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1、Unit 2 This is my sisterSection A一自主预习.把下列单词变为复数形式.mother_ father_ brother_ sister_friend_ grandfather_grandmother_总结名词变复数的规则 :_不规则变化this_ that_ is_.英汉互译his friends_ these boys_her grandmother_你的父母亲 _ 他的妹妹们 _那些女孩们 _ .按要求写出相应的词(1) this ( 反义词 )_ (2) these (反义词 )_(3) it ( 复数形式 )_(4) he (对应词 )_(5) siste

2、r (对应词) _(6) is not ( 缩写 )_二知识点1. 名词复数可数名词有单复数两种形式,名词的复数形式的部分规则如下:1) 一般情 况在词尾加 _ ,清辅音后读 /s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/。book-books /buks/desk-desks /desks/bag-bags /b gs/game-games /geimz/key-keys /ki:z/2)以 s, x, sh, ch,等结尾的词加_,读 /iz/. bus-_ /b siz/box-_ /b ksiz/fish-fisheswatch-watches3) 以辅音字母加 _ 结尾的词,变 _ 为 _ ,再加

3、_ 。读 /z/。 family_baby_party_ strawberry_4)以 _或_结尾的词变 _或 _为_。读 /vz/ 。knife 刀_ ,life 生命 _wife 妻子 _, self 自己 _leaf 叶子 _,thief 贼, _half 一半, _,wolf 狼, _,直接加 -s 的有: roof 房顶, belief 信念, chief 首领, gulf 海湾,proof 证据,等等。 两 种 都 可 以 的 有 : handkerchief手 绢 -handkerchiefs/handkerchieves5)以 o 结尾的词以 “辅音字母 +o”结尾的词,有生命

4、的加-es,potato_,tomato_, hero _;无生命的加 -s, photo_kilo_ ,piano_以 “元音字母 +o” 结尾的词,加 -s, radio_,zoo_常见的不规则变化有:man_,woman_,foot_mouse_,child_,deer_,sheep_,German_,Chinese_,Japanese_, Swiss_goose_tooth _mouse_6)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数peoplepolicecattle 等本身就是复数,不能说a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说 a person,a policem

5、an2. parent:指代_parents: 指代 _3. 介绍他人1) This / That is 这那位是2)Th ese / Those are这那些是 4. 指示代词this / these 一般用来指时间或空间上较近的事物第 1页that / those 一般用来指时间或空间上较远的事物5. This is my friend.复数_That is my brother.复数_三当堂检测1.单项选择1) . These are my_.A father B mother C parents D parent2) . This _Zhao Lin, Miss Brown.A isB

6、 areC amC your3) . This is _apple. Thoseare_.A a, bananaB an, bananaC an, bananaD a ,bananas1.4) Is she your _?Yes,she is.A. brother B. sisterC. brothers D. sisters5) . That _his brother.A. amB. is C. areD. it6) . Is Li Fang your friend ?Yes,_is .A. hisB. herC. sheD. he7) Is that your mother ?_A. Ye

7、s, its.B. No, it is.C. Yes, it isD. No ,it not.8) . This is _sister .A.IB. meC. myD.he2.用单词的适当形式填空.1. Look, this is _(I) mother.2. These are his _(parent).3. His father _(be) a teacher.4. My friends _(be) students.3. 据句意和汉语填空 .1) . My father and my mother are my_.2). This is my sister. _name is Mary

8、.3). What are these? They are _.(苹果 )4). Those are my_(弟弟们 ).5). Your mothers mother is your _.4.汉译英1)这些是你的朋友吗?Are _ _?2)那些是他们的尺子吗? 不,不是 ._ _ their_?No,_ _.5.连词成句1). my , this, mother, is (.)_2). your, that ,sister , is (?)_3). is ,your ,ZhangMing ,brother (?)_4).is ,she ,his ,aunt (?)_6.根据汉语完成句子。1)

9、李东是你的朋友吗?不是。_2)这是她的父母吗?是的。_3)那是我的姐姐。_7.句型转换1). This is my friehd .( 转为一般疑问句)_2). That is his brother .( 改为复数句)_ _3).That is her aunt .(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_ _ _ her _?_,_ _.Unit 3 This is my sisterSection B一自主预习1.写出下列词语第 2页照片_这里 _亲爱的 _为了 - 而感谢_我的家庭照片 _一张你的家庭照片_你的朋友_我的父母 _她的婶婶_父亲 _ 母亲 _兄,弟 _姐 ,妹 _祖父 _祖母 _

10、儿子 _ 女儿 _ 叔叔 _婶母 _堂兄妹 _ 朋友 _父母亲 _祖父母 _ 照_这些 _那些 _这 _为 - 而感谢 _2.用所给词的适当形式填空(1) Is that_(she) brother?(2) My _(friend) are at home?(3)_ (this ) is my s ister .(4)_ (that ) are my friends.3.写出下列各词的对应词father_ _grandmother_brother _boy_ son _white _come _ask _ no _二知识点1. Thanks for 因而感谢for 是_,后接 _.(名词 /代

11、词、动名词 )Thanks for_ me. 谢谢你帮助我。2. here be 要使用就近原则Here_a cup of tea and two apples . Here_ two apples and a cup of tea.3. the photo of your family = your family photo三当堂检测1.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1). She is his s,Mary.2). His fathers brother is his u.3). His mothers sister is his a.4).Is Jim your c? Yes, he is

12、.50 . Athose your friends?2.选择1).she your sister?A. AreB. IsC. AmD. Do2).are his two sisters.A . SheB. HeC. ThisD. These3). Is he your father?A. No, he isB Yes, hesC. No, he notD. Yes, he is4).Whats thisEnglish?Itsapple.A. in, anB. at, anC. in, aD. on, the5).Are you Jack? No, Im not.来源 :A. SorryB. E

13、xcuse meC. ImD . Thanks6). Thats her aunt,_name is Mary.A .hisB. her C. himD.she7)Is Li Ming _ friend?- Yes,_ is.A.your, youB. my, hisC.your, heD. she, he8) Miss Li, this _ my father.A. amB. isC. areD. s9) _ are my sister.A. ThisB. sheC. ThatD. these10) Thanks _your photo of your family.A.toB. forC.

14、 withD. on11)_ my parents.第 3页A. This isB. These areC. This isD. she is来源 :ZXXK3.找出错误并改正。1)These are his English book._2)I know he name is Paul._3)Those is eight pencils._4)Shes my cousin.Her father is my father._5)These are my good friend,Jim._4.句型转换1)This is my new backpack.( 该为复数句子 )_ _my _ _.2)T

15、heyre my aunts.(改为单数句子)_ _ my _.3)Those aremyCD. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _?4) This is my brother.(改为一般疑问句)_5)This is my sister.( 改为复形式数)_ _6) Are they your parents?( 做肯定、否定回答 )_7)themlovevery I much ( 连词成句 )_5.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1.Your father and your mother are your p_.2.Your fathers father is your g_.3.You are a

16、boy,you are your fathers s_.4.Alice is her mothersd_.5.Thanks f_ your help.( 帮助 )6.My fathers brother is my u_.7.This is a p_ of my family.来源 :ZXXK6.用所给词的正确形式填空1.This is _(I) sister.2.These _ (be) Gina and Lisa.3.These are his _ (friend).4.Are these her _ (cousin)?5.John _ (be) her son.7.根据汉语完成句子1).他是你的儿子吗? 是的 ,他是 . 来源 :ZXXKIs he _ _?_, _.2).那是你妈妈吗 ?来源:不 ,她不是 .她是我的姑姑 ._? _,_.3).这些是我的朋友. _.4).那些是你的祖父母吗?_?5).感谢你的帮助 . Thank _ _ your help.第 4页


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