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1、(陕旅版)六年级英语下册教案Lesson 12 Take care of the trees!本 的主要 是大自然的草木,从而涉及到了一个更高的 :environmentprotection(环境保 ) 。 人 要 美 的大自然。We must take care of them.学生能听懂,会 ,会写与植物有关的名 和 短 。能 用英 描述自己所看到的自然景色,You can find many talltrees in it. The grass is green and the flowers are sweet.教学目 :1.听懂,会 会写和植物有关的一些名 和 短 。a lily,

2、grass, dig a hole, plant trees pick flowers, cut a tree.2.学 运用情 ,can, can t, must, should.You can find manyWe can t pick flowers ( cut the tree).We must (should) take care of the them.3.能用英 来表达自己所看到的美 景色,描述美 的花,可 的草,高大的 并能用英 描述种 木,栽花的 程。4. 培养学生 大自然, 花草 木的良好行 。教学重点 点分析:1. 学 用英 来描述种花种 的步 。2. 学 情 的用法。

3、can , can t, must, should. 前准 :教 准 音机,磁 , 物园和公园的 片以及有百合花玫瑰花,草, 的 片。教学 程:1. 身( Warming up )教 和学生一起来复 上 所学 的 物名称,并且用学 的句型What animals do you likebest? 出自己最喜 的 物。教 出示 物园的 片,要求学生与学生 行 。S1:What s this?S2: It s a zoo.S1: What can you see in the zoo?S2: I can see many animals.S1: What animals can you see?S

4、2: I can see a tiger, a panda, an elephant and a horse.S1: What animal do you like best?S2: I like horses best.教 再出示公园的 片,学生之 行 。用心爱心专心1S3: What s this ?S4: It s a park.S3: What can you see? (指着湖 )S4: I can see a lake.S3: What can you see? (指着花 )S4: I can see many flowers.S3: What can you see? (指着草和

5、树 )S4: I can see some grass and trees.2. 新课展示( New Presentation)T:(出示百合花的图片)Do you know what flower it is? It s my favorite flower.你知道这种花叫什么名字吗?It s a lily. It s very pure.是很纯洁的百合花。It looks nice.它看起来非常不错。教师将句型 It s a lily.写在黑板上。教师出示玫瑰花的图片, Do you know what flower it is? It s a rose. It s very beauti

6、ful.是很漂亮的玫瑰花。教师也将此句型It s a rose.写在黑板上。T: ( 出示本课主图上公园的图片) Look at this picture, what can you see in the park?在图片上你能看到什么?I can see many trees. They are very tall.教师将句型 They are trees.写在黑板上。What other things can you see?你还能看到什么?T:I can see lotsof greengrassand sweet flowers.我还能看到绿草和鲜花。 (出示图片, grass-草)教

7、师将句型 They are grass and flowers.写在黑板上。教师和学生一起来巩固刚才所学的单词。In summer, there are many beautiful flowers in the park. I always can see lots of peoplepicking flowers. (出示图片, pick flowers-摘花 )夏天到了,公园里到处都开满了五颜六色的花。 我经常会看到有人摘花。That s a bad behavior. We should take care of the flowers. We can t pick flowers.那

8、是一种很不好的行为,我们应该保护花朵,而不是摘花。 ( 出示短语 take care of, 保护,照顾 ) Forexample,I will take care of myself.我会照顾好自己的。我们还可以说 take good care of ,保护好,照顾好, For example,用心爱心专心2I will take good care of myself.Yes, the same with trees. As the environment is badly- destructed, lots of trees are cutand it s really a big lo

9、ss for us.由于环境破坏极为严重,很多树都被砍了,这对我们来说是个非常大的损失。T: So we can t cut trees. We should plant trees.( 出示图片 ) cut trees-砍树plant trees-植树教师将以上两个句型写在黑板上。We can t pick flowers. We should take care of them.其中 can, can t, should都是情态动词,表示我们的请求,意愿,意志。For example,You should study hard.You can t speak loudly.You can

10、drink anyone you like.教师引导学生用情态动词should来描述种树的步骤。1. We should dig a hole.2. We should put the tree in the hole.3. We should cover the tree with the earth教师将以上两个句型写在黑板上。.4. We should water the tree.3. 小结:本节课我们学习了在公园里见到的花草树木的名称。学习了情态动词的用法。还学习了用情态动词来描述种树的步骤。4. 巩固练习:教师引导学生用所学过的语言点来自编对话。A : What can you s

11、ee in the park?B: I can see many trees.A : Do you know how to plant a tree? B: Yes, I do.A: What will we do first?B:We should dig a hole first. (出示图片, dig a hole-挖洞 )A: What then?B: Then we should put the tree in the hole.A: I see. Finally we should water the tree.B: You are right.A: Thank you.B: My

12、 pleasure.用心爱心专心35. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.听录音回答问题。 (播放录音)A : What can you see in the picture?B: I can see many tall trees, green grass and beautiful flowers.A: What flowers can you see?B: I can see many lilies and roses.A: Can we pick the flowers in the park?B: No, we can

13、t. We should take care of them.A: What are the boys doing in the second picture?B: They are planting trees.A: Can we cut the trees?B: No, we can t. We must also take care of the trees.6. Do the exercises.Let s practise ( )A: This exercise focuses on the usage oftake care of , so we must according to

14、 thetext and fill in the blanks.这道题主要考查take care of的用法,根据上下文填空。(1) We cant hurt the animals. They are lovely.We must take care of them.(2) We can t walk on the grass. They are beautiful.We must take care of them.Let s practise ( )A: This passage is aboutthe Tree PlantingDay and teachesus the stepsand ways of plantingtrees.这篇文章主要是围绕植树节来写的,并且交给我们植树的步骤和方法。March 12th is the Tree Planting Day.People go out to plant trees on that day.Trees are peoples friends.We must take good care of the trees.用心爱心专心4


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