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1、课题Module1unit2 New York is in the课型新授east of America导学2、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。目标3、能听懂会说“ Where is New York? How big is it?”等问句,并能回答“ It s in theeast of America. It s about ”3、学会用英语讲述某个地方或某件事物的情况。4、能正确、流利地朗读对话。导学在第一单元的基础上会用“Where is New York? How big is it?”等问句,并能回答“ It s分析in the east of America. It s

2、 about ”学会用英语讲述某个地方或某件事物的情况。重点准确理解对话中的语句,掌握单词和基本句型,并能正确书导学难点写。会用“ Where is New York? How big is it?”等问句,媒体并能回答 “ It s in the east of America.It s about ”主体Module1板书Unit2 New York is in the east of AmericaWhere is New York? How big is it?It s in the east of America.教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、 录音带、旅游照片It s about

3、 ”导案学案二次修注1warmming upsing a songstep1 : sing a song2 任务呈现与课文导入。1.ss : Answer the questions1、教师出示 simon 的照片,Ask:Whois he ?Tell them: Hes Daming s cousin .Where s he from? Where s New York?2 、教师拿出一张美国的地图, Ask :“ Thisis a map ofAmerica.Where s New York?2.Answer the questions3、导入 : This class,we learn

4、Module1Ss:It is in the east ofunit 2 New York is in theeast ofAmericaAmerica.3. Play the game:Play the game:Please tur n to the northPleaseturntothesouth4.learn the new words.Pleaseturntotheeast5、播放录音或动画, 呈现 SB unit2活动 1。 Please turn to the west第 1页4.Ss spell letters and readPlay the tape.words afte

5、r teacher6、 Play the tape again.5.Listenand say :“ Who is7、讲解两种位置的表示法。Simon ? Where s Daming ?领土以内的用 in the north of,领土What are they doing?”之外的用 It s north.Listenand drawthe new3 巩固练习words.1 Teacher guide and explain.6.Read and repeat三巩固练习四、 Homework1act dialogues.Copy the new wordsA group act Damin

6、g,the groupact Simon.2、Finish AB unit213、Finish SB unit254、Finish AB unit24导学后悟:课题一模块的练习课型练习课导学通过练习让学生掌握一模块知识点目标导学学生在学习一模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握一模块知识点分析重点练习会重点句型并理解和运用重点单词,掌握运用本课的语导学录音机、卡片难点法知识点。媒体主体How +形容词 +is it ?Is it +形容词 ?板书What a big map of American!导案学案二次修注第 2页一、 Warmming up一、 Ss sing a song1、 sing a

7、 song2、 Greeting二、分组朗读句型二、 presentation1、教师呈现本模块的重点句型。三、做练习三.Practice1.在空格里填上动词“be”:1.Teacherguide Ss to do 1.Ia girl.exercises.2.Itvery big.四拓展练习3.How bigBeijing?Teacher guide and explain4.Youin China?5.This picture beautiful.Let students check each other6.That mantall.7.These postcardsold.8.How lo

8、ngthe Great Wall?2. 将下例句子译成汉语:1.a picture of the Great Wall2.a postcard of Nanjing3.two postcards of Shandong五.Summary4.a/one thousand kilometres5.eight million people六 Homework6.tell me more1、 Copy words five times7.tell me something2、 Read text8.ninethousand,sixhundred andeleven kilometres9.visit

9、America10. visit China3. 给英语译成汉语 :1. 大约六千七百公里2.大约八百二十万人口3. 告诉我更多4. 告诉我纽约的一些事情5. 十张长城的明信片6. 多大7. 告诉我更多关于中国的情况8.多长9、多远10. 访问纽约 .Give the Chinese for the fowllingphrases:1.many postcards of the Great Wall2. tell me more about Shandong 3.How big is Qingdao?4.a/one big animal第 3页5.Wheres Mexico?6.Canada is in the north?7. Shandong is in the north of China? 8.What a big map of China?9.New York is east of America.10.about one thousand eihht hundred kilometres .GivetheEnglishforthefowlling sentences:1. 多大的美国地图啊!2. 多好的老师啊!3. 多可爱的孩子们啊!4. 多红的苹果啊!5. 多高的树啊!五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业导学后悟:第 4页


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