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1、Unit67 期末复习卷一、选择题(每小题1 分,共 20 分)()1 The population of that city1.8 million and one thirdfrom he countryside.A. is, comesB. are, comeC. is, comeD. are, comes()2 Do you mind my sitting here? _. It s Jim sandseathe will come back soon.A. Of course not.B. Better notC. Yes , pleaseD. No , you can t()3 -

2、You are not going out today, are you?-_ I want to go shopping.A. Yes, ImB. No, Im notC. Yes, I amD. No, I am()4 Shanghai is one of_ in the world .A. more big cityB. the biggest cityC. the biggest citiesD. the most big city()5 Thesports you do , theyou will be.A. much; healthyB. more; healthierC. muc

3、h; healthierD. more; healthy()6 Rose sings _ and her handwriting is _ .A. good ; goodB. well ; goodC. good ; wellD. well ; well()7 Mike is _, but his brother Sam is much _.A. heavy; heavierB. heavy; heaviestC. heavier; heaviestD. heavier; the heaviest()8 As we know ,China has the _ population in the

4、 world.A. mostB. moreC. largestD. larger()9 This box isthat one.A. heavy thanB. so heavy than C . heavier asD. as heavy as()10 My father isthan his mother.A. older four yearsB. as four years olderC. four years olderD. four years bigger()11 I found a cat _ on the floor when I came into the house.A. l

5、yingB. layC. lieD. lies第 1页()12 This movie wasn tA. enough interestingC. enough interested.I fell asleep half way through it.B. interested enoughD. interesting enough()13 The man refused to say sorry to me, _ it was his mistakes.A. becauseB. whenC. afterD. even though()14How far is it from your home

6、 to our school?_.A.Three kilometers farB. Three kilometers awayC.Three days walkD. Three hours bus ride()15At last , the teache r _ who stole Li Mings pen.A. findB. foundC. found outD. looked for()16Where did you go? There _ a couple of girls waiting for you ten minutes ago.A. wasB. isC. wereD. are(

7、)17Dale, please remind me _ the windows after school.A. to closingB. closingC. closeD. to close()18She _ the jacket as soon as she saw it, so she decided to buy it right now.A. took care ofB. came up withC. fell in love with D. ran out of()19We wont put off having the sports meeting _ it rains.A. if

8、B. unlessC. as soon asD. so that()20Susan, come on! Keep _. You will be the winner!A. to runB. to runningC. runD. running二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共 10 分)21 He finished_ (write) this story yesterday.22 She was_(move) by this sad movie.23 We couldnt stop _(laugh) when we heard the joke.24 The teacher hear

9、d the students_(speak) English when he passed by just now.25 The boy _( lead ) us to the post office ten minutes ago.26 They were proud ( 骄傲的 ) of their childrens _(achieve)27 Our tour_(include) a visit to the Science Museum last week.第 2页28 Of the three roads, Xin Yuan Road is the _(wide)29 When I

10、saw a plane flying in the sky, I jumped with _ (excite)30 If your child shows any signs of _(ill), take him or her to the doctor.三、单词拼写(每小题1 分,共 10 分)31 I think the opening of his restaurant will e_ him very much.32 The mother was so angry with her son that she beat him with a s_.33 The c_ work toge

11、ther to take care of their little baby.34 I heard in the w_ countries, almost everyone likes coffee.35 They spent the w_ afternoon painting the walls.36 Don t put the _ (石头 ) here or the car can t through the road.37 What do you need for making the _ (物体 )?38 The death of her _ (丈夫 ) made her feel v

12、ery sad.39 You shouldn t throw the rubbish on the _ (地面 ).40 The little girl will wear the _ (丝绸 ) clothes in her birthday party.四、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词(每小题1分,共 10分)41 The population of the city is about_three_millions(对画线部分提问 )_ _ the population of the city?42 The emperor built the walls to_protect_their_

13、countries (对画线部分提问 )_ _the emperor _ the walls?43 Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.(改为同义句 )Qomolangma is _ than _ _ mountain in the world.44 This stone is two kilos.That stone is six kilos.(合并成一个句子 )That stone is four _ _ than this one.45 Toms room is smaller than Andys room.(改为同义句 )T

14、oms room is not _ _ _ Andys room.46 Youll be late for class unless you take a taxi.(改为同义句 )_ you _take a taxi,youll be late for class.47 He went to a doctor because he had a bad cold (对画线部分提问 )_ _he_to a doctor?第 3页48 We can see some pictures on the wall.(改为否定句 )We_see_pictures on the wall.49 The be

15、autiful girl will marry a writer next month.(改为同义句 )The beautiful girl will_ _ _a writer next month.50 She was so weak that she couldnt keep running.(改为同义句 )She was_weak_keep running.五、完成句子(每小题2 分,共 20 分)51孙悟空能将自己变成不同的动物。Sun Wukong can _ himself _ different animals.52天气如此冷以至街上几乎没有人。It is _ cold _ th

16、ere are few people in the street.53昨天那只狗把我们带到了她家。The dog _ us _ her home yesterday.54他们去年十月份结的婚。They _ _ last October.55上周末我们俩都没有去参加聚会。_ _ us went to the party last weekend.56她戴帽子保护她的皮肤不受日晒。She wore a hat to _ her skin _ the sun.57如果需要我的服务,请随时叫我。Please _ _ to call me if you need my service.58我的汽车最多能

17、坐四个人。I can take _ _ four people in my car.59就我所知,我们下星期一要进行一次考试。_ _ _ _ _, we will have a test next Monday.60中国人口比美国多。China has a(n) _ _ than the USA.六、填写适当的句子补全对话(每小题2 分,共 20 分)( A)第 4页A: Jane, I call ed you just now, but you didn t pick61up.?B: I was reading a story called the fox and the crow (狐狸和

18、乌鸦).A: 62 ?B: Oh, it s very educational.A: 63 ?B: Of course. One day, the crow got a piece of meat. The fox was very hungry and wanted to eatthe meat. Then the fox said hello to the crow. But the crow didn t answer.A: 64 ?B: Then the fox said the crow had a beautiful voice and asked the crow to sing

19、 a song. The crow was very proud ( 得意的 ) and wanted to sing. When it opened its mouth, the meat dropped and thefox got it.A: The crow was really silly.B: 65 . The fox wasn ttellingthe truth.Th e crow had a terriblesinging voice.( B)A: 66 B: Yes. China is one of the oldest countries in the world.A: 6

20、7 B: More than 1.3 billion. It has the largest population in the world.A: 68 B: Of course. Its the longest wall in the world.A: 69 B: Its about 8 , 850 kilometers long if we only talk about the parts from Ming Dynasty. As far as Iknow ,there are no man made objects as big as this. Would you like to visit it?A: 70 But I dont have time now. Maybe another time.七、书面表达(共10 分)71假如今天英语口语课的主题是“MyFavoriteStory ” , 请你根据下面的提示,写一篇短文讲述你最喜欢的故事,在课上和大家分享。要点提示:(1 )What is your favorite story?( 2)What is it about? ( 3)What can you learn from it?第 5页要求:( 1 )意思连贯,语言通顺;( 2 )70 词左右。My Favorite Story_第 6页


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