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1、义务教育课程标准试验教科书五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do?,A Lets talk,1,容桂小黄圃小学 林佳凌,I can set the table . I can sweet the floor. I can wash my clothes and count to forty-four. I can wash dish and clean my bedroom. There is so much I can do. Now I ask you.,2,A game: Sharp eyes,3,4,sweep the floor,water the flowers,

2、empty the trash,cook the meals,clean the bedroom,5,make the bed,clean the windows,helpful,set the table,wash the clothes,Im helpful . I can,clean the bedroom,empty the trash,water the flowers,wash the clothes,cook the meals,sweep the floor,Tips: set the table wash dishes,7,Are you helpful at home ?,

3、Sure.,/ Yes , I am.,8,/Of course.,Are you helpful ? Are you helpful ?,Sure. Sure .Sure .Sure,Are you helpful at home ? Are you helpful at school?,Yes, I am. Yes , I am.,Sing a song,9,A:What can you do ?,B:I can .,at home,Pair Work,10,A:Great!Youre helpful.,11,A:What can you do ?,B:I can .,at school,

4、A:Great!Youre helpful.,A game: Guess What can he / she do?,12,He can _,13,She can _.,14,She can_.,15,16,Q2:Is she helpful at home?,Sure. / Of course. / Yes.,Q1:What can she do ?,She can sweep the floor and cook the meals .,17,Are you helpful at home, ?,Sure.,What can you do ?,I can sweep the floor.

5、I can cook the meals.,Great ! !,B:,A:,A:,A:,Chenjie,Youre helpful,A-Lets talk,19,Helper帮手,在小组中挑选出一位Surper helper 超级助手,Wu Yifan :Are you helpful at home?,XX123:Sure/Yes , I am . .,Wu Yifan :What can you do ?,XX1: I can. .,Wu Yifan : Great!Youre helpful.XX2.,Youre the winner .你赢了。,招聘会,20,XX2: I can. .

6、,XX3: I can. .,Tips:提示 sweep the floor cook the meals make the bed wash dishes clean the windows ,21,Youre a good helper.,Thank you.,A: Are you helpful at home/school?B: Sure/ Yes, I am .A:What can you do ?B:I can .A: Great ! Youre helpful.,22,Make a survey,调查,_ is helpful at _ .She /He can .,Make a

7、 report 汇报,_ is helpful at _ .She /He can .,A: _ you helpful at home ? B: _ A: What can you _?B: I can_the floor and _the meals. A: Great! Youre helpful .,Exercise,sweep,cook,Sure./ Yes, I am. / Of course.,Are,do,完成对话:,Homework 作业,1. 回家帮妈妈分担家务,并完成表格。,25,Hello! My name is _ Im helpful at home . I can

8、 _.,Thank,!,you,Goodbye!,26,Read and choose. What _you do ? I can sweep the floor. A do B are C can (2) I can cook _ A a meal B the meals C meal (3) I _ helpful. A am B is C can (4) Can you _bed? A do the B make C make the (5) What _ you _ on Mondays? I often play ping-pong. A can , do B do, do C do, have,C,B,C,A,B,27,


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