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1、选择题( )1、Thank you very much! . A、OK B、You are welcome. C、All right. D、This is OK.( )2、Welcome back hometown.A、to B、on C、for D、with( )3、First all, you will tell me your name. A、at B、of C、with D、for( )4、 first, I didnt want to go, but soon I changed my mind. A、At B、Of C、With D、For( )5、He is careful in

2、 every thing. A、do B、doing C、to do D、does( )6、Tom to her bedroom but found nothing. A、hurry B、hurried C、hurries D、in a hurry( )7、I didnt have breakfast and went to school . A、hurried B、hurries C、in a hurry D、hurry( )8、Why is she going to lie on the beach? she likes the sun and the sea. A、For B、Becau

3、se C、So D、As( )9、This is my key. Who it? A、looked for B、found out C、found( )10、At the moment, he English book. A、is read B、is reading C、are reading D、read( )11、 he is in the room. A、Maybe B、May be C、May D、Can be( )12、We are thinking about London for our holiday. A、going to B、to go to C、to go D、going

4、 for( )13、You must choose Mike our leader. A、as B、with C、for D、to( )14、Which computer will you ? A、choose B、chose C、choosing D、to choose( )15、He chose games. A、not to play B、to not play C、not play D、no to play( )16、We must try our best there in time. A、to get B、get C、getting D、gets( )17、Can I have a

5、gain? A、try B、tries C、trying D、a try( )18、Is that eraser? No, thats . A、your; her B、your; his C、her; my D、he; his( )19、 mobile phone is red and mobile phone is purple. A、Your; my B、You; I C、You; My D、My; you( )20、What is name? Its Lily. A、she B、her C、hers D、your( )21、Excuse me. Are Tina?Yes, name is

6、 Tina White. A、your; I B、you; my C、your; my D、they; their( )22、What is family number? 285397. A、your; It B、his; He is C、his; Her phone number D、his; It is( )23、Linda doesnt like bicycle. Likes mine. A、your; She B、your; Her C、yours; Hers D、hers; She( )24、What is he looking ?He lost his pen. A、at B、af

7、ter C、for D、out( )25、Li Tao is a boy. is my friend. English name is Teddy. A、He; He B、He; His C、My; His D、Me; He( )26、Are coats yours?Yes, they are. A、they B、these C、this D、there( )27、Is this ruler?No. is over there. A、her; Her B、her; Hers C、hers; Hers D、hers; her( )28、I hoe you join us for the picn

8、ic tomorrow. A、need B、must C、should D、can( )29、What you do to help her? A、can B、must C、may D、need( )30、 you play the piano?Of course I can. A、Must B、May C、Can D、Would( )31、Tom, you play with the knife. Its dangerous. A、wont B、may C、must D、cant( )32、Can I help you? . A、Yes you can B、No, I can do it C

9、、Yes, Id like some oranges D、Yes, please( )33、Look! The boys are playing football. A、a B、an C、the D、不填( )34、What would you like ? A、to go B、to do C、do D、doing( )35、She likes violin very much. A、play B、play the C、plays the D、playing the( )36、Theres going to be a football match Friday afternoon. A、in

10、B、at C、on D、to( )37、Are they going a picnic this Saturday? A、for B、with C、to D、on( )38、We will the river. A、cross B、across C、go cross D、not across( )39、Why not English carefully? A、studying B、to study C、study D、studies( )40、She enjoys on the beach. A、lie B、lying C、to lie D、lies( )41、Tom and Sam goin

11、g to a football match this afternoon. A、is; watching B、are; watching C、is; watch D、are; watch( )42、What about hiking this Sunday?Great. Id like with you. A、to go; going B、going; going C、going; to go( )43、Im going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. ! A、Enjoy yourself B、Come on C、Good luck D、It doe

12、snt matter( )44、 are you going to do?Im going to see my grandmother. A、What B、Why C、How D、Who( )45、She will leave her homework the teachers desk after school. A、from B、to C、for D、on( )46、Dont to late, or youll feel tired in tomorrows classes. A、stay up B、wake up C、get up D、give up( )47、She very busy

13、 this week; she free next week. A、will be; is B、is; is C、will be; will be D、is; will be( )48、There a dolphin(海豚) show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A、was B、is going to have C、will have D、is going to be( )49、Mr. Smith a talk on country music next Monday. A、give B、gave C、has given D、will give( )50、He w

14、ill be a doctor two months. A、on B、after C、in D、at( )51、It will get cold the North Pole(北极). A、in B、at C、to D、on( )52、Could you help me do some cleaning tomorrow?If I , I will do it. A、am free B、will be free C、will have time D、had time( )53、There a strong wind here tomorrow. A、will is B、are C、will h

15、ave D、is going to be( )54、 is the man talking with Mr. Wang?Hes Liu Yings father, Mr. Liang. A、What B、Where C、Which D、Who( )55、 are the lemons?Ten yuan a kilo. A、What B、How many C、How much D、Where( )56、 strawberries do you want?Four kilos, please. A、How many B、How much C、Where D、Whose( )57、Id like t

16、o buy a computer brother.What about this one? A、to B、for C、with D、of( )58、Can I ?Certainly. Here you are. A、try on it B、try it on C、trying it on D、trying on it( )59、Its Sunday tomorrow. What are you going to do?I want shopping with my mother. A、go B、to go C、going D、going( )60、Id like beans. How much

17、 are they?Five yuan a kilo. Ten yuan, please. A、a kilo B、two kilos C、two kilos of D、two kilo of( )61、What do you usually do Saturdays? A、at B、in C、on D、for( )62、The computer doesnt work. Theres wrong with it. A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything( )63、What did you buy for your daughter at th

18、e supermarket?I bought , because I couldnt find she likes. A、something; anything B、anything; something C、nothing; anything D、something; nothing( )64、Im looking forward there. A、go B、to go C、goes D、to going( )65、Yesterday he and I at school. We were at home. A、am B、arent C、werent D、was( )66、There som

19、ething dirty on the desk just now. A、is B、was C、are D、were( )67、My aunt was born Beijing June 9th, 1980. A、at; in B、on; at C、in; on D、in; in( )68、What they ? They were well-behaved(表现好). A、were; like B、do; like C、does; like D、was; like( )69、The teacher came in a book her hand. A、with; in B、with; on

20、C、have; in D、take; in( )70、Let me tell past life. A、you; you B、me; your C、you; my D、me; my( )71、She is very busy. There are lots of things every day. A、do B、to do C、doing D、does( )72、Sam is in China now. Hell go back . A、day B、in days C、one day D、some days( )73、 is watching TV. Lets turn it off A、So

21、mebody B、Anybody C、Nobody D、Everybody( )74、There were five bowls some nice food them. A、of; on B、with; in C、with; on D、in; on( )75、I decided a birthday cake my mother on her birthday. A、to buy; for B、to buy; to C、buying; to D、buying; for( )76、She didnt like the two chairsthey were . A、nice B、comfort

22、able C、uncomfortable D、friendly( )77、Listen! Who is knocking the door? A、at B、on C、to D、A and B( )78、My sister her homework ten minutes ago. A、finish B、finishes C、finished D、is finishing( )79、Try late for school again, please. A、to be B、dont be C、not to be D、be not( )80、Did your parents go to the ci

23、nema yesterday?No, we stayed at home. A、both B、all C、either D、none( )81、He pointed the map and showed us where he lived. A、down B、for C、at D、up( )82、When your mother you blue dress, Mary?Sorry, I really cant remember. A、does; buy B、has; bought C、had; bought D、did; buy( )83、Tom a piece of waste paper

24、, and put it into the rubbish bag. A、put away B、threw away C、stood up D、picked up( )84、What a hot day! How about going swimming after school? ! Lets ask Daniel to go with us. A、Thats OK B、No problem C、Good luck D、Sounds great( )85、When Jim was a child, they to France. A、lived B、worked C、reached D、mo

25、ved( )86、Our teacher told us again to each other in the library. A、to speak B、not to speak C、dont speak( )87、They were too tired, so they stopped and had a rest. A、working B、to work C、work ( )88、They are going to Beijing holiday. A、at B、in C、on D、for( )89、My coat is different from yours colour. A、at

26、 B、in C、on D、for( )90、There are 29 days in . A、January B、February C、March D、July( )91、Janes mother lots of money on womens wear every year. A、spends B、takes C、coats( )92、 he a good holiday last year? A、Did; have B、Did; has C、Does; had D、Does; have to( )93、He with his sister English yesterday afterno

27、on. A、reads B、read C、will read D、doesnt read( )94、How long did they there? A、stays B、stayed C、staying D、stay( )95、They me a postcard when they traveled in Japan. A、are sending B、sent C、send D、are going to send( )96、They will go to Hainan holiday by plane. A、on B、to C、with D、in( )97、My mother is goin

28、g to do some shopping . A、yesterday B、tomorrow C、last night D、last week( )98、 did you have the party last night?In the park. A、What B、Why C、When D、Where( )99、I hope he is . A、good B、nice C、great D、well( )100、Cant you hear ?No, I can hear . A、anything; nothing B、anything; anythingC、something; nothing

29、 D、something; something( )101、Ill tell you story if I have time. A、a funny B、a fun C、funny D、fun( )102、It is not polite at a person. A、point B、to point C、pointing D、pointed( )103、When did you go there? three hours. A、After B、Ago C、Later D、In( )104、Its nice pictures for me. A、of you to draw B、for you

30、 to draw C、for you drawing D、of you drawing( )105、Who was the first one ? A、to reach B、to arrive C、to get to D、to arrive at( )106、We travelled all night to London and got there Sunday morning. A、for B、on C、at D、to( )107、How do you like the film? . A、Its wonderful B、What about C、Yes, I like it D、No,

31、I dont like it at all( )108、What do you your homework? A、talk about B、think of C、think over D、read( )109、 didnt they want foreign engineers(工程师).Because they wanted a Chinese engineers. A、When B、Where C、Why D、How( )110、Look! Our teacher is waving us. A、from B、to C、for D、with( )111、Do you know Beetho

32、ven, the great ? A、writer B、composer C、painter D、leader( )112、You like classical music, ?Yes, of course. A、dont you B、do you C、are you D、arent you( )113、The sister often helps her little brother with his English. A、older B、elder C、old D、eld( )114、Many students like Western classical music, ? A、dont

33、they B、havent they C、do they D、have they( )115、 bright girls they are! A、What B、What a C、How D、How a( )116、The young man was at work, ? A、was he B、dont he C、wasnt he D、does he参考答案1-5 B A B A B6-10 B C B C B11-15 A A A A A16-20 A D B A B21-25 B D A C B25-30 B B D A C31-35 D C D B D36-40 C C A C B41-45 D C A A D46-50 A D D D C51-55 B A D D C56-60 A B B B C61-65 C A C D C66-70 B C A A C71-75 B C C B A76-80 C D C C B81-85 C D D D D86-90 B A C B B91-95 A A B D B96-100 AB D D A101-105 A B A A B106-110 B A B C B111-115 B A B A A116 C


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