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1、七年级英语上册单元检测题Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?时间:60分钟 满分:100分 Class_ Name_ Grade_. 单项选择(15分)( ) 1.Do you want _? A.to go to a movies B.go to a movie C.to go to a movieD.go to movies( ) 2.What kind of movies _ Lucy_? A.do,likeB.is,like Cdoes,likes D.does,like( ) 3.My sister likes thrillers _ comedi

2、es. A.orB.andC./D.but( ) 4.I like action movies,_. A.alsoB.toC.tooD.and( ) 5_Lets go to see Beijing Opera. _ _. A. Yas I do B.Youre welcome C.That sounds boring D.No,Im not( ) 6.I like thrillers,_ I dont like comedies. A.orB.butC.andD.for( ) 7.Alice is _ Beijing now. A.atB.onC.inD.with( ) 8.I think

3、it is _ interesting story. A./B.aC.anD.the ( ) 9._ do you want to go to the movie?-On Sunday. A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.When ( ) 10.This pen is old, and that one is _,too. A.oldB.newC.niceD.good( ) 11.I can learn a lot _ Chinese history. A.forB./C.inD.about( ) 12.Do you like action movies? -_. We like thril

4、lers. A.Yes,we are. B. No, we dont. C. Yes, we do. D. No, we do.( ) 13.She often goes to see Beijing Opera _ his parents _weekends. A. and, on B. with, in C. with, on D. and, in( ) 14.Mary _ to go to an action movie. A.is wantB.to wantC.wantD.wants( ) 15. -What kind of sports _ Maria like? - She _ b

5、aseball. A. do;like B. does; likes C. does; like D. do, likes.完型填空。(10分) Its a photo of Han Han. He is a young writer(年轻作家) in _.Many students like _ books, because some of them are about students life. Han Han is _ Shanghai. Hes twenty-eight _ old. He can _ Chinese and English. Han Han likes runnin

6、g,playing football_ computer games. He often _ on his blog(博客). Students can read his articles(文章) on it. Han Han has _ yellow dog. It likes to _ with him. Do you know what Han Hans favorite _ is? Its the watermelon(西瓜)。 ( )1.A. America B. Chinese C. China ( )2.A. he B. his C. him( )3.A. of B. on C.

7、 from ( )4.A.days B. months C. years ( )5.A. show B. find C. speak ( )6. A. but B. and C. or ( )7.A. watches B. writes C. spells ( )8.A. a B. an C. the ( )9.A. learn about B. look around C. run around ( )10.A. vegetable B. fruit C. dessert .阅读理解(10分)On weekends,I often go to movies with my friend,Mi

8、ke.My favorite movie star is Jack Chan.Hes a great actor.He has a new movie,Speed.It is a very successful action movie.I think its exciting.Mike likes Michele Yan best.He likes her famous movie,Sleepless Night.Its a thriller.I dont think its great.In fact,its boring.One thing is interesting.Mike als

9、o likes Beijing Opera.He often tells me,“Beijing Opera is really fun!My father likes it too.He even wants to be a Beijing Opera artist!” 根据上面的短文,选择正确的答案。( ) 1._ is my favorite star? A.Jack B.Chan C.Jim D.Jack Chan( ) 2.Speed is _. A.a comedyB.a thriller C.an action movieD.a comedy( ) 3._ famous movi

10、e is Sleepless Night. A.Jack ChansB.Michele Yans C.JimsD.Lilys( ) 4.I think Sleepless Night is _. A.greatB.boringC.excitingD.funny( ) 5._ wants to be a Beijing Opera artist. A.Mikes fatherB.Jacks father C.Jims father D.Lilys father.词汇.(25分)A)根据首字母与句意补全单词,使句子完整(每小题1分,共15分) 1.My grandparents like Beij

11、ing O_. 2.Mary likes c_,but she doesnt like thrillers. 3.Jackie Chan an a _actor ,We often see him in some action movies.4.I dont like documentaries. Its b_. 5.Do you r_ want to go to a movie? Lets go. 6.The thriller is very s_.Dont take your sister here. 7.You like documentaries.I a_ like them. 8.M

12、any young people like the famous movie s_. 9.Im in Class 2.Hes in Class 2.Were in the s_ class.10.I can l_ a lot about Chinese history.11.His f_ food is chicken.12.Her brother w_ to be an artist.13.Do you want to go to a m_.14.Wang Ming likes t_ but he doesnt like documentaries.15.My brother likes a

13、ction movies. He thinks its e_.B)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空.(10分)1.I like _ (China) action movies.2.Beijing Opera is _ (real) fun!3.The story is very _ (interest).4.The map is on the wall of _ (they) mothers room.5.Please come in and have a cup of tea with _ (we).6.Can you tell _ (I) a story?7.There are many _

14、(desk) and a chair in the classroom.8.Tom Green is an _ (art).9.The boy is ten _ (year) old.10.My birthday is June _ (five).句型转换. 按括号内的要求改写下列各句(15分,每空1分)1.Tom thinks they are scary.(改为否定句) Tom _ _ they _ scary.2. Her cousin likes thrillers. (就划线部分提问) _ _ of _ does her cousin like?3.I want to see a m

15、ovie.(改为同义句) I want _ _ _a movie.4.My favorite movie star is Jack Chan.(就划线部分提问) _ _your favorite movie star?5.I like movies and I like Beijing Opera.(改为简单句) I like movies _ _ _.6. She doesnt like to see movies.(改为肯定句)。 She _ _ movies.VI. 补全对话(10分)。thriller, boring, have, sound, lets, sorry, really,

16、 action movie, do, thank you Donna: Hi, Emma! 1 go to a movie.Emma: Hmm. I 2 no idea(主意)Donna: Well, Its a 3 -Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon.Emma: Oh, I_4_ dont like action movies. Anyway ( 不管怎样)_5_.Donna: OK. Wheres Jim? _6_he want to go to a movie?Emma: _7_, I dont know. Look, he is there!Donna

17、: Hey, Jim? Do you want to go to a movie? Its Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon!Jim: Movie? That _8_ great! Is it a comedy? I like comedies and _9_.Donna: No, its an action movie. Jim: Oh, I think it is _10_. Lets go to see a comedy. 写作(15分)根据下面提示用第三人称描写Jane的情况,要求不少于60个词: 提示:1.Jane是一位英语女孩,现在在中国。 2.爱好:京剧、趣味故事、中国动作片和中国历史。 3.在周末,通常在家里看京剧图片。 4.她非常喜欢中国。_


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