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1、Module 6 Unit 1You re got a letter from New York练习来源 :ZXXK一、 翻译短语。1.想让你们成为我的朋友send you one2.住在 .want you to be my friends3.来自英国的伦敦live in4.参观中国be from London in the US5.有一个中国风筝visit Ch ina6.在公园里放风筝have got a chinese kite7.送给你一本write to me8.给我写信fly a kite in the park二、在四线格中写出下面两句话。Daming has got a Ch

2、inese kite and we often fly it in the par k .三、根据句意,选择 “but ”或“and”填空。1. I ve got a bike _I can来源:ZXXK t ride it.2. Amy has got a cat_s he often plays with it.3. I live in China_I am not Chinese .4.He has got a postcard_it s from his pen friend.5.He s got kite _he can t fly it.6.I want to go hiking

3、_ I.a coldve got四、根据句意,从have got 或 has got选择正确的词填空 .1.Ken _a ne w bike.2.Amy and Sam _ a letter from London .3.Daming_a Chinese kite.4.They _a lot of friends.5.Sam _a postcard from London.第 1页6._you_ aChinese kite ?- -Yes, I have .五、选择相关联的句子。() 1. Ive got a flute , 来源 学。科。网 Z。 X。 X。K() 2. I want to

4、play football ,() 3.Amy has got a pet dog ,() 4.My grandpa lives in Sydney ,() 5.Jane has got a letter,() 6.My little b rother has got an email from Japan ,A but he cant read it.B and she often plays with it.C but I cant play it for my mother .D but he is not Australian.E and Ive got a headache.F bu

5、t its not from her friend.来源 :ZXXKModule 6 Unit 1You re got a letter from New York答案一、【答案】:二 |、【答案】:Daming has got a Chinese kite and we oftenfly it in the park . 来源 学 *科* 网第 2页三、【答案】:1. but2.and3. but4.and5. but6.but.【解析】: 1.我有一个自行车,但是我不会骑。“ but ”表转折。2. Amy 有一个小猫,她经常和它玩。 “ and”表顺承。3. 我住在中国,但是我不是中国人

6、。 “ but ”表转折。4. 他有一个明信片,它来自他的笔友。“ and”表顺承。5. 他收到一个风筝,但是她不会放风筝。 “ but ”表转折。6. 我想去郊游,但是我感冒了。 “ but ”表转折。四、【答案】:1. has got2. have got3. has got4. have got5. has got6. Havegot【解析】: 1.Ken 是第三人称,用单数has , 故填 has got .2. Amy and Sam 是两个人,是复数,用have , 故填 have got .3. Daming 是第三人称,用单数 has , 故填 has got .4. They

7、 他们,是复数,用 have , 故填 have got .5. Sam 是第三人称,用单数 has , 故填 has got .6. you 是第二人称,用复数 have , 变成一般疑问句时,将 Have 提前至句首,别忘了首写字母要大写。故填Havegot .五、【答案】:1. E2. C3. B4. D5. F6. A【解析】:1. 我得了感冒,还头疼。 “ and”表顺承2. 我想玩足球,但是我妈妈不让玩足球。 “but”表转折。3. Amy 有一只宠物狗,她经常和它一起玩耍。 “ and”表顺承4. 我爷爷住在悉尼,但是他不是悉尼人。 “but”表转折。第 3页5. Jane 收到一封信,但是不是她朋友写的。 “but”表转折。6. 我弟弟收到一封电子邮件,但是他不会读。 “but”表转折 。第 4页


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