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1、Unit5My favorite subject is science一.写出至少 6个关于学科的词。二.翻译词组或句子1.最喜欢的科目2.在星期五3.在周末4.体育课5.在学校6.音乐教师7.中国历史8.确信9. 我最喜欢音乐,因为音乐老师非常善良,而且她的课生动、有趣。10. 他最喜欢打篮球,他想成为一名篮球名星。11.你的同伴12.课后三 . 询问你的父母、祖父母,他们最喜欢的食物、城市,歌曲,节日,电视节目、运动、电影等等,并填写下表 motherfathergrandfathergrandmotherfavorite foodfavorite cityfavorite songfav

2、orite festivalfavorite TV showfavorite sportfavorite movie四 . 改错:1. My favorite subject is math and English .2. Why do she like music best ?3. What s you favorite subject ?4. What s your mother favorite color ?5. She favorite color is blue.五 . 用合适的词填空,补全对话:1. A: What is( 1)favorite( 2)?B:( 3) favori

3、te( 4) is art .A: Who is( 5)art(6)?B: ( 7) art( 8) is Mrs. Mendoza .2. A: What is her( 9)subject ?B: Science .A: Why( 10)she( 11)science ?B:( 12)it s( 13).六 . 排词成句并回答。1. time , you , what , do , usually , get up ?2. often , go , when , you , do , to , school ?3. lunch , what , eat , you , time , do

4、, day , every ?4. time , your , what , does , play , brother , game ?七.按要求做下列句子,每空一词1. Our class has fifty students .(句意不变,改写)_ _ fifty students in our class .用心爱心专心- 1 -2. Mary does her homework in the evening .(改为疑问句)_ Mary _ her homework in the evening ?3. There is a little water in the glass .(改

5、为疑问句)_ _ water is there in the glass ?4. Her friend has lunch at school .(改为特殊疑问句)_ _ her friend have lunch ?八.填空,每空一词Dear Jennifer ,It s Tuesday , November 11. I am(1)( 2)today ! At 8 oclockI( 3)math. I don t(4)math. Then( 5)9:00I have science. It s( 6),but interesting . Next , at 10:00 , I have hi

6、story . It But ats boring but useful .11:00 I have P.E. That s my (7) subject ! I ( 8) lunch at 12:00 . After lunch ,I( 9)music. Music is( 10).I likemy music teacher, Mr . Morgan .Hesfun. All my classes(11)at 2:00 . After class I have gymnastics( 12)two hours.Ourteacheris very( 13) andhe makes me ve

7、ry( 14).But after( 15)I haveChinese( 16)club . It s( 17)interestingLove ,Jane九.根据问句,找出相应的答语:Questions :1. What s your favorite subject ?2. What s his favorite sports ?3. What s her favorite color ?4. Why do you like math ?5. Why does he like P.E. ?6. Why does she like red rose ? Answers :a. Because

8、it s fun and interesting.b. Because i t s warm and nice . c. My favorite subject is English .d. His favorite sports is basketball .e. Her favorite color is red .f. Because it s exciting and can make us healthy .1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _用心爱心专心- 2 -十.阅读理解:(一)阅读短文,判断正误:( T or F )Kate and Peter like spor

9、ts . In summer they swim and in winter they ski(滑雪) . Theyare planning(计划) a ski trip for this weekend , but they don t know whattheweatherwill be like . Its 7:30 now , and they are listening to the weather report(天气预报)on the radio . The weatherman is giving the weather report for the weekend .“ Fri

10、dayisgoing tobe cloudand cloudy. The temperature(温度) isgoingtobe-4 .It s going to snow(下雪) Friday night . Saturday and Sunday are going to beclear(晴朗) , cold and sunny .”Now Kate and Peter are excited(兴奋) . The weather is going to be perfect(完美的)for a ski trip . They are going to have a wonderful we

11、ekend in the mountains(山) .() 1. Kate and Peter like listening to the weather report .() 2. They re planning a ski trip for this weekend .() 3.They want to know about the price .() 4.It will be clear , cold and sunny .() 5.Kate and Peter are excited because the weather is going to be perfectfor aski

12、trip .(二)读短文,选择正确的答案。Everybody loves oranges . They are sweet and juicy . Some oranges do not have any seeds(种子) . Some have a thick skin(厚皮) and some have a thin skin .Theorange treeisbeautiful. Ithas a lotof shiny(有光泽的) green leaves.The smallwhite flowers smell very sweet . An orange tree has flow

13、ers and fruit at thesame time .Farmers(农民) in other parts of Asia and the Middle East(中东) learned toraise(种植) oranges from the Chinese . Then they taught(教) Europeans(欧洲人) .“Orange is both a fruit and a color . The color of oranges is so beautiful that inEnglish we use the name of the fruit for the

14、color .() 1. Oranges are _.A. shiny and greenB. old and wildC. sweet and juicyD. thin and white用心爱心专心- 3 -() 2. Some oranges do not have _.A. seedsB. sectionsC. flowersD. askin() 3. Orange leaves are _.A. shinyB. thickC. sweetD. wild() 4. There are many _ orange trees in China today .A. shinyB. thin

15、C. wildD. thick() 5. Europeans learned to plant orange trees from farmers in _.A. the Middle East and AsiaB. FloridaC. ChinaD. Spain十一 .写作:用68 句话写出你和你的朋友最喜欢的科目、食物、运动,并说明原因。用心爱心专心- 4 -【试题答案】一 . 略二. 1. favorite subject2. on Friday3. at weekend4.P.E5. at school(in the school)6. music teacher7.Chinese h

16、istory8. make sure9. I like music best . Because the music teacher is very kind and her class is livelyand interesting .10. He likes playing basketball best , and he wants to be a basketball star.11. your company( partner)12. after class三.略四. 1. is are2. do does3. you your4. mother mother s5. SheHer

17、五.略六. 1. What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at 6:00 a.m.2. When do you often go to school?I often go to school at 7:00 am.3. What time do you eat lunch every day? I eat lunch at 12:004. What time does your brother play game? He plays game at 4:30 p.m.七 . 略八 . ( 1) on( 2) duty ( 3)have( 4)like ( 5) at ( 6) difficult( 7) favorite( 8) have( 9) like ( 10)relaxing( 11) finish( 12)for ( 13) kind (humorous)( 14) happy( 15) that ( 16) chess ( 17) very九 . 1 c2 d3 e4 a5 f6 b十.(一) FTFTT(二) CAACA十一. 略用心爱心专心- 5 -


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