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1、 Team备课小组天府路小学英语科组Date 日期 2010.11.09Designer设计者黄幼华探讨主题读写复习Module模块Module 5 The PastUnit单元Unit 13& Unit 14Title题目 The Past RevisionPeriod课时6thType of lesson课型复习课Objectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:(1)复习巩固动词过去式。 (2)Sentences句型(3)Grammar语法:一般过去时2.Language skill语言技能: 大多数学生能正确地运用过去时表达已经发生或过去的事情。并尝试把它

2、们写下来。3.Affect 情感态度: 提高学生参与课堂学习活动的兴趣,增强学生阅读和表达英语的自信心,培养学生大胆发言的习惯。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:(1) 通过创设情景和游戏等活动,让学生自然地理解和运用语言的策略。(2) 引导学生联系自己的生活实际进行表达和描述的策略。(3) 通过小组合作,共同完成学习任务的策略。5.Culture Awareness文化意识: 让学生了解汉语与英语的表达差异,强化学生的英语语言意识。Language focused 教学重点:能用动词过去式的正确形式表达已经发生或过去的事情,综合运用知识写文章Language difficu

3、lt point 教学难点:能用动词过去式的正确形式表达已经发生或过去的事情,综合运用知识写文章TeachingAids/Media and Resource教学资源与媒体自制课件 Preview learning 前置性学习1. 收集自己印象深刻一天的资料 2. 读A boring day 和 A happy dayTeaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activities & Steps教学活动及具体的操作步骤Learning Activities学生学习活动Strategies and purpose/策略与设计意图Warming upActivity 1: F

4、ree talkWhat day is it today?What day was it yesterday?What is the date today? What was the date yesterday?Activity 2: Let chantActivity 1: Answer the questions Activity 2:chantActivity 1: 通过free talk 自然引出本课教授主题,the past,在这里复习句子的表达Activity 2:活跃课堂气氛,给本节课复习过去式打下伏笔Pre-task1. What was the date last Frid

5、ay?创设亚运会比赛的情景,让学生在本课中通过小组比赛学习2. 过五关第一关:比赛说短语 T: We have learnt a lot of phrases about our daily activities. For example, wash the dishes 第二关:Games (过去式短语) What did they do last week? Watch the pictures quickly and say it out?3. 总结过去式规则,通过白板拖拉让学生复习理解过去式2.过五关第一关:比赛说短语The students say as more phrases a

6、s they can in groups one by one. 第二关:过去式短语 Pupils make the sentences with the phrases one by one.复习短语,为下一环节讲句子做铺垫。以游戏的形式激发学生参与说话活动While-task andPost-task第三关: 检查课前的阅读情况 A boring day 和 A happy day What did they do yesterday? 分类短语第四关:Who can read well? (1)T:Boys and girls, our friend Yao Ye likes writi

7、ng. He writes every day. Heres an article from him. Do you want to know what he wrote? Lets read. (2) Tell pupils about the reading skill and requirement. (3) Walk around and provide help when pupils need.(4) Check the answers with pupils. 第五关:Did you have a good time? (1) T: Just now we shared Yao

8、Yes bad day. What about you? Did you have a good time or bad time? Please share with your classmates.(2) Put an envelope with questions inside for each group. Make a dialogue with pupils as am example.第六关: Who can write well and share it? T: Some of you had a good time, some of you didnt have. Now,

9、can you write it down.(1) 指导学生写article的要点和注意的地方。提醒要用过去时来进行表达。Teacher write on the blackboard.(2) Give some key words that pupils may use. And provide help when then need.(3) Read and check some of the pupils work with pupils.2 .第四关:Who can read well?(1)Pupils get to know the situation of the article

10、.(2) Listen and make sure that they know what to do.(3) Read and do exercises on the paper.(4) Check the answers with the teacher.第五关:Did you have a good time?(1) Listen to the teacher and get the task. (2) Pupils choose a title to make dialogues with classmates after the example.3第六关: Who can write

11、 well and share it? Pupils just listen and get the task.(1)Listen and say out the main points. Do the job with the teacher. (2) Write a short article. Then stick their writings on the board and share. (3) Read and check some of their work with the teacher.Help pupils to know the situation.明确任务,使学习更有

12、目的。通过做练习,可以帮助学生更好的理解阅读内容。学生的及时反馈,了解学生对阅读内容的了解程度。通过阅读获取信息,巩固已学知识,同时扩大学生的信息量。创设情景,引导学生尝试运用语言进行交流,提高学生运用语言的能力。同时为下一环节的写作做铺垫。Prepare for writingPractise in writing.Build their confidence according to their writing share.Sum up1.The past and the past verb form.2.How to write a diary.培养学生及时归纳知识的意识和能力。HomeworkContinue to write your diary as more as you can , and share with friends.知识得到巩固和拓展Designing on the board板书 Module5 The Past 投影幕


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