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1、淮安曙光双语学校理想课堂教案设计稿(主备人稿)学科六年级英语主备人课题Unit 3 A healthy diet总课时4课时课时第一课时(Story time)课型新授课教学目标1.能会读、会写词汇:healthy,diet,a little,a few2.能熟练朗读并复述课文3.掌握不可数名词及可数名词的单、复数形式教学重点1.能会读、会写词汇:healthy,diet,a little,a few2.能熟练朗读并复述课文教学难点掌握不可数名词及可数名词的单、复数形式方法手段卡片,PPT教 学 过 程(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点/精彩片段)教师活动学生活动二次备课Step

2、1.Warming up1. Free talkWhat did you eat in the morning?What food do you like?Do you have a healthy diet?2.出示实物图片。Step2.Presentation1. 出示图片并新授词组 a lot of apples/some apples a little water/a few apples2.Watch cartoons and answer Task1:Does Mike have a healthy diet?Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet?3

3、.Read and answerTask2:What does Mike like eating? Does he drink much water? 4.Read and answerTask3:What does often Yang Ling have for breakfast?Does she eat a little rice?Does she like sweet food?Step 3: Consolidation1. Think and talk2. Talk about some healthy diets3. Try to write S: I ate.I like sw

4、eets,rice.S:Yes, I do./No, I dont.S: Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.S: Mike likes. S: He has a lot of rice,some fish.S: Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles.S: Yes, she does教后反思课时第二课时( Grammar Time & Fun Time )课型新授课教学目标1.能掌握可数名词的单、复数形式及用法。2.能掌握不可数名词的用法。教学重点1.能掌握可数名词的单、复数形式及用法。2.能掌握不可数名词的用法。教学难点1.能掌握可数名

5、词的单、复数形式及用法。2.能掌握不可数名词的用法。方法手段卡片,PPT教 学 过 程(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点/精彩片段)教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1.Warming up1.Free talkWhat did you eat in the morning?What food do you like?Do you have a healthy diet?2.出示实物图片。Step2.Presentation1.出示图片并区分可数名词和不可数名词。不可数名词:bread,juice,meat,milk,rice,water.2.可数名词复数直接加s。加es。如:ma

6、ngo,potato,tomato.变y为i,加es。如:study-studies.3.Read the sentencesI eat a lot of noodles/meat.They have some vegetables/bread.4.Do a survey.A:What do you have for breakfast?A:What about lunch and dinner?Mary has some noodles for breakfast.She has a lot of rice,some meat and some vegetables for lunch an

7、d dinner.S: I ate.I like sweets,rice.S:Yes, I do./No, I dont.学生做笔记并操练S: Yes, I do.(将该学生姓名填入表格)S:I have some noodles.S:For lunch and dinner,I have a lot of rice,some meat and some vegetables.教后反思课时第三课时( Sound timeCartoon time)课型新授课教学目标1.能会读,会写词汇:cola,need,rest。2.能熟读并复述Cartoon time部分。3.能分角色表演对话。教学重点1.

8、能会读,会写词汇:cola,need,rest。2.能熟读并复述Cartoon time部分。3.能分角色表演对话。教学难点1.能熟读并复述Cartoon time部分。2.能分角色表演对话。方法手段卡片,PPT教 学 过 程(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点/精彩片段)教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1.Warming up1.Free talk2.出示实物图片。Step2.Presentation复习Story time。复习不可数名词:bread,juice,meat,milk,rice,water2.Watch and answerWhere do Sam and his

9、 mum go?What food do they buy?3.Read the answerIs there much food in the fridge?Should Sam drink too much cola?Do they need rice? 4.Read after tape 5.Read in group 6.Act it out 7.Read the wordsabout house mouth out shout总结字母ou组合发音。 Read the sentences: Mrs Li shouts,“Get out!Get out!” Theres a little

10、 mouse In her house. 8.Culture time some porridge and steamed buns cereal,bread,eggs and sausages 学生复述课文S:They go to the supermarket.S:They buy some.学生自读课文并找出答案。读并找出发音规律教后反思课时第四课时( Culture time & Checkout time )课型新授课教学目标1.能灵活运用there be句型的一般疑问句。2.能准确运用a few,a little,a lot of,some。3.能看图说话。教学重点1.能灵活运用t

11、here be句型的一般疑问句。2.能准确运用a few,a little,a lot of,some。教学难点能看图说话。方法手段卡片,PPT教 学 过 程(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点/精彩片段)教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1.Warming up2. Free talkWhat did you eat in the morning?What food do you like?Do you have a healthy diet?Step2.Presentation1. 复习Story time。2. 复习不可数名词:bread,juice,meat,milk,ric

12、e,water.3.复习Cartoon time。 复习a few,a little,a lot of,some.的用法。3.Ask and answerAre there a lot of vegetables?Is there any water?4.Look and write出示图片a few ,a little,a lot of someInahealthydiet,thereis fruit and vegetables.Thereisalso rice and bread.Youcanhave meat and fish in your meals.You canalsohave

13、 eggs every week.Milk is good for your body.You can have milk every day.Sweet food is nice,but it is not good for your teeth.Eat only sweet food every day.5. Ticking timeI know the food and drinks in a healthy diet.I can use “a lot of”,“some”,etc.S: I ate.I like sweets,rice.S:Yes, I do./No, I 学生复述课文S:Yes,there are.S:No,there isnt.学生完成练习,教师巡视并反馈答案。学生自评本单元学习目标是否达成。教后反思


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