A Teaching PlanUnit3 Weather B Let’s learn.docx

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1、A Teaching PlanUnit3 Weather B Lets learn Time :April 6,2016I.Teaching Contents: U3 B Lets learn.Teaching Objectives: By the end of this lesson,Students should be able to: 1. master the 5 words about the weather”windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy”2 .use the sentence pattern “This is the world weather. I

2、ts.in.today”correctly;. Main Points: 1. To master the 5 words about the weather”windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy” and help the students use the new words to describe the weather”Its in”correctly.Teaching Difficulties: To be able to read the words about cities,such as “Singapore/Moscow/London/Sydney/wo

3、rld”and know where the places in the world.Teaching Aids: word cards, PPT,CD.Teaching Procedures:Step1.Warm-up1. Chant togetherU3 A2. English showU3 A Talk设计意图:通过复习表演,让学生在浓浓的英语气氛中进入新授。Step2.Preview1. Greetings:T:Today we are going to learn U3 B Lets learn.(write on the blackboard)(Look outside)Whats

4、 the weather like today?Is it cold/warm/hot?Its _today.2. Watch the filmT:I like the weather.I like English.I also like travel.Now, lets take a look.设计意图:从询问天气开始,引导复习天气词语。观看Travel短片,学生带着新奇导入新授。Step3.PresentationTask 1:Where is Ms Xie going?Teach the new words: world map/Singapore/Moscow/London/Sydne

5、y/Toronto.T:Show the map This is Singapore.Singapore is here in the world map.设计意图:用真实场景导入,用动态国旗图片让学生在场景中理解并读会表示地点词。Task 2:Whats the weather like there? Its_in_.Teach:windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy 名词加y, 构成一个形容词,读I 设计意图:利用动态的图片让学生理解windy等单词的意思,结合世界地图创设情境,让学生在句单位中进行表达和如何询问天气以及回答。Task 3 Lets learn1) B

6、ook P28 Watch and read after it.2) Practice A ask B answer like this:A:Whats the weather like in .?B:Its _and_.3) Make a weather report.(Teacher makes a model first. Then Ss get ready and then show in the front)设计意图:在前面练习的铺垫下,学生可以灵活地运用天气词语与地点连接进行天气播报,达到学以致用的目的。Step4.Practice1) Game 1:P28 Whats the w

7、eather like in Yunnan/Kunming/Guiyang/London.?Its.游戏规则:游戏中巩固新学的表示天气和城市单词。学生从5张卡片中抽出天气词语,教师放课件出示地点,学生逐一用抽到的卡片表达某地的天气。如果与课件结果一致的则获得一分。教师先示范,然后学生练习4组。2) Game 2:P27 Its _and_.Where is it ?游戏规则:让一学生描述天气,温度,其他学生猜看图地点。答对奖分【设计意图:利用书P27、28的游戏环节,让学生在听说互动等多方位的训练下掌握本节课的重点,希望学生在游戏中学得轻松而快乐。】Step5 . Consolidation

8、and extention1)Help Ms Xie:Tell her the weather(Ms Xie 想去旅行,想知道各地的天气状况,你可以帮助她吗?)Hi,Ms Xie! This is the weather report. Its _ and _ in _. Thank you.设计意图:出示图片Shanghai/London/Qingdao/Harbin,让学生看图播报天气。谢老师爱旅游,首尾设计呼应,大场景成立。2) Knowledge about weather.在西方国家,天气已经成为日常寒暄的必谈话题。在公共场合与陌生人开始交谈时,谈天气可以是一种既有用,又不会得罪人的

9、活跃气氛,结交朋友的方式。3)出示好坏天气单词,让学生看图片明白Good weather makes us happy,Bad weather makes us sad!提醒学生The weather always changes.Please take care of yourself.在情感升华中结束。Step6 Homework1) Copy the five words.2) Make a world weather report to your parents.PPT Unit3 Weather B Lets learnA:Whats the weather like in .?B:Its _and_. Written design评价ppp教学设想:一、创设大语境,多形式突破重难点,设计新颖,流程清晰,容量大。学生学会了用英语做事情。二、游戏环节时间要把握好,准备不充分,学生参与度就会不够。三、游戏2可否去掉,余下时间给学生操练和播报天气。


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