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1、杭州国泰外语艺术学校四年级英语1-3单元模拟试卷 Class:_ Name:_Listening part1. Listen and choose the sentence you hear ( 2*5)( ) 1) A. My parents and I took a trip to Huang Mountain last sunmmer. B. I am going to Hainan Island with my parents this summer.( ) 2) A. Mother Teresa started up new schools and hospitals for poo

2、r people. B. Mother Teresa stayed in India with homeless and hungry people.( ) 3) A. I have to stay at home anddo homework on rainy day. B. I dont have to stay at home on cloudy days.( ) 4) A. I like windy days because we can fly a bigkite. B. I like rainy days and we can have snacks.( ) 5) A. Mary

3、has got an earache, she cant watch TV. B. Tom has got a toothache, he cant eat sweet food.2. Listen and write Monday _Tuesday _ Thursday _Friday _Sunday _Writing part3. Put the following words in the the proper blankets windy snowy sunny cloudy rainy1) We can have a snowball fight on _day.2) On _day

4、s, we can see the leaves dancing.3) We have to stay at home and eat snacks on _day.4) Youd better to put on a pair of sunglasses on _days, if youre going outside.5) I like to go boating with my friends on _days, because there is cool outside.4. Read and guess hospital library cinema basement island

5、forest village waterfall bus station bank1) You need to go to this place, if you feel not good. _2) This is the place for you to borrow books you want. _3) People go there to see films. _4) Its the bottom room of the house. _5) This is a piece of land with water all around it. _6) This is a place wi

6、th lots of trees and rocks. _7) You can find people, houses, school, shops here. Its smaller than a town. _8) It is the place where a river falls from a high place to a lower place. _9) This is the place where you can catch a bus. _10) You can go to this place if you want to draw some money from it.

7、 _5. Be a doctor take some medicine and drink a lot of water dont eating lie down and have a rest go to see the dentist put on a coat1) You should _if you have a toothache.2) You should _if you have a headache.3) You should _if you have a stomachache.4) You should _if you have a cough.5) You should

8、_if you feel cold.6. Read and choose the best answer( ) 1. Where did you go on the summer holiday? A. I went there with my mum. B. I went to Ice Island with Simon. C. I went to fishing with my grandparents.( ) 2. What did Mary do in the countryside? A. She went to Huang Mountain. B. He saw a moive.

9、B. She climbed the mountains and smelt the flowers.( ) 3. How did you go to the hospital? A. Have a bad cold. B. By taxi. C. Because Ive got a stamachache.( ) 4. Why do you like this book? A. Its about animals. B. I dont like story books. C. Because its very funny. ( ) 5. What was the weather like y

10、esterday? A. Its snowy. Its cold but we can make a big snowman. B. I didnt like raining days. C. I like sunny days because I can play outside.( ) 6. Its sunny today, we should _. A. put on our sunglasses. B. take off our shoes. C. take an umbrella.( ) 7. I feel very excited, because I see _after the

11、 rain. A. colourful B. rainbow C. Wind( ) 8. Its snowing outside! Lets enjoy the beautiful snowflakes and make a _. A. face B. robot C. Snowman( ) 9. What are you going to do this winter holiday? A. I went to the village with my mum. B. She will go fishing in the lake. C. Im going to visit my grandp

12、arents in the countryside.( ) 10. If you have got a stomachache, the doctor will give you some _. A. medicine B. water C. candies.7. Read and choose the right words.1) we should _( eat / eating ) an orange everyday. 2) Tom usually _( brush / brushes ) his teeth three times a day.3) My mother is _( c

13、leaning / cleans ) the window now.4) My sister_( comes / came ) back home at 5 oclock yesterday.5) We are going to _( make / made ) a flower for mum tomorrow.6) Mrs. Sally _( did / does ) her face every Friday after work.7) Teachers will _( go / going ) to the library next week.8) Sandy _( coughs /

14、coughed ) all the time last night.9) The doctor tells Linda that she will be OK _( in / after ) two days.10) -Where would you like to go in the summer holiday?-I would like _( going / to go ) to Hainan iland.8. Read and write the sentences. Eg: I - windy-fly kites I like windy days because I can fly

15、 kites. 1) We -sunny-swim and ride bikes _. 2) BOb-rainy-watch TV and eat snakes _. 3) Jeffery-snowy-have a snowball fight _. 4) I - cloudy-go bike riding. _. 5) Jack-snowy-go skating _. 9. Read and write “yes” or “no” It is a fine day today. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.

16、 Mr. Green is with his family. They are walking over the bridge. There are some boats in the river. Mr. Green and his wife are looking at them. There is a little boy in the river. He is swimming across the river. There is a helicopter in the sky. It is flying over the river. An old man and a young w

17、oman are walking along the bank of the river. The Greens house is by the riverside. The river runs between two hills. The country here is very beautiful. 1) Its a hot day. ( ) 2) Mr. Green is fishing into the river with his family.( ) 3) You can see some dolphins in the river. ( ) 4) The little boy

18、is sitting a boat across the river. ( ) 5) The Greens family live by the riverside.( ) 10. Keep good habits. Put the right phrases into the right sheets. eat enough fruit and vegetable every day do morning sports everyday read in bed watch TV for a long time go to bed without washing your face help mum cook eat too much ice cream drink a glass of milk everyday eat a cake before sleep wash hands before breakfast do dont


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