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1、内 容Unit 5 Whose dog is it?上课 时间40mins总课时6主备教师 第 1 课时教 学目 标1. 能听、说、朗读Whose is this ? Its minehis” “Whose are these ? They are ” 等询问他人和表达物品归属的交际用语。2. 能够准确听说认读词汇,如:mine, his, ours 等。重 点难 点能够在实际语境中交流使用句型“Whose is it ? Its mine.教学准备单词卡片,课件设计者教学设想施教者修改或点评教学过程:一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: What day is it t

2、oday ?Ss:Its T:Wow! Its a nice day !二、新课表现(Presentation) 1. A. Lets try . 引导学生看图片,并说:Look at the three pictures. They are pictures of the school art show . Mike and Chen jie are talking about them .Which is Johns picture ? Lets listen and tick .教师顺势表现和教学art show.教师播放录音,引导学生勾选准确的图片。 2、Lets talk 教师表现对

3、话主情景,Mike 和 陈杰在参观学校画展的图片,引导学生表达自己的喜好,如:I like that picture .of Beijing .等。完整表现对话 教师播放录音,引导学生获取相关信息。 教师利用课件,引导学生理解核心句型:Are these all ours ?的意思并教学。 学生模仿录音,朗读对话,并小组表演。 三、趣味操练1. 创编对话。 学生自己创编对话,可先在两人小组中练习,然后展示表演。 如:S1: 。is this book yours ? S2: No, it isnt . S1: Whose is it ? S2:Let me see . Its s . Its

4、his . S1: What about these keys ? Whose are they ? S2: Theyre s . They are hers .作业设计: 让学生做本单元A Lets talk部分的活动手册配套练习。 让学生熟读课文,并创编对话。板书设计: Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Whose is it ? Its Whose are these ? Theyre 反思:教 材内 容Unit 5Whose dog is it ?上课 时间40mins总课时2主备教师陈锐第 2 课时教 学目 标1. 能够准确听、说、朗读“Whose is that ? I

5、ts ” 等询问和回答物品归属的交际用语。2、能够准确听、说、认读词汇:hers ,mine , his , theirs , ours 等名词性物主代词。重 点难 点能够准确听、说、认读词汇:hers ,mine , his , theirs , ours 等名词性物主代词。教学准备单词卡片,课件设计者教学设想施教者修改或点评教学过程:(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Free talk(二)表现新课 (Presentation)A. Lets learn。1. 采用送礼物的方式: T: Come here .Whose notebook is it ?S1: Its

6、 my notebook .T: Yes, its yours. (强调几遍yours, 板书)用同样的方法依次教学hers,his, ours ,theirs, mine (板书)。 2. 巩固练习 教师快速点黑板上的单词,请学生朗读。为增加趣味性,教师能够越指越快,引导学生快速抢答。也能够组织男女生集体或个人的竞赛活动,看哪一组读得又快又好。3. Look ,say and complete 教师引导学生朗读关于Amy 的两个例句,再次理解和内化her 和hers 的区别。然后,教师说:Now its your turn to write aboutotherss books . 引导学生

7、仿照例句写句子,填写表格。然后师生核对答案。引导学生再次理解和内化名词性物主代词的用法。学生两人一组模仿Zoom 和Zip 就表格信息进行对话问答。三、Lets play (趣味操练)课堂练习选择填空:( ) This is _ bedroom. A. I B. my C. me( ) There _ a photo on the wall. A. is B. are C. be( ) - Is this your coat? - _. A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. No, it is.( ) In my room I have two big _.

8、A. bike B. bikes C. a bike3. Check the answer B, A, B, B作业设计: 1. 听录音,复习本单元所学的主要内容。2. 预习下一节课的知识。板书设计: Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Whose is it ? Its Whose are these ? Theyre 反思:教 材内 容Unit 5 Whose dog is it?上课时间40mins总课时6主备教师陈锐第 3 课时教 学目 标1、能够掌握字母组合ng, nk在单词中的发音。2、能够拼读符合ng, nk发音规则的单词,并能书写单词。3、能够根据提供的图片单词,听音

9、在单线上完成句子的书写,并做到书写规范。重 点难 点重点:掌握字母组合ng, nk在单词中的发音,培养学生主动探索单词发音规律的意识。教学准备单词卡片,课件设计者教学设想施教者修改或点评教学过程:(一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1、Phonics Song 2、Look and say(1-4单元字母组合及单词)3、A guessing game(About me)(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1、ng在单词中的发音/(1) 承接上一步猜测老师信息的环节,引出:long, sing, ring, young, song(2) Look at these wor

10、ds. Whats the same?(3) Listen and read. What does “ng” sound?(4) 总结ng发音/,类似语文后鼻音,学生跟读ng的发音。(5) Lets read:long, sing, ring, young, (拼读单词,并张贴词卡)(5) Lets read:long, sing, ring, young, (拼读单词,并张贴词卡)(6) Lets chantI think I can sing. I think I can sing. I think I can sing a song. I think I can sing.I think

11、 I can sing.A song that is not too long. 2、nk在单词中发音/k/ 三、Lets play (趣味操练)1、Read, write and listen(50) (1)Read the word. (2)Write the words (3) Read with the tape.2、 Listen and spell the words.T: s ing sing p ink pink b ank bang sing ing singing eating3、 Look listen and write.(1) Look listen and writ

12、e.(50)a. 学生听音书写b. 教师巡视并选择典型范例,投影点评。 c. 同桌相互检查。1. 作业设计:Copy the new words 4 times.Write more words you know about “ng, nk”. 板书设计: Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Whose is it ? Its Whose are these ? Theyre 反思:教 材内 容Unit 5 Whose dog is it?上课时间40mins总课时6主备教师陈锐第 4 课时教 学目 标1. 1. 学生能够听说认读句型:Is he _? Yes, he is./ No

13、, he isnt. He is _.2. 学生能够在情景中灵活运用句型。学生能够有感情、流利的地朗读课文。重 点难 点1. 1. 能够听说认读关键句型2. 能够有感情、流利的地朗读课文。教学准备单词卡片,课件设计者教学设想施教者修改或点评教学过程:(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up / Revision)1. Enjoy the song: Whose puppy is this?2. Look and sayWhose dog is it?Its _s. Its his/hersIts _.(cute)(二)新授 Presentation1. Introduce Fido1) Teach:

14、 sleepingChen Jie: Its my dog. His name is Fido. Look, where is Fido? S: Hes _.T: Yes. Hes sleeping.教学sleeping.Pair work: _is sleeping. (动物或人物睡觉图) Look and say: _is _. 2. Lets try1) Where is Fido? Look and guess. Is he _?2) Listen and tick.3) Listen and answer.a. Can Sam play with Fido? b. Why? 三In

15、the parkA: Where is _、B: Hes near/beside_.A: Is he/ she_?B: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. A: Where is _、B: Hes near/beside_.A: Is he/ she_?B: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.A: Can I play with him/her?B: Of course./Sorry.Emotional education:作业设计: 同桌合作用所学单词、句型编对话。1. Read p. 51. Repeat after the CD

16、 5 times.(跟着CD朗读书本p51五遍,注意模仿重音、停顿、语调))2.Copy the key sentences 3 times.板书设计: Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Whose is it ? Its Whose are these ? Theyre 反思:教 材内 容Unit 5 Whose dog is it?上课时间40mins总课时6主备教师陈锐第 5 课时教 学目 标1. 知识与能力目标:a. 能够听、说、读、写动词的ing形式:climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking 和 sleeping.重 点难

17、点b. 能听懂认读句子Fido is sleeping. Are these rabbits eating? No. Theyre playing with each other教学准备单词卡片,课件设计者教学设想施教者修改或点评教学过程:(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)Enjoy a song;Animals are everywhere.2、Lets chant: Bird, bird, what can you do? I can fly. I can fly.(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1、 T:Look, Sam is at Chenjies hom

18、e, they are talking about Fido, can you guess where is Fido now? S1: Hes in the. S2: Hes in the. 2、 T:Ok, now lets listen to the talk, and think about the questions: a. Is the Fido drinking water? b. Where can Sam take Fido to?S1;No, he isnt. Hes eating S2:Sam can take Fido to the park.3 T:Do you wa

19、nt to come to the park too?Ss;Yes.T:Ok, lets go. Look the park is so wonderful, I can see many animals, like the birds. What can you see?S1: I can see. S2: I can see. 4、 Look and say: e.g. Look at the rabbit! Its jumping! The rabbit is jumping. 三、Practice1、 Write and say(present pictures, choose the

20、 right picture to fill in blanks.);Mike is sleeping at school.Chenjie is (running/climbing) with my father2、Animals are our friends! Please Love animals, and protect animals!作业设计: Read and Copy the new words.:climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking 和 sleeping 6 times。2、同桌之间相互用动词的ing形式来描述班内同学正在做

21、的事,例:Mike is sleeping.Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Im Robin .I am looking at Im like aan 反思:教 材内 容Unit 5 Whose dog is it?上课时间40mins总课时6主备教师陈锐第 6 课时教 学目 标3. 1. 学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂小短文,完成读后判断的活动。学生能够参考范例完成句子的书写。重 点难 点1. 学生能够理解短文,并在情境中完成书写活动。教学难点:学生能够按意群阅读,并能根据文章进行书写。教学准备单词卡片,课件设计者教学设想施教者修改或点评教学过程1. 一热身/复习(Warm-up/

22、Revision)1 Enjoy the song“animals, animals are everywhere”2. Look and sayMike is running.The dog is eating.(看read and write 图片中的动物,进行描述)二.新课展示(Presentation)1.T:(喝水) Im drinking water. What are you doing?S1: Im _.Read the sentence: What are you doing?Pair work:A: What are you doing?B: Im _.2.Listen a

23、nd write the answerT:I have 2 friends. They are Sarah and Robin .Where are Sarah and Robin?They are at _.学生做完后校对。模仿录音朗读,解决新词excited 3Talk about Robin (三)趣味操练 (Practice)1. Talk about my familyT:My friend Robin is looking at the animals at the zoo. What about my family members?Now look at my family. M

24、y father is _.My mother is _.My sisters are 2.Write about your family member.Look at my family.My grandpa is _.My brother/ sister is _.My parents are _.作业设计: 1. Read p. 53. Repeat after the CD 5 times.(跟着CD朗读书本p53五遍,注意模仿重音、停顿、语调))2.Finish Exercises on your English work Book.Finish the excises: Lets check板书设计:Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Im Robin .I am looking at Im like aan 反思:


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