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1、1,Unit 2 Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?,Section A,清新县第二中学 蔡群英,2,What does “ a greener person” mean?,Are you a greener person?,3,Lets see how green you are. If you think the statement is good for our environment, you nod your head, and it means agreement, or you shake your head, and i

2、t means disagreement.,1. Collect and reuse waste water. 2. Use plastic bags instead of cloth bags. 3. Throw the garbage in the river. 4. Reduce(减少) the waste we produce. 5. Spread the message about protecting the environment. 6. Encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. then sor

3、t (分类,整理)them so that they can be recycled. 7. Pick flowers. 8.Cut down more trees.,4,5,What are we supposed to do? be supposed to do sth 应当 ; 应该 ,6,Listen and answer,What kinds of things can students do at school to protect the environment?,They can collect waste paper and soft drink cans.,7,Read 1

4、a again and answer the following questions.,Whats Janes main job? What are the three Rs? What kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment?,Her main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment.,Reduce, reuse and recycle.,We should reduce the waste we produce.,(

5、影片),8,Work alone Fill in the blanks according to 1a.,1. The journalist is _Jane about _. 2. Janes main job is _ _ 3. We should use_ and reuse _ at home. 4. At school, students can collect waste paper and _. 5. Recycling is an excellent way not only to _but also to _.,interviewing,environment protect

6、ion,to help spread the message about protecting the environment.,both sides of paper,plastic bags,soft drink cans,protect the environment,save money,9,Look at the following pictures and sort the garbage the way you do every day.,10,Then listen to the conversation carefully and check () your answers.

7、,11,Look at the compound sentences(并列句). Pay attention to the words underlined. Whats the function of them?,You nod your head and it means agreement. (2) Hurry up, or youll miss the train. (3) Water is important but some people dont save it. (4) Some people protect animals while others kill animals.

8、,并且,而且,通常不用翻译, 表示并列关系。,否则,有转折的意思,但是,表示转折,而, 然而 ,强调对比,12,Join the sentences with or, and, but or while.,1. -Jane, would you like to go shopping with me? -Id like to, _ I also want to buy some clothes. 2. -Jane, would you like to go shopping with me? -Id like to, _ I have a lot of homework to do. 3. H

9、urry up, _ you will be late for school. 4. Tom does housework every day _ his sister does nothing.,or,and,while,but,13,Finish Activity 3,14,Useful expressions,We should reduce the waste we produce. We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags. So we encourage them to collect waste paper

10、and soft drink cans. Everyone is supposed to do that.,15,Goodbye !,16,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Lets see how green you are.,What does it encourage people to do?,It means saving the energy and reducing the waste air.,17,连词 or, and, but 和 while,or 否则的话 and 并且,而且 but 但是,表

11、示转折 while 而, 然而 强调对比,18,Look at the five sentences. If you think the statement is good for our environment, you nod your head, and it means agreement, or you shake your head, and it means disagreement.,We should use plastic bags as few as possible. (2) We should throw the garbage in the river. (3) W

12、e should reduce the waste we produce. (4) We should use both sides of paper. (5) We should throw the plastic bags rather than reuse them.,19,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Lets see how green you are.,What does it encourage people to do?,It encourages people to sort the rubbish and recycle the rubbish.,20,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions. Lets see how green you are.,When is World Environment Day?,


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