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1、I feel happy. 教案一教学 1.教学目 ( 1)情感目 :通 各种活 加 生 、学生 的情感交流,培养学生的英 情趣。( 2)知 目 :学会使用 I feel happy/sad/tired/bored/hungry. 来表达自己的情 感受及 他人的情 状况。( 3)能力目 :培养学生听、 和灵活运用 言的能力。2.教学重点( 1)学 新 : happy sad tired bored hungry.( 2)学 新 言 构: I feel 3.教学 点学 言 构: I feel 4.教具准 多媒体 件、 音机、 片、 卡片。二教学 程1 身( 1) 候Class begins!T:

2、 Hello,boys and girls!S: Hello,Miss Huang!T: T: Do you like English song?第 1页S: Yes!( 2)听音 You are happy 学生起立 唱 做 作。T: Are you feeling happy?S: Yes!T: I feel happy!板 ,教 feel happy 生跟 。3.教授新 ( 1)学 新 :tird sad bored hungry happy悄悄 , ,最后一个同学大声 出来。 做相 作及表情。 生上台表演 ,台下同学猜。“二人 ”表演 。( 2) Now please look at

3、the screen and guess how do they feel?出示多媒体插 ,学生听 音,跟 。小 内相互 , 正确的 填到句子里。 , 件展示填好的句子。4.Make sentences.用 I feel 自己的感受。5.Chant.happyhappyIfeelhappysadsadIfeelsad第 2页tiredtiredIfeeltiredboredboredIfeelboredhungryhungryIfeelhungry6.Say goodbye:Class is over!Goodbye boys and girls!教学过程:Step 1: Warming up

4、( 热身 )( 5 分钟)(1) Greeting.T: Good morning, class. How are you? Good morning, class. How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. And how are you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you!(2) Review.教复习单词。 A chant.学 Im tired, very very tired!.过T: What time did you get up today? Are you feeling tired now

5、? What time did you ha程ve breakfast today? Are you feeling hungry now? What time did you have English class? Are you feeling bored now?(设计意图:通过复习,激活学生的已学知识,并让学生进入英语学习状态,并完成教学目标:能跟磁带读Unit 1 课文。)Step 2: Presentation( 呈现 ) and consodidation.( 巩固操练 )(10 分钟)Activity 1: Listen and answer. (呈现)T: We are ha

6、ppy. Look. Page 36. There are many children. How do they feel? Listen and answer the questions. How many children are there? What does the text about第 3页?T: Look at picture 1. What can you see?T: Listen and answer. How do they feel?In picture 1, how does the boy feel? Why? He helped In picture 2, ho

7、w does the girl feel? Why? She won a (教 won 和 game, 教完后 再 ,学生再答 )In picture 3, how does Sam feel? Why?In picture 4, how does Lingling feel? Why?( 教 lost 教完后 再 ,学生再答)In picture 5, how does Daming feel? Why? (教 smell 教完后 再 ,学生再答)( 意 :在整体中 学生理解 文。通 肢体 言 助学生理解 句。听音, 学生 着 去听,有听的目的和 机。跟 , 学生 正的 音。 期听 正的 音

8、有利于学生 得正宗英 。)Activity 2: Retell.T: Let s retell. Today I helped my grandfather on the farm all day. Now I feel ( 根据板 学生复述 )Step 3: Look and say.( 展活 )Activity 1: Ask and answer( 本 第二 ).T: Lets talk about the pictures. Let me show you the example. Hi, are you willing to be mypartner? Let s talk about

9、 picture 1. Look at exercise 2. You act as student A. Im student B.( 完第一幅 , : I got up early in the morning today. 做打哈切状,示意学生 Are you feeling tired?)第 4页T: Now, work in pairs. Finish exercise 2. You can talk about yourself.T: Who want to show us? (设计意图:操练重点句型,先说课文的图,再说说自己。 )Activity 2: Let sdo.T: Yo

10、u can say. But can you do? Take out of your exercise book. Turn to page 46 and finish the exercise 5(设计意图:通过任务,让学生参与学习,体验学习,合作交流,并锻炼学生说和写的能力。)Step 4: Phonetic alphabet.T:After writing, lets do exercise. Turn to page 37. Listen and repeat. Put the letter“ s” and“ t”together. They pronounce / ts /. Mo

11、re words. Can you say? For example, son, rice. The letter “s”and the letter “c”pronounce / s /. Any other words?Step 4: Summerise.T:Let s learn a poem.T: Today shomework. Exercise book. Page 39-40板Module 9 Unit 2I feel happy.书设I feel tired.计I feel happy.第 5页I feel bored.I feel sad.I feel hungry.单词课堂教注意上课节奏和时间。学预测第 6页


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