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1、GUIDED WRITING怎样写辩论报告【单元写作呈现】Read this letter from a German newspaper. Discuss with your classmates and decide whether you agree with Johann Weber. At the end take a class vote, and then write a report on your class debate.Dear Editor,Im a student at a high school in Berlin. I think highly of those

2、who are searching for the Amber Room. I dont agree that they should return the treasure to Russia if they find it. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. The search has cost them a lot of time and money. So I think that those who find the Amber Room should decide what to do with it.Yo

3、urs,Johann WeberQuestions for the discussion1. Who do you think the Amber Room belongs to?2. What should you do with things you have found even if the search cost you time and money?3. Do you agree with Johann?【写作分析】 本单元的写作要求根据Johann的一封来信在班里进行辩论并进行班级投票,然后将辩论的结果写成报告。此类试题中有较多的文字说明,实际上已经规定了考生的表述思路,对考生的

4、写作范围作了较明确的限定,试题中规定的要点一个也不能回避。【审题要素】 写作时应注意下面几点:1. 确定文体:这是一篇辩论报告。2. 主体时态:陈述观点的这类文章应以一般现在时为主。3. 主体人称:由于是辩论报告,文章应用第三人称,最后一段可用第一人称表达自己的观点。4. 内容要点:辩论的主题;支持的理由;反对的理由;自己的观点及全班投票的结果。5. 注意恰当使用连接词,使各个要点之间逻辑连贯,行文通顺。【思路引导】 本题要求写一篇辩论报告,谋篇布局时应注意以下几个步骤: 首先,开门见山地在第一段说明辩论的主题。 然后,第二段和第三段说明辩论双方针锋相对的观点,并给出充分的理由。 最后,阐述自

5、己的观点并写出全班投票的结果。【语言积累】1. The topic of the debate: The class had a debate and discussed whether .2. Opinions & reasons:There are different opinions among people as to .Some people claim that ., however, others disagree with it.Some people believe / argue that . while some hold the opposite opinion.Per

6、sonally I think that .My own experience tells me that .As far as I am concerned, .My point of view is that .3. The result of the debate:We had a vote and decided that .Finally we all agreed that .We were convinced that .【参考范文】The class had a heated debate about whether it is right for people who fin

7、d valuable cultural relics to keep them.Their opinions are as follows: some of them argue that if someone finds something valuable, he / she can keep it for they have spent time and money looking for it. In addition, they think that nobody will look for lost relics if they cannot keep them.However,

8、those who are against the idea insist that whoever finds cultural relics should not keep them, because cultural relics belong to the country. My point of view is that people should not keep cultural relics just because they have spent time and money looking for them. But people should be rewarded for finding them. Finally we had a vote and those who disagree with Johann Weber won. 通过学习这篇写作指导,你掌握了如何写辩论报告了吗?试着写一下吧,然后与范文加以对照,找出其中的不足并加以改进。


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