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1、河北师范大学本科毕业论文外文翻译商品销售系统的设计与实现院(系、部)名 称 : 数学与信息科技学院 专 业 名 称:科学与技术 学 生 姓 名:杨美丽 学 生 学 号:0951110516 指 导 教 师:赵明明 2013年03月05日河北科技师范学院教务处1 引言校园在线商品销售系统指的是将超市和网络相结合,通过互联网作为展示平台,线上订购,下线配送的一种商业运营模式。网上超市的兴起使网上购物成为时下火热流行的购物方式。现今,大学校园内二手货市场交易频繁,交易品是学生学习生活常用物品。在广告宣传和交易方式多为告示张贴、摆摊设位等传统方式,不能及时有效地将买卖信息在学生间传递。以校园局域网为载


3、校内学生,学生只用通过学号注册,成为用户后既可以作为卖方,登记上传自己要卖的物品信息;也可以成为买方,浏览系统首页,搜索自己要买的物品,为校内二手商品的流通提供一个便捷的渠道。3 系统设计3.1 业务流程业务流程分为两个部分:第一部分为,注册登录经身份验证后,用户进入系统页,挑选商品,点击购买放入购物车。选购完所需商品,点击页面“查看购物车”或“收银台”,检查购物车里面的商品信息,核实商品数量,输入收货人信息,最后确认,订单提交成功。第二部分为,登录后点击进入用户个人主页,在主页中进行商品添加和删除,回复留言,处理订单。检查订单无误后,点击确认发送,订单处理完成。3.2 系统主要模块3.2.1

4、 注册登录模块本系统适用于在校学生校内信息流通,因此可依照学图书馆管理模式,采用学生学号为用户注册名,学生修改初始密码后,用户信息自动生效,学生可进入自己的主页面,对页面内容进行管理。这样可避免使用其他注册方法导致的繁杂的检测。为了方便用户,该模块还设置了“忘记密码取回”、“修改个人资料”等功能。用户登录后,经系统自动审核,系统会显示用户信息方便了系统对客户的管理和调用。3.2.2 购物车管理模块在系统中嵌入网上超市系统普遍运用的购物车模块可以辅助购物者的购物行为,为用户提供一个方便、实用的辅助工具。在设计购物车时,不仅要考虑到其功能,也要考虑到其多样性和实用性。购物车应当可以存放客户选好的商

5、品,也能随时更改是否需要购买, 并能随时改变购买的数量,可以显示目前购物车中货物的总金额。3.2.3 商品推荐模块商品推荐是基于系统对全部用户最多搜索量,最多交易量的统计,找到一段时间内交易最多的商品或者被搜索最多的商品作为推荐商品显示在首页当中。3.2.4 商品查询模块商品查询在本系统中也是一项很重要的功能,其主要是帮助用户快速地找到想要购买的商品。为满足购物者进行商品查询,系统设置全站搜索,只要在搜索文本框中键入关键字就可以找到与它匹配的相应信息,为最大限度满足用户商品搜索,还设置精确匹配搜索和模糊搜索。技术方面,可以建立数据库链接,连接商品数据表,并按照用户指定信息和搜索方式将商品数据表

6、中满足要求的信息显示。在搜索不同的商品时也可以按照不同的搜索字段进行详细搜索,例如,二手图书的搜索中可以添加出版社、主编、发行年份等检索字段。3.2.5 商品发布模块商品发布是发布商品的最新情报,用来提示购物者。本系统的发布模块采用网上购物系统中常用的新闻滚动标题栏,滚动播放最新发布上网的商品,点击标题就可以自动连接到商品所在卖家页面,查看商品详情,或者与卖方实现在线交流。3.2.6 商品展示模块商品展示是系统具备的最基本的功能之一。只有通过展示才能让购物者找到自己想要购买的商品。该功能在首页中设计完成,首页与商品数据库链接,显示数据库中部分设定字段的信息。点击后打开商品数据表,将其中推荐的商

7、品属性信息显示出来,进一步点击可以与卖方主页连接,获得详情,或者与卖主联系。3.2.7 购物结账模块结账是购物活动中的最后一步,为了将商品送达到用户手中,必须要求用户输入自己的信息。客户结账时系统首先判断用户是否进入自己的页面,如果是已经注册的用户,就要求客户输入送货地址,当用户将地址输入并提交,系统进入结账处理流程。先把客户购买的信息写入成员数据表中作为流水账记录,接着把用户的购买金额写入金额统计字段中,最后在浏览器中显示确认信息。客户的购买信息将由数据库统一管理。交付方式使用货到付款的方式。3.2.8 商品添加、删除模块商品的添加和删除模块的具体实现是通过用户在自己的主页面完成。该功能通过

8、商品数据表来体现,该表主要功能为记录商品的信息(包括名称、分类属性、新货原价、二手价、数量、图片等)。用户在个人页面的添加、删除操作将直接连接到后台的数据库,实现对数据库商品数据的记录添加和删除操作。3.2.9 订单管理模块为控制并跟踪订单的执行而设置了用户接口,能提供及时有效的订单查询检索,其具体实现为根据订单发货、更改订单处理情况、订单转储和查看所有订单。订单表及其基本信息对每个会员购物情况提交后都记录,主要显示其消费情况和用户的基本信息( 订单编号、用户编号、用户姓名、联系方式、付款方式、订货时间等)并生成订单表。原文出处:Yang Jun, Journal of Yang Cheng

9、Institute of Technology Natural Science Edition 2008,21 (3)1 IntroductionOnline supermarket refers to the supermarket and the network combination, through the Internet as a platform, online order; line a business operation mode of distribution. The rise of online supermarket to make online shopping

10、become nowadays a hot popular shopping way. Today, the university campus second-hand market transactions, the transaction are students learning items commonly used life. In the advertising and transactions are posted, set up a stall the traditional way, can not be timely and effectively will the sal

11、e of information transfer in students. The campus network as the carrier, to the students to provide a platform of communication, can combine the traditional secondary transactions with online shopping system, to build a “students online shopping system . To promote the rapid flow of the campus seco

12、nd-hand information, while providing opportunities for students to open small shop on campus.2 Functional DescriptionThe system structure is divided into three parts, namely the user purchase management subsystem, user sale management subsystem and background management system. Various acts of purch

13、ase management system in order to shoppers what happened as the foundation design, including user login, commodity display, commodity inquiry, order and customer information collection, sell management system from the point of view of the seller, the commodity information to add, modify, publish and

14、 order information feedback, recommendation, message recovery management work; the background management is the management of commodity information provided by a vendor and buyers shopping information. The biggest characteristic of this system is to sell goods and buy goods users are students, stude

15、nts through the school registration, a user can as a seller, registration and upload they sell the items of information; also can become the buyer, browsing system home page, search to buy their own goods, provides a convenient channel for the second-hand goods circulation.3 System Design 3.1 Busine

16、ss ProcessThe business process is divided into two parts:The first part, register and login after authentication, users enter the system page, choose goods, click to buy into the shopping cart. Choose and buy the products they need, click View Cart or checkout , check the goods information inside th

17、e shopping cart, verify the quantity of the goods, the consignee information input, the final confirmation, orders submitted successfully.The second part is, after login click enter user homepage, merchandise to add and delete, in homepage reply message, processing orders. Check your order is correc

18、t, click send confirmation, complete the processing of orders.3.2 The main module of the systems3.2.1 Login ModuleThis system is suitable for students of university information circulation, so according to management mode of Library Science, the student number as the user registration, the student r

19、evises the initial password, automatic validation of user information, and students can enter their own homepage, carries on the management to the page content. It can detect complex led to the use of other registration methods to avoid. For the convenience of users, the module also set the “forgot

20、password retrieval , “modify personal information” and other functions. User login, the system of automatic verification, the system will display the user information to facilitate the management and call on the customers system.3.2.2 Shopping Cart Management ModuleShopping Cart module is embedded i

21、n the system, on-line supermarket system widely used in shopping behavior help shoppers; provide convenient, practical tools for users. In the design of the shopping cart, not only to consider its function, also taking into account their diversity and practical. Shopping cart should be able to store

22、 customer selected goods, can also change the need to purchase at any time, and can change the purchase quantity at any time, can display the total amount of goods in the shopping cart.3. 2.3 Commodities Recommended Module The recommendation is for all users the most search system based on statistic

23、s, up to the volume of transactions, finds the goods within a period of time to trade most or most searched items as recommended products displayed on the home page.3. 2.4 Commodity Query ModuleIn order to meet shoppers commodity inquiry, system setting station search, as long as the search text box

24、 key you can find the relevant information with its matching, searching for the best meet the user commodity, also set the exact match search and fuzzy search.Technical aspects, can create database link, link data table, and in accordance with the specified user information and search will require i

25、nformation to satisfy the display of goods in a data table. A detailed search in the search field, different can for example be in search of different goods, second-hand book search can be added in the press, editor, year of issue, search field.3. 2.5 Product release moduleProduct release is the lat

26、est release of information goods, used to prompt the shopper. Release module of this system using the online shopping system commonly used in the rolling news title bar, scroll to broadcast the latest released online commodity, click on the title can be automatically.Where the seller is connected to

27、 the product page, view product details, or the implementation of online communication with the seller.3.2. 6 Merchandise Display ModuleCommodity display is one of the most basic functions systems. Only by showing that shoppers can find to purchase the goods. The functional design is completed in th

28、e home, home and commercial database link set the display part of field information in the database. Click on the icon to open the data table, the commodity attribute information recommendation is displayed, further hits can be connected, and the sellers home page for more details, or contacts the s

29、eller.3. 2.7 Shopping Checkout ModuleSettlement is the last step in shopping activities, in order to delivery of goods will reach the hands of users must require the user to enter their own information. The customer checkout system first determines whether the user enter their own page, if it is alr

30、eady registered users, requires customers to enter the delivery address, when the user will address input and submit, system into the checkout process. Put the customer purchase information to member data table as journal record, then the amount of the purchase amount statistics users write field, t

31、he final confirmation message is displayed in the browser. Customer purchase information from the database to manage. The use of cash on delivery way of delivery.3.2. 8 Commodity add, delete ModuleThis function is represented by the commodity data table, the table main function is to record the info

32、rmation of goods (including name, attributes, classification of goods price, second-hand price, quantity, pictures etc.). Users in the individual page add, delete operations will be directly connected to the background.The database, the database data records add and delete operations.3.2. 9 Order Ma

33、nagement ModuleThe user interface for control and follow up the implementation of the set, can provide timely and effective order query retrieval, its realization is based on order delivery, change order processing, order dump and view all orders. Table of orders and the basic information of each member shopping situation after the recording, the main display basic information of its consumer and user (order number, user ID, user name, contact information, mode of payment, order time etc.) and generate a table of orders.


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