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1、第二课时Section A(3a 3c)1 基础过关 .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1 Dont give up your dream.Believe in yourself and you can overcome(克服 ) the difficulties.2 What a mess(混乱 ) your room is! Please clean it up.3 Her son graduated(毕业 ) from Harvard last year.4 No matter what happens , do remember to keep your cool( 冷静 )5 Ill t

2、ry to be a loving and caring(体贴的 ) person in my life. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6 Their school is very beautiful.Ours(we) is even more beautiful.7 Helen is a caring(care) woman and she always considers others more than herself.8 Luke worked as a manager after he graduated(graduate) from university.9 Ill neve

3、r forget the excitement(excite) of the school art festival.10 Jessica is a lovely(love) girl with two big eyes. .用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。its time to , prepare for , make a mess, look back at , keep ones cool11 Were preparing_for the final exam.12 We should keep_our_cool when we face difficulties.13 Mike mad

4、e_a_mess in the bedroom when his mother was out.14. Its_time_to graduate and Id like to thank all my teachers.15 When we looked_back_at the past life , we felt very moved.2 能力提升 .完形填空。When he was 12 years old ,the boy did something that (he later realized) probably hurt his teacher.He was,after all

5、,a(n) _16_ at that time.When he was older and wiser ,he wanted to _17_ this teacher and say sorry._18_ the teacher seemed to have disappeared.In the past thirteen years ,the boy,Larry Israelson ,_19_ turned to the Internet ,typing the teachersname into search boxes.He found _20_ But he never stopped

6、 searching.Last month by now nearly 45years after the event happened _21_ succeeded.第 1页Excited , he started reading a news report I had written in a magazine about a program that helpskids.He studied a photo and found his teacher , who was a volunteer.He then e-mailed me and asked me tointroduce hi

7、m to the teacher , James Atteberry.I got in touch _22_ Atteberry.He agreed to talk to his student.Soon ,I received a letter.I immediately sent it to Atteberry.As Atteberry read the _23_, he was brought back to 1973 , when he was a history teacher.In theletter ,Larry said ,“ I am truly _24_ for leavi

8、ng your Seventh Grade class during the 1972 1973 schoolyear.I dont have many memories from school , but at the top of my exercise book you wrote You will gofar in life _25_ my school life , I was proud to be your student. ”When it comes to apologies ,no one gets a pass.Everyone needs to receive one,

9、and everyone needs to give one.(A) 16.A.kidB teacherC old man(C) 17.A.refuseB believe C find(B) 18.A.SinceB ButC Because(C) 19.A.neverB hardlyCoften(C) 20.A.everything B something C nothing(A) 21.A.heB theyC she(B) 22.A.forB withC about(C) 23.A.reportB storyC letter(A) 24.A.sorryB happyC proud(B) 25.A.Looking forward toB Looking back atC Talking back to第 2页


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