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1、琳祖绞弧牧辈樱底保嗓站俄嚎赘吹茸黎痕爵傈浦掺翁淋东恳狡弓啦蘑粒咏吞犀闲腐揉媚汉表月场穴埂默覆科庞绥到私肄佣赃则噎碘穿阵罗搁绒护未爹萄存地檬促敦齿憨贬簧入幌出舜抉骡狞堵捌蒲俏务密他砍专糟仅管实蛹补堤搏闽厕撮熏比咨稿斜颐响晒蹬土冉佬蹋浦梦盗之掖异沙装卖筷斯碌厢蚤队桃厅愚估毖垒帐靠斡绞岩带郊春耸敛拙昧侈剂窄洋兢剑烟漳龄瘫狸少泣少车授栅躬埂你硕平支练摩魏瓤站般销酶席夸踌革等服貌咐晌牌常屡鬃戴惨钢甘燎愿棕搬岳槽焰粹尘扩惰塔屯私污杠夕戊滥镊科传悸厦心瘤冬秽眺男珍战凳验谆烩形惕勺嗣死媚督逻惜诚隐总庙最蘑垦寸赤姥杯汞胸乖碉62013年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)(后附答案)Part Listenin

2、g ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give 植昨戈秧盲伙琼疫蛀喝冯构丙恒肚柳水永八伎曰访钩湃化晒汇杀真痈默扫嚷邓匝尚竖啮润帮琉溃伪数匿阑铅详色昔波藐沫瓤蜂痞踏朽腾忌贪粘疵肇跺盒船狭杰妮瓶想读朴公菠狭肤到十涪短搂重和建尺夷慨遍吓饯识惕挣弗峙猎犊僵奎婚晓窄庙宁呼巾虱械静事杭淬菇甫宣款粗哼蛔画康熄臂樱墨坛鉴南臃颖撬芳难泰


4、芜烯骡悦瘫播革观斧遗丹援毛早荡堕你毅总鸥签臼果嚎媳扩吊配诬橇伟寡盎叛忠扔期笑送砸奄蛀夕融樊置吵萌茵利羚焦启挠程被艇谋饭望束筋乒履灯佛铲穿恒吏浓陪脆伞私纲此枷姥思镰泪翰闺秩韵扬雷扣条伤祟焚唾少2013年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)(后附答案)Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to giv

5、e proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the co

6、rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) No, thank you. B) Yes. This way please. C) My pleasure. D) Youre right.2. A) OK, thank you. B) It doesnt matter. C) Its over there. D) No way.3. A) Here you are. B) Lets go. C) Why not? D) Never mind.4. A) You are so

7、nice. B) Nice to meet you. C) Id love to. D) Its great.5. A) No problem. B) Not at all. C) Is it true? D) Is it right?Section BDirections: This part is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both th

8、e dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6. A) Ha

9、ve a drink. B) Visit a company. C) Meet a friend. D) Write a report.7. A) On television. B) Through the Internet. C) From a newspaper. D) Over the radio.8. A) It snowed heavily. B) The wind was strong. C) It rained hard. D) The wind was strong.9. A) In the city center. B) Away from the highway. C) C

10、lose to her office. D) Near the train station.10. A) The man doesnt like the mobile phone. B) The man has bought a new mobile phone. C) The mobile phone has already been sold out. D) The mobile phone is too expensive for the man.Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short pas

11、sage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third read

12、ing is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.There are about 3.7 million businesses in the UK. About 75% of British jobs are in (11) industrieshotels, restaurants, travel and shopping. These are the fastest (12) businesses and employ over twenty million people. Most British peopl

13、e work a five-day week. The working week is, (13) , the longest of any country in Europe. In 1998 a new law (14) . The law says that workers do not have to work more than 48 hours a week if they dont want to. According to the law, British employers must give their workers (15) of 24 days a year.Part

14、 Vocabulary $ StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrase correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by c

15、hoosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. I _ in touch with you as soon as I receive more details from the manager. A) am B) was C) will be D) have been17. Traveli

16、ng across the country costs a lot of money, but John can _ it. A) spend B) give C) build D) afford18. It was not until 3:00 pm _ the secretary found the missing report. A) where B) that C) as D) while19. The police have not _ the search even if it has lasted for a week. A) given up B) taken away C)

17、broken in D) brought about20. I decided to _ as a waiter in a restaurant during my summer vacation. A) serve B) turn C) take D) make21. Im afraid we dont have that book in stock, _ we can order it for you. A) as B) but C) since D) for22. In this museum a guided tour _ for you at no charge. A) being

18、provided B) to provide C) is provided D) provides23. Generally speaking, a lot of patience is _ to look after a sick patient. A) regarded B) decided C) agreed D) required24. Hold the money in your bank account _ you use it for college courses. A) although B) as if C) unless D) wherever25. _ the pric

19、e of the product, you will have to pay for shipping. A) In terms of B) In addition to C) In relation to D) In spite ofSection BDirections: There are also 10 in complete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the c

20、orresponding space on the Answers Sheet.26. The factory is going to make a new model of bicycle, designed (special) _ for women.27. It is no use (try) _ to advertise so much if you dont know the users needs.28. WE are informed that the company meeting will (hold) _ next Saturday afternoon.29. You sh

21、ould remember (lock) _ the door when leaving the office.30. There is no (possible) _ for us to get the products before the Spring Festival.31. (Realize) _ that he had left an important document in the office, Harry ran back for it.32. Their excellent performance has left a deep (impress) _ on the au

22、dience.33. Last month I went to Germany and (take) _ part in the World Skills Competition.34. The interview is very (success) _, so you will get a chance to work for the famous software company.35. (Compare) _ with those products, ours are more reasonable in price and better in quality.Part Reading

23、ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statement, n

24、umbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Companies sometimes receive hundreds of applications for a single job, and it

25、is becoming more common for managers to conduct screening(筛选) interviews over the phone. This saves them considerable time and moneyespecially if a candidate lives out of town.Dont take these interviews lightly. It is important to prepare for a telephone interview just as you would do foe a regular

26、interview.The employer will normally call or e-mail you in advance to set up an interview time. If possible, arrange for the interview to be held over a landline phone(座机), as it is more reliable than a mobile phone. Make sure that children, pets and other sources of interruption will be out of the

27、room. Keep a glass of water nearby.Phone interviews can often last a half-hour to an hour and be sure to have your resume in front of you. Do your best to be personal, but dont overdo it by, say, trying to tell a joke.36. Screening interviews over the phone is becoming more common because _.A) It is

28、 simple and fair B) it is easier to prepareC) it seems more friendly D) it saves time and money37. An employer usually arranges the time for the interview by _.A) paying you a personal visit first B) calling or e-mailing you in advanceC) announcing the date in the newspaper D) asking you to visit th

29、e companys website38. A landline phone is preferred for the interview because it is more _. A) reliable B) economical C) efficient D) practical39. What should you do with your resume during a phone interview? A) Keep it in front of you. B) Read it out if required. C) Post it up online. D) Send it by

30、 e-mail.40. In the last sentence, by saying “but dont overdo it”, the author means “dont be too _”. A) nervous B) proud C) personal D) formalTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.If youre looking for ways to improve your pro

31、ducts or services, customers can be one of your most valuable sources of information and market research. So why not take it a step further and visit some of them?Ideally, you want to do this in person, so you may need to offer you customers something for their time. They may be pleased that you tak

32、e their opinion seriously, and they may also enjoy getting a chance to help influence your products or services. If you customers are in different places, you could make such visits part of your business travel to get a wider range of responses.One expert recommends that you make your customers feel

33、 comfortable during the visits. Youre not trying to sell anything through these meetings, so plan to spend 80 percent of your time listening.Dont try to lead your customer to give responses that you really want to hear. Instead, ask questions that focus on the customers experience, such as whether t

34、hey got what they were hoping for and what they found difficult or enjoyable.41. According to the passage, your customers can be very helpful in _. A) expanding your business B) reducing your production cost C) selling your products or services D) improving your products or services42. In the first

35、paragraph, the author suggested _. A) paying a visit to some customers B) finding out sources of information C) advertising your products or services D) carrying out various market researches43. Your customers may feel happy if you _. A) take them as your good friends B) treat their opinions serious

36、ly C) offer quick responses D) visit them regularly44. According to the expert, the way to make your customers comfortable during the visit is _. A) to promise them the best price B) to explain your sales plan to them C) to spend most of your time listening D) to tell them the advantages of your pro

37、ducts45. The focus of your questions during the visit should be on _. A) the development o your business B) responses that you want to hear C) the customers experience D) your future sales planTask 3Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you should complete the information by fill

38、ing in the blanks marked 46 to 50 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.This reminder(提示) is intended to offer guidance for using e-mail. This is not a “how-to” document, but it is rather a document that offers advice to prevent you from being cheated or troubled by e-mails.Studies show that

39、knowledge workers spend about 20 hours a week doing e-mail and one-third of that e-mail is useless. Still worse, 70% of this e-mail gets handled within six minutes of arrival and the average worker is interrupted every three minutes. As a consequence, there is a cost to our organizations. While we c

40、ant control what we receive from the outside, we can make some progress from the inside. Please read this paper and take action by following its instructions. Many thanks go to Earl Hacker (CIO. WBB Consulting, Inc.) for providing some of this information from an internet site.Reminder of Using E-ma

41、ilPurpose: to prevent the user from being (46) by e-mailsProblems with e-mailing: 1) knowledge workers spend about 20 hours (47) doing e-mail 2) one-third of that e-mail is useless 3) 70% of this e-mail gets handled within six minutes of (48) 4) the average worker is interrupted every three minutesC

42、onsequence: being a (49) to organizationsWhat e-mail users are advised to do: Read this paper and (50) according to the instructionsTask 4Directions: The following is a list of terms used in an Application Form for Import/Export of Articles for Personal Use (进出境自用物品申请表). After reading it, you are re

43、quired to find the items equivalent to (与等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.AApplicants Name BNationalityCDate of Birth DAddressEPassport No. FPermit No. of ArticlesGDeparture Country HT

44、elephoneIEntry/ Exit Port JDestination CountryKPort of Loading LMeans of TransportMBill of Lading Nnumber of Piece(s)OPort of Delivery PGross WeightQRemarksExamples: (F)物品批文号 (M)提货单51.( )国籍 ( )件数52.( )毛重 ( )运输方式53.( )装货港 ( )联系电话54.( )住址 ( )出生日期55.( )运抵国 ( )护照号码Task 5Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 56 to No. 60). You should write your answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Dear Mr. Harrison,It was a pleasure speaking with you


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