Unit9 When was it invented.doc

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《Unit9 When was it invented.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit9 When was it invented.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit9 When was it invented?教学设计教学内容及学情分析本节课是九年级第九单元第一课时的内容,在这节课中,学生将谈论发明历史的话题,学习被动语态。根据新课程标准的要求,初中阶段要求学生能掌握并使用一般过去时被动语态。关于被动语态在九年级第一单元中就有体现,在第九单元中是我们学习的重点,本节课学生理应了解并掌握一般过去时被动语态的构成,肯定句,否定句,肯定回答,否定回答及他的特殊疑问句,并在交际中得以准确使用。为了调动学生的课堂学习积极性,课堂上一律采用学生点评,学生总结,以提升课堂效率,活跃气氛,真正做到活而不乱。教学目标知识与技能:本节课中,学生学会准确使用这两个生词

2、,训练学生谈论发明的历史,训练学生准确使用被动语态和他们的听说技能。过程与方法:创设情景,激发兴趣,小组合作,共同分享。情感态度与价值观:很多的重要的发明已经改变了我们的生活,我们的世界。你知道那些发明家吗?你知道他们在工作中是多么努力吗?教学重点:本节课的生词及语言目标教学难点:训练学生谈论发明历史,在口语交际中逐步理解一般过去时被动语态。教学过程:教师活动 I .Show students a picture of LiYuchun Ask “Who is she ? What does she do ?” Show them another picture of Cai LunAsk “

3、Who is he ? What does he do ?” in Show a students calculatorAsk “Whats this ?”II.1)Ask“Who invented lights /calculators? . Thomas Edison invented lights= lights were invented by Thomas Edison 2)Ask them to make sentences ( Positive sentences negative sentences General questions, their answers) with

4、Passive Voice (was/were+ 过分) 学生活动Students answer the questionsLearn the new words inventor-inventinvention(s) calculator -calculate Students answer the question Thomas Edison invented lights He is an inventor.He has many inventions in his life . 学生总结一般过去时被动语态Was/were +过分students make sentences学生点评 设

5、计意图用学生喜爱的明星引出本节课的新词学习新词练习本节课的新词及其它形式引出被动语态 操练被动语态集中学生注意力III. Here are five inventions and guessWho were they invented by? Where was the inventor from? When were they invented ? 2)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks 3)Organize the students to practice more IV. work in groups V. organize student

6、s summarize VI.find out the uses of the inventions above Students guess 1)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks telephone. car.calculator computer TV 2)answer the questions according to the listeningwas invented in was invented before/after 3)Students read the listening material 学生点评Work in grou

7、ps to find out the most important Inventions in China and in foreign countries. fill in the form. CountryinventiontimeinventorChinaOther countries students summarize find out the uses of the inventions above巩固重点句型,加强听力训练加强对文本开发和利用,熟悉教材拓展提升学科整和增强爱国意识回顾所学知识为下节课做准备Unit 9 When was it invented ? Passive

8、voice1)Words Inventor-inventinvention 2) Thomas Edison was invented lights=Lights were invented by Thomas Edisoncalculatorcalculate Be+过分3)Important sentences Was/were +过分When were they /was it invented ?” examples:Who were they/was it invented by ? Where was the inventor from?was invented in was invented before/after


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