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1、和静一中2012-2013学年第二学期集体备课表年级组七年级组学科英语备课时间2013年2月27日地点七年级办公室课题Unit1 Can you play the guitar?(1)主备人胡玉珍记录人胡玉珍参加人员吴修建、胡玉珍、许芸、温秀娟主备教师教学设计备课札记教材分析本节课的中心话题是谈论学生的能力,和喜好意愿、语法结构为:情态动词Can引导的问句以及回答,用法。语言技能和语言知识几乎都是围绕着中心话题来展开的。教学目标1、 Learning to talk about abilities(学会谈论能力)2、 Learning to talk about likes and disli

2、kes(谈论喜好和意愿)教学重点1、 要求掌握以下句式:(1)-Can you dance? -Yes, I can.(2)-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club.2、 要求掌握以下词汇:(1) 情态动词can, cant(2) 动词dance, swim, sing, paint, join(3) 名词art, music, guitar(4) 动词词组play chess, speak English, play the piano教学难点3、 难点如何呈现can, cant1. New words an

3、d expressions: sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar, pants, buy, sell, clothes, store, how much 2. Learn how to ask about the prices: How much is ? Its/ How much are ? TheyreLearn how to ask about the prices.教学方法Role-play教具 recorder, colorful chalk教学安排1课时教学过程(包括课题

4、、引入、教学进程、总结等方面)教学过程(包括课题、引入、教学进程、总结等方面)教学过程(包括课题、引入、教学进程、总结等方面)Teaching steps(教学步骤)1.Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1) Daily greetings to the students(日常问候) T: Good morning/afternoon. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Sir/Miss. T: What day is it today? Ss: Its Monday/Tuesday/?etc T: Whats the date toda

5、y? Ss: Its May 12th,ect T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny/cloudy/?etcWrite the students answers on the blackboard. (2) Revision(复习) T: What day do you like?/Do you /Does he like Sunday/Tuesday?Do you like sunny days/ rainy days/?Does he /she like salad/orange/?Do you like baseball/baske

6、tball/?2.Presentation(呈现新知识) T: (从复习中引出)(Ask and answer with individual students.)Do you like singing/music/art/painting/English/?etc. S: No, I dont./ Yes, I do. T: Oh, what do you like? S1: I like swimming.S2: I like playing basketballS3 I like dancing. S4 I like. etc3.Listen and circle. (Work on 2

7、a)(完成P60,2a)T: Now lets listen to the tape, find out what clubs they want to join.T: Now lets check the answers.Tapescript Conversation 1 Boy1: What club do you want to join? Girl: I want to join the chess club. Boy1: Can you play chess? Girl: No, I cant. Boy2: I can. Conversation 2 Boy: Here are al

8、l the clubs. Girl: What club do you want to join? Boy: I want to join the English club. How about you? Girl: Hmm. I want to join the chess club. Can you play chess? Boy: No I dont like chess. Do you like music?4. Make a survey(调查) T: Our school has many clubs. What clubs do you want to join? Please

9、ask and answer in groups. Write down your group members answers in the form. And then give us a report.NameWants to joinLi Lei English club5. Presentation(呈现新知识) T: (从学生的报告中来)Oh, you want to join the art club. But I want to join the music club. Then to the individual students, ask. T: Can you play t

10、he guitar? S: No, I cant. /Yes, I can. T: Can you swim/paint/dance/?ect.6. Practice(操练) T: Now please ask and answer one by one like this. A: Can you sing? B: Yes, I can. Can you draw? C: No, I cant. (But I can dance.) Can you play the guitar? D: Yes, I can., etc.7. Match the words with the people.(

11、Work on 1a)(完成P59,1a) show the picture in 1a to the students(放大图片) T: There are many clubs. Lets see what clubs they want to join. And what can they do? Please look carefully, match the words with the people.8. Work on 1b(完成P59,1b)T: Now lets listen to the tape, and number the conversations1-3T: Let

12、s check the answers.Tapescript9. Listen and fill in the blanks. (Work on 2b)(完成P60, 2b) T: David and Lisa are talking about what clubs they want to join. Lets listen to the tape and fill in the blanks, using the words in the box. T: Now lets check the Answers T: Now lets listen to the tape again and

13、 repeat. Ask some students to read the dialogue loudly.10. Read and make up new conversations. (Work on 1c and 2c) (完成P59,1c,P602c) T: Please read the dialogues in 1a and 2b. Practice in pairs or in groups. Make up your own conversations. 11.Homework: Oral work:(1) Listen to 2b, read and recite it.(

14、听,读,背诵1a中的词、词组两遍) (2) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.(继续和小组成员编对话并完善对话) Written work(1) Do Workbook P38 Exercise 1.(2) Copy the words and phrases in 1a one line each.(抄写1a中的词、词组各一排。)(3) Do Workbook P38 Exercise 2.(写出3到5件你会做的事情和3到5件你不会做的事情。)有意识地在教学初期开展有关星期、日期和天气的问

15、答,可分散教学难点,为以后的教学打下伏笔。条件好的班级,可让学生做Duty report。如果学生不会答,改用一般疑问句来提问。但要注意两个句子要交替使用。在复习中有意识地插入新词来提问,如果学生不懂,借助手势、图片、简笔画等来帮助学生理解。呈现学校的音乐兴趣小组的照片来帮助学生理解。选用有演奏吉他和其他乐器的照片,留待下面的教学使用。用照片或图片来帮助学生,并把小组名称列在黑板上。在提问时要注意一般疑问句Do you want to join?和特殊疑问句What club do you want to join?的适当比例,因为在workbook中出现较多的一般疑问句形式。而且在让学生进行

16、操练时鼓励学生自由转换一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。如果有需要,教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必要,也可以让同桌讨论答案。调查前发给学生表格,教师先做一个sample,然后让学生做。在学生调查过程中仔细聆听,随时给予帮助。时间控制在三分钟之内。调查好后,选取几组做报告。e. g.:Li Lei wants to join the English club. Lin Tao wants to join the music club.可唱一首简短的歌曲来帮助呈现can,使用presentation中出现过的音乐兴趣小组的照片,指着其中会弹吉他的学生,说,Look, he can play the guitar

17、. But I cant.在说的同时,配上点头和摇头的动作来帮助呈现。操练时让学生配上动作以加深理解。能力好的学生要求在回答时用上括号中的句子。此操练由教师根据实际情况掌握时间长短。给学生一分钟的时间来完成此项任务,如有需要,可先在小组内讨论答案。如果有需要,教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必要,也可以让学生四人一小组讨论答案。板书设计Unit1 Can you play the guitar period 1A:Can you sing? B: Yes, I can. Can you draw? C: No, I cant. (But I can dance.) Can you play the g

18、uitar?D: Yes, I can., etc.Unit1 Can you play the guitar?(1)说课稿教材分析本节课的中心话题是谈论学生的能力,和喜好意愿、语法结构为:情态动词Can引导的问句以及回答,用法。语言技能和语言知识几乎都是围绕着中心话题来展开的。教学目标:1Learning to talk about abilities(学会谈论能力)2Learning to talk about likes and dislikes(谈论喜好和意愿)4、 要求掌握以下句式:(1)-Can you dance? -Yes, I can.(2)-What club do you

19、 want to join? -I want to join the music club.5、 要求掌握以下词汇:(1) 情态动词can, cant(2) 动词dance, swim, sing, paint, join(3) 名词art, music, guitar动词词组play chess, speak English, play the piano6、 难点如何呈现can, cant1. New words and expressions: sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar

20、, pants, buy, sell, clothes, store, how much 2. Learn how to ask about the prices: How much is ? Its/ How much are ? TheyreLearn how to ask about the prices.教学流程:Step 1、复习。教学初期开展有关星期、日期和天气的问答,Step 2、教授新单词。在复习中有意识地插入新词来提问,如果学生不懂,借助手势、图片、简笔画等来帮助学生理解。Step 3、导入新课。新课呈现学校的音乐兴趣小组的照片来帮助学生理解。选用有演奏吉他和其他乐器的照片S

21、tep 4、呈现新句型。在提问时要注意一般疑问句Do you want to join?和特殊疑问句What club do you want to join?的,Step 5、做听力题教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必要,也可以让同桌讨论答案Step 6、做调查,调查前发给学生表格,教师先做一个sample,然后让学生做。在学生调查过程中仔细聆听,随时给予帮助。时间控制在三分钟之内。调查好后,选取几组做报告。Step 7、操练歌曲。可唱一首简短的歌曲来帮助呈现can,使用presentation中出现过的音乐兴趣小组的照片,指着其中会弹吉他的学生,说,Step 8做听力题。教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必

22、要,也可以让学生四人一小组讨论答案。Unit1 Can you play the guitar?(1)议课:吴修建:教学初期开展有关星期、日期和天气的问答,可分散教学难点,为以后的教学打下伏笔。许云:1在复习中有意识地插入新词来提问,如果学生不懂,借助手势、图片、简笔画等来帮助学生理解。2 教师可播放磁带两遍。如有必要,也可以让学生四人一小组讨论答案。温秀娟:1用照片或图片来帮助学生,并把小组名称列在黑板上。在提问时要注意一般疑问句Do you want to join?和特殊疑问句What club do you want to join?的适当比例,因为在workbook中出现较多的一般疑问句形式。而且在让学生进行操练时鼓励学生自由转换一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。降低了难度,操练了学生的Can句型。2 But I cant.在说的同时,配上点头和摇头的动作来帮助呈现。操练时让学生配上动作以加深理解。6


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