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1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Section B 教案Period 1 (Section B 1a1d)Teaching and learning Goals:1. Learn the seven days of the week.2. Learn how to talk about Ss favorite subjects and give reasons.3. Learn how to make out a useful learning schedule to save your time.Teaching focus and difficu

2、lties:1. While listening, students can circle some key words which are required to be mastered.2. Students should know what a schedule means.Teaching aids:computer, tape recorderTeaching and learning steps:Step 1 Lead in and revision1.One-minute talk.: Topic: My FavoriteE.g.: I have many subjects at

3、 school, they are My favorite subject is . Iit because it is And is my He/She is I like him/her very much, too.My favorite sport is , because it is .)2. After the talk, get the students ask and answer questions about it.3. Make dialogues in Section A in front of the class.A: What is your favorite su

4、bject?B: It s.A: Why do you like it?B: Because it s.A: Who is your .teacher?B: My.teacher is.第 1页Step 2 Listening1. Listening for the main ideaT: Let s listen to the tape and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the conversation is:1)Talking about David s classmates.2)Talking ab

5、out David s favorite subject.3) Talking about David s school.2. Listening for details1) Work on 1b: Listen again and check the words you hear in 1a.Check the answer: difficult, interesting2) Work on 1c: Listen again carefully. Circle the classes David talks about on this schedule.Check the answer: m

6、ath, Chinese, history and science.Step 3 Post-listening activities1. Listen to the conversation above and repeat.2. Talk about David s favorite subject with your partner.3. Talk about your favorite subject.4. Following up.1) Make a survey:T: Now it s your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please w

7、ork with your group (four students in one group) and finish this chart.NameSubjectdoesn t like Why? When? Favorite subject Why? When?S1S2S32) Make a report.Step 4 Homework1. Make a schedule about your favorite school day and do a report.2. Design an English schedule of classes。第 2页板 Unit 9 My favori

8、te subject is science.Section BWhen do you have math?I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.What s David s favoritebject?suScience.Why does he like science?Because it s interesting.Period 2 (Section B 2a3c)Learning Goals:1.Learn the usages: What do you think of be busy? ; in, on, at and finish

9、doing sth.2. Learn how to express preferences and give reasons about your schedule.Teaching focus and difficulties:1. Reading and writing an email.2. Students should know what a schedule means.Teaching aids:computer, tape recorderTeaching and learning steps:Step 1 Warming up and leading in1. Watch a

10、 movie: Just for fun!2. Pair work:A: What s your favorite subject?B: My favorite subject is_.A: Why do you like_?B: Because it s_.通 看小 ,活 堂气氛, 全体学生的学 极性,在 一步巩固基本句型的基 上, 入新 程的学 。Step 2 Work on 2aLet the students describe each subject alone. Then discuss their views in pairs. They第 3页can use: Do you l

11、ike ? Why? 个活 要求学生 事求是地 出自己 某个学科的看法,既 回答 2b 的 :Are Yu Mei s ideas the same as yours?做了 ,同 也便于教 引 学生正确看待不同学科。Step 3 Reading for the main idea 2b快速 ,把握 文整体大意。Read this letter quickly to find the main idea.This letter is about_.A. the subjects Yu Mei likesB. the subjects Yu Mei doesn t likeC. Yu Mei s

12、schedule of FridayStep 4 Reading for details 2b1. Read the following letter. Underline the subjects Yu Mei likes. Circle the subjects she doesn t likeWhy?.LikesDoesn t like Why2. Read this letter to answer the questions. Is Yu Mei busy on Friday?What s Yu Mei s favorite subject?Why does Yu Mei like

13、her Chinese teacher?通 , 学生的 技巧,提高 能力。Step 5 Post-reading activities1. 2c Complete Yu Mei edulessch with the information in 2b.2. Let several students retell 2b according to 2c in front of the class. 个 是 学生 本 所学知 的 合运用, 培养他 短的 篇的能力。Step 6 Inquiry into knowledge by translation1.What do you think of ?W

14、hat do you think of _ (Mary)?What do you think of _ (he)?What do you think of _ (play) the piano?第 4页2. busy adj. 忙碌的;热闹的,常在句中作表语。 例如:I m very busy these days.近来我很忙。表示 “忙于某事 ”用 “be busy with +名词(短语)”或 “be busydoing sth. 结构”。例如:Cindy is busy with her work. 辛蒂忙于她的工作。Many foreigners are busy learning C

15、hinese now. 现在许多外国人都忙着学汉语。3. 介词表示时间: in+年,月,季节; on 表示在某一天或某一天的某段时间; at 表示在某一时刻。例如:I have English _ Mondays.My birthday is _ May.We finish classes _ 5:30pm every day.4.Finish sth. /doing sth 表示做完了某事。例如:Does Jim finish_(read) the book?Jim 读完这本书了吗?5. 学生通过预习,做题观察,自己总结语法现象,然后用于练习实践中,达到学以致用的目的。同时也提高了他们学习英

16、语的兴趣。Step 7 Writing1. Work on3a. Number these parts of an e-mail message.2. Work on3b. Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday.3. Work on3c. Write an e-mail message to a friend about your Friday.Step 8 Homework1. Finish Self Check.2. Write an email to your friend.板书设计Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Section BEmail formatFirst part-GreetingsMain body-the description of the subjectsConclusion-sign your name第 5页第 6页


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