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1、(人教 PEP)六年级英语下册教案Unit 4 My holidayPEP Book8Unit 4 My holiday ALet s read学习目标重点 点教具 言知 言技能情感 度1. 能听 下列句子:1能 听懂、 会 Let s1培养学生学 英 Every day I had fun with myread 中信的内容并独立的 趣及自信心。cousins. On Monday we went to完成信后的 写 。2在学 中通 游 及各a restaurant. TomorrowI ll2能 完成 Let s find种 活 培养学生合作be back home.out 部分的 。意

2、3能 听懂、 会唱歌曲 “ ATrip to China ”能 理解 Let s read中的短文能正确 下列句子:Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to arestaurant. TomorrowI ll be back home. 音机,磁 等环节 生活 意 Prepar1. Let s chant (学生用 第 41 )通 chant ,既活 了ation 堂气氛,又复 了本准 备 活单元重点句型动(一)分步学 中的重点 言Presentation新 知 呈现1. 通 教学 will , 将来 句型。(1) T:

3、 What day is it today?S: It sT: What are you going to do this weekend?S: I am going toT: Have a good time!S: Thank you.T: I will this weekend.教 告 学生be going to和 will意思相近,多数情 学生来 划自己的周末,可以提高学生表达的 极性。 学生来 划自己的周末,可以提高学生表达的 极性。用心爱心专心1况下可以互 使用。教(2)教 学生 自己的周末活 ,用句型“I amgoing to this weekend.”或者“ I will th

4、isweekend. ”造句。学过程 Consolidation and extens ion (巩固 与 拓展)(二)教学Let s read .1 短文。教 : John had fun on his holiday. What did hedo? 引 学生 着 短文。(1)What did he do on Monday?( 2) What did he do on Tuesday?( 3) What did he do on Wednesday?(4)What did he do on Thursday?(5)What will he do on Friday?Watch VCD /

5、Listen to the tape.2. 小 后校 答案。3. 再 文,解答疑惑。4. Read and finish the sentences.(三) Let s sing学生跟 音学唱歌曲。1. 学 英文 写格式。2. 提供另一篇 文章做相关 。Z(Zhang Peng)W(Wu Yifan)W: Hello, Zhang Peng! Glad to see you.Z: Glad to see you, too. Did you have awonderful holiday?W: Yes, I did. What about you? Where did you go on you

6、r holiday?Z: I went to Dali.学会正确“听”是学 言的关 。 着 听 音能提高学生听的 量和信心。用心爱心专心2板书设计W: How did you go there?Z: I went there by air plane.W: Wow! Cool! What did you do there?Z: I ate good food, sang and danced and tooka lot of pictures.W: Did you have a good time on your holiday?Z: Yes, I did.I had a lotof fun on my holiday.阅读结束后,学生以学习小组为单位,帮助张鹏完成他的一篇暑假游记。I_ a wonderful winter_. I_ to Dali by _. There, I _ _, _ and _ and_ lotsof_. I had a lotof _on my holiday.3、 Homework(家庭作业)听 A 部分的录音,读给家长听。Unit 4 My HolidayA. Let s readbe going towill通过写作练习,巩固应用已学动词的过去式,并锻炼学生的语言应用能力。用心爱心专心3


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