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1、时态一. 一般现在时: (1)表示现在的状态, 例如:Hes twelve.(2)表示经常性的或习惯性的动作,例如:I go to school every day.(3)表示主语具备的性格和水平, 例如:She likes apple.常与often, usually, sometimes, always, every day等表示经常性的或习惯性的时间状语连用. 1. 肯定句结构: (1) 行为动词: a. 第一、二人称,复数人称: They/We/You+动词原形. 例如:They go to school every day. b.第三人称单数: He/She/It+动词-s/es 例

2、如:Lily often likes singing. (2)系动词(be): I am. They/We/You are He/She/It is2.否定句结构: (1) 行为动词: a. 第一、二人称,复数人称: They/We/You+dont+动词原形. 例如:They dont go to school every day. b.第三人称单数:He/She/It+doesnt +动词原形 例如:Lily doesnt like singing. (2)系动词(be): 在is/am/are后加not 例如:I am not a worker. 3. 一般疑问句结构: a. 第一、二人

3、称,复数人称: Do+they/we/you+动词原形. 例如:Do they go to school every day? (Yes, they do. No, they dont.) b.第三人称单数: Does +he/she/iIt+动词原形 例如: Does Lily often like singing? (Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.) (2)系动词(be):把is/am/are提在主语前. 例如:Are you a worker? (Yes, I am. No, Im not.) 二.现在实行时: 表示现在正在实行的动作或发生的事情.常与now

4、, look, listen等表示现在状态的时间状语连用. 1.肯定句结构: 主语+is/am/are+动词-ing 例如: The boys are playing football now. 2.否定句结构: 在is/am/are后加not 例如: The boys arent playing football now. 3. 一般疑问句结构: 把is/am/are提在主语前. 例如: Are the boys playing football now? (Yes, they are. No, they arent.) 三.一般过去时:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存有的状态.常与yeste

5、rday, last, ago, in1990等表示过去状态的时间状语连用. 1. 肯定句结构: (1) 行为动词: 主语+动词的过去式 例如: The twins went to school two hours ago. (2) 系动词(be): I/ He/She/It+was They/We/You+were 例如: I was at home last night. 2.否定句结构: (1) 行为动词: 主语+didnt+动词原形 例如: The twins didnt go to school two hours ago. (2)系动词(be): 在was/were后加not 例如

6、: I wasnt at home last night. 3. 一般疑问句结构: (1) 行为动词: Did+主语+动词原形? 例如: Did the twins go to school two hours ago? (Yes, they did. No, they didnt.) (2)系动词(be): 把was/were提在主语前. 例如: Were you at home last night? (Yes, I was. No, I wast.) 四.一般将来时: 表示将来某时将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作.常与tomorrow, next等表示将来状态的

7、时间状语连用. 1. 肯定句结构: (1)用于书面语: 主语+will+动词 例如: We will come to see you tomorrow (2)用于口语: 主语+am/is/are going to+动词 例如: Tom is going to see his uncle next Sunday. 2.否定句结构: (1)用于书面语: 在will后加not 例如: We wont come to see you tomorrow. (will not=wont) (2)用于口语: 在is/am/are后加not. 例如: Tom isn going to see his uncl

8、e next Sunday. 3. 一般疑问句结构: (1)用于书面语: 把will提在主语前. 例如: Will you come to see you tomorrow? (Yes, we will. No, we wont.) (2)用于口语: 把is/am/are提在主语前. 例如: Is Tom going to see his uncle next Sunday? (Yes, he is. No, he isnt.) 五.情态动词: can(能,会), may(可以,可能,也许), must(必须,一定,应该) have to(必须,不得不) 1. 肯定句结构: 主语+can/ma

9、y/must+动词 例如: I must go now. 2.否定句结构: 在can/may/must后加not. 例如: I mustnt go now. 3. 一般疑问句结构: 把can/may/must提在主语前. Must you go now? (Yes, I must. No, I neednt.) May I open the window? (Yes, you may. No, you neednt.) 六.had better+动词原形,表示“最好干”,变否定句时在had better后加not. 例如:You had better catch a bus. Youd bet

10、ter not catch a bus. (You had= Youd ) 七.动词不定式:want /forget /remember /would like /go + to + 动词原形 例如: I want to get back my book. Lucy went to see his mother last night. 九.特殊疑问句的变换:对划线部分提问时,将划线部分去掉,剩下部分变一般疑问句语序。(对主语提问例外)例如: My name is Lily. Whats your name? The river is 500 kilometres. Hong long is the river? 同学,这可是我结合课本与网络“呕心沥血”总结出来的,希望对你有所帮助,如果还不行,建议到人教网把电子课本翻到后面也还有。


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