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1、分组谈论活动及发生的频率。预展:针对展示方案 , 组内积极思考 , 全员参与展示设计展示方式。5. Activity.情况。1. Read for pronunciation.1)Read 2d loudly by yourself.2)Listen and repeat after the tape.2.Read for information. Read and answer the questions:1) What are Nick and Jill talking about?_ 音。2)What can we do to protect the environment?Step 4

2、 Reading3. 根据表格完成2. 组 内互听互 查纠 正发果展示在小黑板上。2a , 2b 任务 , 并把讨论结1. 组内交流、讨论完成群学2c 对话练1a 独学完1b,樊城区学校八年级英语学科导学案课题: Unit 7 Will people have robots ? Section A (1a-2d)课型:听说课 课时:2 课时 (第 1 课时:导学、独学、互学、小展示;第2 课时:大展示、评学)主备人:王芙蓉学习目标 : 1.会读、会写、会用本部分词汇。2.掌握将来时态的结构。重、难点 : 1.能正确使用一般将来时谈论对未来的预测。2.能正确使用 more、less 、fewer

3、 表示数量。独学准备 :自学课后生词,完成 随堂笔记一 。激情激趣独立思考分享交流展示提升导入目标个体探究合作探究启发探究导学引航独学指导互动策略展示方案目的、方法、时间内容、学法、时间内容、形式、时间内容、方式、时间Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 Work on 1a对学方案一:角色扮演Check “” A for agree or D for disagree.随堂笔记重点摘记成果记录规律总结随堂笔记一:and revisionTalkaboutSimpleFutureTense.1.1a 对子互查查Step 3Listening成情况。1. Listen for informa

4、tion1)1b.listenand circlethe predictionsin1a.2.1c Work in pairs.2)2a. Listen and circle the words.Practice the2、 Listen for details .Finish 2b. Listen andcheck.conversation in 1c.3.1)ListenandpayattentiontotheThen make your ownpronunciation and intonation.2)Listenandfollowthetapeloudly,conversations

5、 aboutcorrect pronunciation.what you do on3.Listen for pronunciation.1)Listenandpayattentiontotheweekends.pronunciation and intonation.3.2d Role-play the2)Listen and followthe tapeloudly,correctpronunciation.conversations.3.Read for language .Readand fillinthe习。组长带领全组成员一blanks with the books closed起

6、完成,比一比哪个组最A: What are you reading ,Jill?B:It s_.有序。A: Sounds cool ,so_.B: Well, cities will be _.There willbe 4. 组长检查随堂笔记完成_and the environmentwill_.A: That sound bed._.B: Maybe, but I want to _.A: Me too .Then what can we do ?B: We can use _ Every should _.展示 1c 对话建议:先组内小展, 根据展示意愿选取两组进行展示。方案二:有声有色展

7、示 2d 对话建议:1、分角色进行朗读,看哪组读的声情并茂。2、编对话,根据本课重点编一段含有频率副词的对话,进行抢展。方案三:记者采访,精彩纷呈充分准备以情景剧的方式进行展示。建议:全组都要参与进来,注意分工及展示姿态。写出新出现的单词或短语。_我的收获:_当堂测评分层达标基础落实第 1页一、根据所给汉语提示完成单词。1. A _ (机器人 ) can help people do the housework.2. _ (每件东西 ) is ready now.3. I need two big pieces of _ 纸() .4. There will be _ (更少的 ) cars

8、in 100 years.5. _ (污染 ) makes fish die (死亡 ) in the river.6. There are more and more _树(木 ) in our country.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Cities _ (be) very clean in the future.2. We _ (study) at home on computers in 100 years.3. There _ (be) only one country in the world in 100 years.4. Because there is less _ (p

9、ollute), our hometown becomes more and more beautiful.5. I can do it with _ (few) people and _ (little) money.6. There will be _ (many) cars than before.发展能力1.人们在家里将拥有机器人。 People_in their homes.2.人们将不再用钱,一切东西将免费。People_ _ money. Everything _ _ free.3.人们将会活到 200 岁。 People _ _ to be200 years old.4. 10

10、0 年后将会有更少的污染。There will be _ _ in 100years.5.我认为地球上将只有一个国家。I think there _ _ _one country _ _ _.提升素养阅读理解Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2020“. Whatwill our world be like in the year 2 020?”“Idonknow, ”says Fred.“ Whatdo you think? ”“ Well,no one k nows, but it sinteresting to guess. ”“ Inthe

11、 year 2020 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their problems. W e shall all have telephones in our pockets, too, andwe llbe able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhapswe llbe able to see them at the sametime. ”“A lot of people will liv

12、e and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea,oot. ”“ Machineswill do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays, perhapsthey workll only two or three days a week.They llbe able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holida ys ther

13、e. “”I mlooking forward to the year 2020. I hope to go to themoon!”“ AndI hope I bell able to live under thesea. ”says Fred.“ Wontthat be very intere sting? Just like afish! ”1.Tom and Fred talked about _ .A. their school lifeB. some interesting news C. their life in the pastD. their life in the fut

14、ure2. Machines will _ .A. do most of the work instead of people B. do some of the work instead of people C. do as much work as people D. do as little work as people3. From their talk, we know that _.A. only Fred hopes to fly to the moonB. both of them hope to fly to the moonC. one of them hopes to f

15、ly to the moonD. neither of them hopes to fly to the moon4. Fred said _.A. he liked fish very muchB. he would like to live under the sea like a fishC. he would go fishing under the seaD. he would spend a few days on the moon5. Which of the following statements if NOT mentioned?A. people will be able to fly to the moon in a spaceshipB. people will have more holidaysC. many people will live and work under the seaD. all the factories and farms will be built under the sea第 2页


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