出与所听单词含有相同的元音音素的选项。(5 分)1.A. too B. good C. who D. to2.A. flag B. what C. family D. case3.A. white B. sorry C. English D. sing4.A. play B. act C. watch D. hate5.A. chair B. pencil C. map D. Chinese二 . 听录音,根据其内容判断各句正(T)误( F)。( 5 分)1.This is her eraser.2.This is a pencil.

2、3.She can spell ruler.4.That is his baseball.5.Her notebook is red.三 . 看图,回答你所听到的问题。 ( 5分)1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_四 . 听短文,补全方框中句子。 ( 5 分)Found:Is this your 1_?Please call 2_.Phone 136-2087Lost:My 3_My name is 4_Please call 5_笔试部分一,英汉互译:1. a set of _2. in English _3. telephone number_4. the ID card _5. pencil

3、 case. _6. a piece of _7.我的橡皮擦 _8. 打电话给她_9.打扰一下 /请原谅 _10.卷笔刀 _11. 失物招领 _12. 学生证 _二,按要求写出下列单词的相应形式1. these _ (反义词 )2. it _ ( 物主代词 )3. are not _ ( 缩写形式 )4. we_ ( 代词宾格 )5.I_ ( 代词宾格 )6. you _ ( 物主代词 )7. that is _ ( 缩写形式 )8. her _ ( 代词主格 )9. box _ ( 名词复数 )10. dictionary _ ( 名词复数 )第 1页三,单选题:1, - Excuse me

4、, is this your gold ring?- Yes, _.A. is itB. itsC. it isD. it isnt2, What is this?It is a _.A. eggB. orangeC. bananaD. apple3, _ do you spell baseball?- B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L, baseball.A. WhatB. What sC. HowD. How s4, It s a ball pen, _? It s a pencil.A. what is thisB. and what is thisC. this is whatD. wh

5、at s it5, _ your school ID card?A. This isB. IsthisC. Am ID. Are it6, - What s this in nglish?E- _.A. Yes, it s a watch.B. It s my watchC. It s a watchD. No, it s a watch.7, -Is that _ English dictionary?- No, it s _ Chinese one.A. a, aB. an, anC. a, anD. an, a8, _?Yes, it is.A. What is this in Engl

6、ishB. Is it a computerC. What is ten minus fiveD. Are you thirteen9, -How do you spell ring?-_.A. Its a ringB. r-i-N-gC. R-I-N-G D.a ring10, _ my book. _ your book.A. This is , ThatB.This s , ThatC.This is , ItD. This s , That is11, Please _ Mary _ 687 8068.A. give, atB. call, toC. call, atD. teleph

7、one, for12, -Is this your watch _ the Lost and Found case, Jack?-Yes,_A. at , itBs. in , it isC. in , this isD. for, thiss13, Is this your eraser? No, it isnt. I think _.A. it her eraserB. its her eraserC. its her eraserD.it s him eraser14, - _. Is this your mobile phone?- Ah, yes, it s my phone.A.

8、SorryB. Excuse meC. HelloC. Hi15, -Is this _ computer game?-Yes, _ is _ computer game.A. his; it , meB. your; this , hisC. your; it , myD. you; it , my四,用 I, you , his, her, it, this, that, me填空 :1._ am OK. And _?2. _ is a girl, _ name is Mary. 3.Are _ a boy?4.This is a pen ,and what s _ ? _ is a pe

9、ncil.5.Excuse _. Is _ teacher Gao Hui?第 2页五,句型转换:1.This is my pencil. (变为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ _ pencil?No, it _.2. What s the English for this?(同义句转换)What s _ _ English?3. that, ID card, your, ?, is ( 连词成句 )_4. This is a ruler.( 就划线部分提问 )_ this _ _?5. My mother is fine. ( 就划线部分提问 )6This is a pen in Engli

10、sh. ( 对划线部分提问 )_六,完成句子:1.这是你的铅笔刀吗?是的。它是是我的铅笔刀。-Is this _ ?-Yes, _. _ _2.那是她的戒指吗?不是的,是他的戒指。-Is that _ ?-No, _. _.3.这个用英语怎么说?这是一个桔子。-_ in English ? -_ _ _.4.你怎么拼写它?_ _ the word ?七,补全对话 (根据首字母 ):Mike: Good morning , Tom, How are you?Tom: F_, thank you . And you?Mike: I m fine, toos.thisI yourp_?Tom: Ye

11、s, itm spencil.Mike: Wthis in English?Tom: It asold book.Mike: And what s this?Tom: It ds aMike: How do yousit?Tom: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.Mike: Is it anEdictionary?Tom: No, it asCdictionary.Mike:Very good. Oh, it s time to go home . G_.Tom: Bye-bye.八,根据所提供的材料和要求,完成下例任务:有几位学生遗失了一些物品,请根据以下信息为他们完成寻物启事。Pe

12、ter: I lost a gold watch. If you find it, call me at 680-7432.Jim:I found a computer game. My phone number is 512-8843.Henry: I lost a set of keys. Who found them, please call 476-3539.Sam:I found a notebook with the name“ Kenvin Clark” . My phone-0287number. is 555第 3页Found:听力部分录音原文:Is this your co

13、mputer game?一 . 1. book 2. name 3. nice 4. thank 5. cap Please call _二 . 1. M: Is this your eraser? Phone # _W: No, it isnt. Its his eraser.2. M: Whats this in English?Lost:W: Its a pencil.A gold watch. My name is3. M: How do you spell ruler?W: R-U-L-E-R, ruler. .My phone numberis _.4. M: Is that yo

14、ur baseball?W: Yes, it is.5. M: What color is your notebook?W: Its red.三 .1. Is this a watch?2. Whats your telephone number?3. Whats this?4. Is this your watch?5. Is this your computer?四 .Found:Lost:Lost FoundLost:.My name is Henry Cooper.Please call _ at _Kevin:Is this your?Please call _ at _Is thi

15、s your key? Please call Peter. Phone 136-2087.听力部分:一, 1-5 BDABC二, 1-5 FTTFT三, 1.No, it isnt.My notebook.my name is Kate.Please call 236-5779.参考答案:2. My telephone number is 512-6398.3. Its a TV.4. No, it isnt.5. No, it isnt.四, 1.key2. Peter3. notebook4. Kate5. 236-5579笔试部分:一, 1. 一副 一套2. 用英语3. 电话号码4.

16、身份证5.铅笔盒6.一张 一块7.my eraser8. call her9. excuse me10. pencil sharpener11. lost and found12. school ID card二, 1. those2. its3.aren t4. us5. me6. your7. that s8. she9. boxes10. dictionaries三, 1-5 CCCBB6-10 CDBCA11-15 CBCBC四, 1.I, you2. This, her3. you4. that, It5. me, his第 4页五, 1. Is, this, your, isn2.

17、t this , in3.Is that your ID card?4. What s, in, English5.How is your mother?6. What is this in English?六, 1. your, pencil, sharpener, it, is , Its, my pencil, sharpener.2. her, ring, it, isn t, It 3.Whats,his ,rings,this, It s, an, orange4.How, do, you, spell七, Fine, pencil, my , What s, an, dictionary, spell, English, Chinese, Goodbye八, Found: Jim, 512 8843Lost: a set of keys, me, 476 3539Lost: Peter, 680 7432Kevin: notebook, Sam, 555 0287第 5页


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