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1、New Standard English3起 Book6 Module6 Unit1教学设计 课题Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last yeat.课型NT教材分析本课所要学习的语言内容是新标准英语三年级起点第六册Module6 Unit1,英语(新标准)第六册Module 6的主题是Travel,第一单元为 I went there last year,语言功能是使用一般过去时谈论旅游见闻。能用When did you go to? Did you go with? 自由地做出问答。学情分析本节课以travel为话题,孩子们都有出游经历,并且对于自己过去的经历都有

2、很深刻的印象,对本节课的讨论能够提供充足的素材。五年级的学生通过前两年的学习已经有了一定的语言知识储备,对于一般过去时有了学习的体验,在四年级下册学过了动词一般过去式的规则变化,如phoned, walked, talked等。这些学习经历已经让学生大脑中有了关于一般过去时的知识储备。所以,在本课教学中,我的重要任务就是通过设计贴近现实情境的活动,给学生搭建实现语言使用的支架,让学生充分联系已学知识,实现从语言知识到语言使用的目的。设计思路为培养学生的自主阅读和理解水平,将本课设计为导学模式下的阅读课。从读前、读中、读后的三个阶段,引导学生理解掌握细节要点,并将所学的语言点迁移到生活的其他情境

3、中。以学生的生活经验为出发点,以一系列旅行为活动载体,在师生和生生的互动中,让学生体验学习的乐趣,养成勤于练习,没有付出就没有收获的学习态度。教学目标语言知识目标功能谈论旅行见闻语法全体学生能够初步使用:When did you go ? I went there last year.Did you go with your mother and father ? Yes, I did.词汇全体学生能够掌握词汇:photo, stay, week,全体学生能够理解词汇:beautiful June July west south语音全体学生初步感知英语语音的基本特性,能够了解自然拼读法。语言技

4、能目标听全体学生能借助图片、图像和手势听懂、读懂和朗读课文。说全体学生能够表述:When did you go to? We went there . Did you go with ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 来谈论旅游经历。读全体学生能够准确朗读课文。写全体学生能够根据图片、词语或提示,书写本课重点语句;使用全体学生能够根据图片、词语或提示,使用一般过去时谈论旅游经历。学习策略目标习惯阅读语篇的过程中,既要学会整体感知内容,整合信息,又要注意细节理解。交际积极与他人合作,主动与他人交流过去发生的事情。文化意识目标学生热爱祖国大好河山、增强民族团结,等的情感意识

5、。情感态度目标开拓学生视野,增长人文地理知识,激发学生热爱祖国大好河山、增强民族自豪感等的情感意识。教学重点能听懂,会说,能认读单词photo, stay, week,及句子When did you go to ? We went there last year. Did you go with your mother and father? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.教学难点用一般过去时谈论照片中的旅行经历。教学准备PPT,导学案,及其它常规用具。教学流程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图IPreview checking1. Greetings.Did you go

6、 to Dalian?When did you go there?Who went there with you ?2. Introduce teachers travel. Students may ask some questions about my photos.Did you go to Dalian?When did you go there?Who went there with you ?Where did you go ?3. Preview checking Check the answers.4.Teach new words .stay, week,photo用phot

7、o作为最后一个教授的单词Lingling took many photos.T:Lingling likes travel. Would you like to see it ?1. Greetings.2.Ask and answer.3. Fill in the blanks.让学生将单词放在句子中理解,便于学生的理解和运用。通过教师批、学生批、生生互批等,了解学生易出错的部分,在接下来的环节进行重点处理,为课文教学扫清障碍。同时注意情感态度价值观的教育。IIText-learningGeneral question: 1.What are they mainly talking abou

8、t ?A.Two places in the photos.B. Three places in the photos.C. Lingling went to Xinjiang last year.D. Linglings uncle and his three children. 2.Details1)When did she go to Xinjiang?追问:How long did she stay there ?2)Did she go there with her friends?Who went there with Lingling.3) Where is Xinjiang?4

9、)Where does her uncle live ?Where is Hainan?Where is Harbin?5)Where did Ms Smart meet Linglings cousins?How do you know that?T: Have you got any questionns ?Ive got a question. Theyre Li people . Whats meaning.? 出示黎族维吾尔族白族照片,然后出示56个民族照片(合照)T: We have 56 peoples in our country. We are brothers and si

10、sters. We have a big family. We love China. 3.Read the text.(1) Listen and repeat. (2)Practise reading. (3)Read it bythemselves.(4)Read in roles. (5)Read out.4.Retell the text.(1)Listen to teachers retelling.(2) Retell with the teacher.(3) Practise reading.(4)Retell.1. Read.2. Read the text fast and

11、 answer the question.3. Read silently and find answers.4. Think more and try to answer the questions.5.(1) Listen and repeat. (2)Practise reading. (3)Read it bythemselves.(4)Read in roles. (5)Read out.6. (1)Listen to teachers retelling.(2) Retell with the teacher.(3) Practise reading.(4)Retell.让学生学会

12、整体把握、整合信息,同时在details的基础上,追问4个问题,既让学生进一步进行细节理解,提升思维能力,在理解的基础上进行朗读训练,培养学生的语感,同时为下面retell环节做铺垫,进而锻炼学生整合信息,进行语言输出的能力。Retell 的难度较大,所以教师先示范,让学生消除畏惧心理,乐于参与。情感教育的升华,民族大团结。用板书中的重点单词复述课文。IIIGroupwork1. Show 4 sentences:Read and try to find the rules.2. . Translate the sentences.1)你去哪儿了?2)我去青岛了。3)你和你的姐姐去的吗?是的4

13、)什么时候去的?5)我们在去年的七月份去的。1. Look and find out the different and similar parts.2. Discuss in groups.3. Check the answers by group.先出示4个句子,让学生观察、总结、提炼信息,再进行合作探究,给学生一定的思维基础,然后进行语法知识的整合,从而搭建了思维平台。IVPractice1. Show a picture about Qingdao.2. 2. Show a picture about Qingdao again. A: Where?B: He /SheA:Did he

14、/she go with?B:Yes/No.A:When.?B: He/She .1. Look and talk about the picture.2. Answer questions.通过图片的形式,让学生进行特殊疑问句和一般疑问句问答,先从第一第二人称练习,然后过度到第三人称,从而将合作探究的结果进行语言输出,学生会在运用中,进一步理解和运用本课重点知识。V. Production1. Show a photo about the teachers sons travel.2. Point out the key points.1. Ask some questions.2. Ask

15、 and answer in groups. Use the students travel.出示老师儿子的旅行照片,请学生们用今天所练习的重点句型进行提问,让学生进行问答句的练习,进行本课学习成果的生成,给学生提供运用、展示的平台,从而体验学习的乐趣。VISummary1. New words.2. Talk about photos of travel. 1. Summarize the lesson.先让学生进行总结归纳,教师进行点拨,帮助学生进一步加深记忆和理解。VIIHomework1、必做: Read and retell the dialogue.Talk about your travel to your friend.2、选做: Try to write down your travel. 1. Students sum up.2. Find the winner team. 设计必做和选做的部分,让不同层次的学生选择适合自己的学习任务,消除学生的抗拒心理,激励学生不断提升自己的能力。板书设计 Module6unit 1 I went there last year.lives


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