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1、Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 、Section A 学前活动 学习内容:词汇学习热身 通过图片引出与电影相关词汇的学习,如:action move, comedy, documentary, thriller等。 教学活动设计意图: 引出本单元话题,为学习本单元目标语做好准备。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1 展示图片,启发学生说出与电影相关的单词,并鼓励学生积极举手抢答。(也可以安排小组说或写词的竞赛游戏。) Ask students to look at the pictures and say the kinds of movies th

2、ey see. (Teacher may arrange a game on words) Look and say. 根据教师展示的图片快速说出英语单词。Step 2 展示更多的图片比较直观地展示更多的词汇,让学生对与单元话题相关的新词汇有更多的了解,引发学习的欲望和兴趣。Show more pictures of movies and ask students to say what kinds of movies they are: romantic, science fiction Look at the pictures about three kinds of movies. 观看

3、,了解更多的词汇。 Step 3采用chain work(接龙游戏)的方式,让学生以小组为单位根据所展示图片快速说出有关电影名称的词汇,说得快的一组为优胜组。 Ask students do groupwork and speak out the kinds of movies they see one by one as quickly as possible. Chain-work. 按照老师的要求以组为单位,快速说出表示电影名称的词汇。学中活动一重点词汇学习: go, kind, action movie, comedy, documentary, thriller学习内容:教材Sect

4、ion A的1a 教学活动设计意图: 帮助学生学习本单元有关电影名称的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语的准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为 Step 4 播放动画,导入新课,并按课本要求布置学习任务。 Play the flash and ask students to do the exercise in 1a.Look at the posters. Match the kinds of movies with the posters. 看海报,与电影类型匹配。Step 5 让学生观看动画,并完成1a。可以先让学生同伴间核对答案,再利用PPT资源全班一起核对答案。关注学生的拼写是否正确。 Play

5、 the flash. Ask students finish 1a. Check the answers in pairs first and then check in class.Watch the flash and check the answers with the partners. Try to correct the mistakes if there are any. 与同桌讨论核对答案,发现问题,进行纠正。Step 6带读1a中的词语。 Read the new words and let students follow.Read the new words after

6、the teacher. 跟读词语。 Step 7让学生两人一组在互读词语中巩固词汇。 Ask students to do pairwork: One student read the new words, another student read them after him / her. Then change roles. Listen and read each word aloud. 听同伴读,然后大声朗读。学中活动二重点词汇学习:在对话中学习和巩固词汇。 学习内容:教材Section A的1b 活动设计意图: 帮助学生学习本单元表示电影名称的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语的准备。教

7、学步骤教师行为学生行为step 8播放听力材料前,要求学生先看图片,让学生预测和了解所听内容。然后布置听力任务。 Ask students to look at the picture first and think about what they will hear. Look and think. 看图预测。 Step 9 播放1b音频。让学生听第一遍后将答案写在书上:听第二遍,利用PPT资源核对答案。 Play the tape. Ask students to circle the kinds of movies in 1a they hear after listening for

8、the first time, and check the answers after listening for the second time. Listen and circle the kinds of movies in 1a they hear. 听并标出答案。 Check the answers. 核对答案。 Step 10第三遍播1b,让学生根据对话内容填词。Play the tape and ask students to fill in the blanks.Listen to 1b the third time and fill in the blanks. 听,填单词。

9、 A: Do you _ to go to a movie?B: Yeah, I _.A: Do you want to go to an _ movie?B: No, I _. I want to go to a _.Key: want; do; action; dont; comedy Step 11第四遍播放1b,利用PPT资源核对答案,要求学生互查。Play the tape. Ask students to check the answers in pairs. Listen to the tape for the last time and check the answers in

10、 pairs. 听,核对答案。学中活动三巩固词汇;目标语学习 Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie. 学习内容:教材Section A的 1c 活动设计意图: 在操练对话的过程中巩固目标语。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为 Step 12 利用动画演示目标语,为学生进入句型练习做好准备。 Do you want to go to a movie? Yeah, I do. Do you want to go to an action movie? No, I dont. I want to go t

11、o a comedy.Watch the flash and learn the sentence structures. 了解将要学习的重点句型。 Step 13利用PPT演示功能句,布置对话操练任务。 Ask students to look at the pictures and key structures, and then make a conversation in pairs.Look at the picture. Make conversations in pairs. 两人一组操练句型。 Step 14 让学生观看动画,再选择几组学生表演对话,适当关注第三人称单数的表达。

12、 Let students watch flash, then ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class.Listen to other pairs carefully and pay special attention to the verb forms they used. 倾听并进行反思,关注动词第三人称单数的变化。学中活动四目标语学习 Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to go to an action movie. Wha

13、t kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and thrillers, but I dont like documentaries. 学习内容:教材Section A的2a、2b、2c 活动设计意图: 通过听和写,学习并操练目标语。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为 Step 15 播放听力音频,布置听力任务2a。并利用PPT核对答案。 Play the tape and ask students to number the kinds of movies in the order they hear them. Check the answ

14、ers.Listen and number the kinds of movies. 听,给电影编号。 Step 16再次播放2a听力材料,让学生跟读。Ask students to listen to 2a again and repeat after the tape.Listen and repeat. 听,并跟读。Step 17播放2b听力材料,完成2b任务。Play the tape. Ask students to do the exercise in 2b.Listen and draw or . 对不同种类电影喜好的识别。 Step 18利用PPT演示核对答案。 Check t

15、he answers in class.Check the answers and make sure how to express “like / dont like” in English. 核对答案,明确英文中对喜好的表达。 Step 19利于PPT演示目标语,为学生进入句型练习做好准备。 What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies. Look at the sentence structures. 了解将要学习的重点句型。 Step 20 利用动画演示功能句,布置对话操练任务。 Play the

16、flash. Ask students to look at the key structures and make a conversation in pairs. Watch the flash and make conversations in pairs. 看动画并结对操练句型。 Step 21选择几组学生表演对话,适当关注第三人称单数的表达。 Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class.Listen to other pairs carefully and pay special att

17、ention to the verb forms they used. 倾听并进行反思,关注动词第三人称单数的变化。学中活动五目标语运用 学习内容:教材Section A的3a、3b、Activity 4 活动设计意图: 通过阅读和口语表达,运用巩固目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为 Step 22 利用动画演示对话,让学生大声跟读。Ask students to watch flash and read the sentences. Watch and read aloud.观看并大声朗读。 Step 23学生朗读之后,进行知识点and和but的讲解: and和but and意为“和,又,而”

18、,表示并列。 but意为“但是”,表示转折。We use “and” when both ideas in the sentence are the same. We use “but” when the two ideas in the sentence are different. Listen and take notes. 听讲解,做笔记。 Step 24要求学生完成3a任务。利用PPT演示,核对答案。 Ask students to read the sentences and fill in the blanks with and or but.Fill in the blanks

19、 with and or but. 用and或but填空。 Step 25布置学生大声朗读3a中的两段对话(为下一步看图对话练习作好语音准备)。 Ask students to read the two conversations aloud in 3a. Read the conversations in 3a. 大声朗读。 Step 26利用动画,按3b要求布置目标语的口头表达练习,并鼓励学生进行适当的扩展练习。 Ask students to practice the 3b conversation in pairs and encourage them to use more stru

20、ctures they have learned. Take turns to talk about the people in the picture. Practice the conversation in pairs. 轮流谈谈图中的人物,结对子进行对话练习。 Step 27选择几组学生表演对话,关注目标语的表达和及时表扬表达丰富的学生。 Ask several pairs to present their conversations and praise the pairs doing the good job.Listen and try to find others useful

21、 expressions in their conversations. 倾听,发现、学习并欣赏他人精彩的表达。Step 28 播放动画并组织学生做P55 Activity 4的游戏。让学生找到喜欢表格中电影类型的同学,并在表格中写下他们的名字。 Play the flash and ask students to find classmates who like the kinds of movies on the chart. Then write their names on the chart.Question and answer in groups. 4人一小组,操练口语: 每个学

22、生从另外三个学生那里询问信息,完成表格内容。Step 29布置学生汇报他们的调查结果。适当关注第三人称单数的表达。 Ask students to give a report in front of the class and pay special attention to the verb forms they used. Listen to other students carefully and and pay special attention to the verb forms they used. 倾听并进行反思,关注动词第三人称单数的变化。 学后活动学习效果评价 电影相关词汇:

23、action move, comedy, documentary, thriller等 句型: Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to go to an action movie. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and thrillers, but I dont like documentaries. 活动设计意图: 在综合训练中巩固Section A重点词汇和目标语言。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 30让学生完成课文和对话填空练习(见Section

24、 A学习评价),利用PPT核对答案。 Ask students to fill in the blanks. Check the answers in class.Read and write. 短文填空。 Robert 1) comedies and thrillers. Maria likes action movies 2) doesnt like comedies. Guo Peng likes documentaries 3) also likes Beijing Opera. Michelle likes thrillers and action 4) . Sally likes

25、comedies and Beijing 5) . 对话填空。 A: Do you w to go to an action movie? B: No, I dont like action movies. A: What k of movies do you like? B: I like documentaries. What kind of movies do you like? A: I like documentaries, too, and comedies. I d like thrillers. B: You dont? A: No. Theyre s .Step 3布置学生讨论答案,纠正错误。建议有疑问的学生,向教师或其他同学请求帮助。 Ask students to discuss the answers with their partners and help them correct their mistakes.Discuss the answers with their partners, correct the mistakes and make sure they have learned what is taught in Section A well. 讨论答案,纠正错误,掌握Section A的学习内容。


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