B3Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Reading and Vocabulary 导学案(1).doc

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1、B3Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Reading and Vocabulary 导学案(1)高一英语组一课前自测预习. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.There are a lot of _ (hunger) children in Africa. 2. They are so _(poverty) that they cant afford their children enough food. 3. Most of the European countries are _ (development) countries. 4. _(e

2、ducate) is always very important in society all the time. 5. He is a famous _(educate), and his pupils are everywhere all over the world. 6. Without a clock, the _(measure)of time is not easy. 7. After talking for a week, they signed an _(agree). 8. He passed the _(examine) last week. . 选择短语并用其适当形式填

3、空up to, at the top of, make great efforts, move out of poverty, make sure,developing country1. China is a _in Asia. 2. I can take _ five people in my car. 3.The people in my hometown have _ in the last ten years. 4. _ that you turn off the light when you leave the room. 5. Her name is _ the list. Sh

4、e does best in this exam. 6. He is _ to catch up with the others in his class. 二要点归纳探究1. up to 【词义匹配】 阅读下列句子,选择up to在句中的含义。a. 直到 b. 多达 c. 由决定 d. 忙于 e. 胜任Go and see what the children are up to. ( )Mike is not really up to that job. ( )Not many children have education up to 11 years old. ( )Shall we g

5、o out? Its up to you. ( )Up to ten people can sleep in this tent. ( )【活学活用】英译汉。The temperature went up to 35 degrees. _What are you up to ? _Its up to you to decide where we will go for our holiday tomorrow. _Is he _ that job? Of course. He is very capable and is liked by others in the company. A. u

6、p to B. come to C. turn to D. hold to 2. agree to【观察领悟】 I agree that the book is well worth reading. 我同意这本书很值得一读。【自我归纳】agree to do sth. _agree that. . . _agreement n. _【活学活用】(2012襄阳高一检测)We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met I quite un

7、derstand your opinion, but that doesnt mean I _ it. A. agree B. agree to C. agree with D. agree on 3. measure【观察领悟】 The Index measures a countrys achievements in three ways. . . (measure vt. _)The dress designer measured her customers before making clothes. (measure vt. _) The room measures five met

8、ers across. (measure vi. _) The government has promised to take measures to help the homeless. (measure n. _;take measures _)【活学活用】英译汉。The river measures 250 kilometers long, 60 meters wide. _She made a coat to my measure. _(2012荆州高一检测)Education shouldnt be _ purely by the examination results. A. re

9、warded B. measured C. told D. thought 4. make sure【观察领悟】 You must make sure of the time and place. 你必须把时间和地点弄清楚。【自我归纳】 make sure that_make sure of sth. _【拓展延伸】 be sure of/about/that确信;对有把握be sure to do sth. 一定会做某事 Be sure to turn off the light when you leave. 当你走的时候务必关上灯。 Im sure of winning the game

10、. 我有把握能赢得比赛。【活学活用】你弄清楚时间了吗?(一句多译)a. _ you _ _ the time? b. _ you _ _ _ the time? Be sure _(close)the door when you leave the room. Tell John not to leave the room unless he _ that the lights _. A. will make sure; will be turned offB. will make sure; will turn offC. makes sure; are turned offD. is ma

11、de sure; are turned off 5. make efforts【观察领悟】 He made an effort to climb the mountain. 他努力地爬那座山。 I will make every effort to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。【自我归纳】 make an effort/efforts to do sth. _make every effort to do sth. _【拓展延伸】 spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力地做某事without effort 毫不费力地【活学活用】英译汉。I a

12、m making an effort to finish my homework today. _The local government is making every effort to prevent pollution. _We will spare no effort to help you. _They passed the exam without effort. _6. figure【观察领悟】 写出下列句子中figure的词性及其在句中的意思。His score is now well into double figures. Hes likely to win the ga

13、me. ()The wall was covered with figures, birds and flowers.()He was an outstanding political figure of his time. ()How does she keep her figure when she eats so much? () Jacks grandpa is in possession of an 18th century Maori figure. ()We figured that he was drunk and should not be allowed to drive.

14、 ()My wife and I figure in the cost of repairing our car as part of our expenses. ()【活学活用】As role models,public _ have a duty to contain themselves responsibly because teenagers often copy their behavior. A. figures B. numbers C. leaders D. governors Sam couldnt _ how to work out the problem until t

15、he teacher explained it to him. A. go through B. figure outC. come up D. get over 7. The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. 【句型剖析】 (1)本句中画线部分为_结构,在句中作状语。(2)该结构的构成形式是:_,可以充当宾语补足语的有:形容词, 副词,介词短语, to do, doing, done等。例如:He fell

16、asleep, with the windows _. 窗户开着,他睡着了。He stood before his teacher with his head _. 他低着头站在老师面前。She said goodbye to her friends, with tears _ _ _. 她眼含泪水向朋友们告别。He sat there with his eyes _. 他闭目坐在那儿。He went home with his homework _. 他作业没有写完就回家了。We will finish it in time with so many people _us. 有这么多人帮忙,

17、我们将会按时完成。I cant go out to play, with so much homework _ _. 有那么多作业要做,我不能出去玩。【活学活用】He likes sleeping with the windows _. 他喜欢关着窗户睡觉。With the forests _ _, our environment is becoming worse and worse. 随着森林受到破坏,我们的环境越来越糟。With Tom _ _, I can finish the work two days ahead of the deadline. 有汤姆帮助我,我能提前两天完成工作

18、。With a lot of matters _, the manager felt very relaxed. 许多事情解决了,经理感到很轻松。With everything she needed _, she hurried home. 买完所需要的东西之后,她匆忙回家了。三课时达标训练. 单词拼写 1. Youth is a major period in the _ (发展)of a person. 2. He holds an important _ (位置)in that company. 3. She has lived in _ (贫穷) all her life. 4. Wh

19、at is your _ (收入) from your job? 5. The dress designer will always _ (测量) you before making new clothes. 6. The _ (数据) in the form show that we have made much progress. 7. He is being _ (教育) abroad. 8. They are working hard for their common _ (目标). . 完成句子1. Please _ _ _ (确保) the lab is locked before

20、 leaving. 2. The doctors are _ _ _ (尽最大努力) to save the boy. 3. Tom _ _ _(不能胜任)his present job. 4. The expenses of daily goods have _ _(增加了)10% this year.5. Hes _ _(同意)our suggestion about holiday. 6. Great changes have taken place _ _ _ _ _ (在最近三年). . 单项填空1. (2012蚌埠高一检测)Though _ to see Joe, the prof

21、essor gave Joe a warm welcome. A. surprised B. was surprised C. surprising D. being surprised2. She agreed _ me go early. A. to be lettingB. letting C. to letD. to have let3. I love basketball games, and I used to play forward _ in the school basketball team. A. role B. place C. position D. location

22、4. I _ that all windows are shut. I did it. A. make sure B. am sureC. make clear D. am clear5. (2012厦门高一检测)He doesnt work but he gets a good _ from his investment. A. wageB. earningsC. incomeD. salary6. With a great weight _ off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully. A. takingB. takenC. ta

23、keD. to be taken7. (2012温州高一检测)In the middle of the lake _ two islands. A. liesB. lieC. isD. was8. Where _ little Tom be now? I wonder what he _. A. can;is up to B. must;is aboutC. may;is doing D. must;playing9. What a big snake! It _ one and a half meters long. A. is measuredB. is measuringC. measuresD. will measure10. With the _ of economy, the relation between environment and human beings has become closer and closer. A. changing B. advancing C. improvement D. development


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