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1、Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?SectionB一、从方框中 恰当的 完成句子。每空一次,每 只用一次。island whenever daytime safe whether simply spring environment popular fear1.We should take these things away to a_place.2.You can_do as the others do.3.We_that there will be another heavy rain tomorrow.4.This happens_the child

2、ren are in two-parent or oneparent families.5.In the_he stayed in his room,sleeping or listening to music.6.You can ask for help_you need it.7.I think_is the best season of the year.8.There is a small_in the middle of the lake.9.We shouldntdrop litter to protect the_.10.The_of China is larger thean

3、any other country in the world.二、 ()1.-_you_out the prblem,Sam?-Not yet,but I m going to.A.Did; workB.Are; workingC.Have; worked D.Will; work()2.-Have you_been to Xiamen?-No,_.A.ever;never B.never;ever C.erer;ever D.never; never ( )3.-I ve never seen the Terracotta-Army.- _.A.Me,too B.Me neither C.M

4、e both D.Me either ( )4.-Wheres your father?-He _to Hongkong.He_there twice.A.has gone; has goneB.has gone;has beenC.has been; has beenD.has been;has gone()5.Some people believe that aliens visited this place_years ago.A.thousands ofB.thousand ofC.ten thousands ofD.ten thousand of()6.In China,more t

5、han 90of the population_Han people( 族人 ).A.isB.hasC.areD.have()7.The population of Canada_about 29 million.A.isB.hasC.areD.have()8.Lets go to_to buy_today.A.different somewere; good somethingB.somewhere different;something goodC.somewhere different;good somethingD.different somewhere; something good

6、()9.You can visit us_you want.A.howererB.wheneverC.whereverD.whether()10.He went to bed early last night and he_early this morning.A.wakeB.wake upC.awakeD.woke up()11._of the students in our school come to school by bike.A.Three quarterB.A three quarterC.Three quartersD.Quarter three()12.The tempera

7、ture on the island is almost the same all year round,becauseits_the equator.赤(道 )A.nextB.close toC.toD.far from三、根据 意思完成英 句子,每空一 1. I dont understand what hes talking about_ _ _ _(很多 候 ).2._ _ _ _(一方面 ), he is a piano player._ _ _(另一方面 ),he is a singer.3.You_ _ _(不会有任何 ) finishing the workon time.4.

8、In Singapore the temperature is almost the same_ _(终年) .5.Foxes are oftenasleep_ _ _ ( 在 白 天 )ina naturalenvironment.6.The Greens are going to_ _ _度(假 )in Maldives.7.Australia ,America and Singapore are all_ _( 英 的国家 ).8.I usually get to school by bus because my home_ _ _(离 很 )school.四、 短文, 最佳答案Lond

9、on has a popular of over7,000,000. From about the year 1800 until World War Two,London was the biggest city in the world.But now there are many cities which are much bigger than it.London is famous for many things.Tourists voome from all over the world to visit its famous buildings and hear the famo

10、us clock, Big Ben.Like many big cities,London has problems with traffic and pollution which stop thecity from developing.Over one million people a day use the London undergrond,but there are still too many cars on the streets.The air isntclear,but it is anyhow cleaner than it was 100 years ago.For m

11、e,the best things about London are the parks. There are five in the city center.But my childrens favorite place is Hamleys, the biggest toy shop in the world.()1.The meaning of the word “underground”in the passage is“” .第 1页A.playgroundB.subwayC.supermarketD.road()2._London was the biggest city in t

12、he world.A.In 1750B.In 1850C.In 1950D.In the21st century()3.Big Ben in London is_.A.a toy shopB.a parkC.a clockD.a museum()4.There are_parks in the center of London.A.1,800B.100C.7D.5()5.How was the air in London 100 years ago?A.It was much cleaner than it is now.B.It was the same as it is now.C.It

13、was the cleanest in the history of London.D.It was not as clean as it is now.五、从方框中选出适当的句子完成对话A.I went there last week.A.Hi,Mike! I haven tseen you for a long time.1B.Where have you been?B.Hi,Ann!I ve just come back from Hainan._.C.I have over 200.A.HowDmany.Ivebeentimestherehavetwiceyou. been there

14、?B. 3 E.IAndwill takeIhavethemtakentoyourmanyhousephotostomorrowthere.A.Great! How many photos do you have now?B. 4A.Really?Can you show them to me?B.OK.5A.That s great!Thank you!B.You are welcome.1. _ 2._3. _4. _5._六、阅读短文,回答下列问题Dear Lucy,How is it going?How is the weather in New Zealand (新西兰) ?Its

15、too hothere in Beijing. I left you in Wellington( 惠灵顿 )a month ago and I miss you and Lily very much.How about you and all of our classmates?I am new here.In fact, I have learned Chinese for three months so far.But at first I felt nervous because my Chinese was not good. I couldn tunderstand what th

16、e teachers said at that time.Later,my partner Li Hua talked with me for a long time and she said she wanted to help me.So,every Friday afternoon,she helps me with my Chinese and I help her with English.We have been getting on well with each other.Even we often have lunch together and sometimes go to

17、 school together.I think I have really become a member of our class. They are all friendly to me.So I feel happy now.I am afraid I must stop now,for I haventfinished my homework yet.Please write to me soon.Yours,Mary1.Where is Lucy now?_.2.Has Mary ever learned Chinese before she came to China?_.3.Whose English is better,Li Hua or Mary?_.4.Where is Mary now?_?5.How does Mary feel in her class now?_?七、书面表达你到过什么地方?你对它有什么印象?请你用英语写一篇短文来介绍你游历过的城市或景点。 80 词左右


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