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1、小学英语单元教学设计 小学英语单元教学设计(一)作者姓名 :庄丽娥 钟笑斐(二)教材版本:Primary English for China (三)使用年级:小学四年级英语(四)课题:Unit 8 Shopping for food (五)授课课时:共五课时(六)教学设计:1.学情分析:四年级学生已经积累了一些英语知识,有了一定的英语学习技能和英语语感。学生们对于新鲜事物很感兴趣,仍然具有好奇心。他们仍然喜欢丰富多彩、生动有趣的英语课堂活动,在此活动中习得语言知识,体验学会用英语表达的成就感。在课堂教学中,我们应力求培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神,以及情感道德价值观。2.教材分

2、析:本单元是第七册教材中的第八单元,内容安排贴近学生的生活,它主要以购物时如何运用英语来表达自己所喜爱的东西;描述事物时如何运用any和some,及选择时如何运用or的用法。本单元还要涉及到总结否定形式的句型以及单复数句型的变化。因此在本单元的学习中将通过购物进一步巩固与拓展any/some和and/or、but转折的用法及区别。本单元的教学内容与学生的日常生活紧密联系,在教学中可以创设多种活动、情景与任务,将教授内容与生活空间、学生情感与外部世界、学生已有的知识积累与学习的可能空间有效地结合起来。 3.教学目标:(1)知识目标: 1、表达:What do you want?I want so

3、me butter and fried chickens.Do you want any bread?Do you have any bread?Yes, we have some bread.No, we dont have any bread.Are there any vegetables or eggs?Yes, there are some vegetables and eggs.Is there any meat or rice?Theres some rice but theres no meat. 2、词汇: Bread, eggs, coffee, butter, rice,

4、 tofu, fried chicken, meat等(2)能力目标:1、 能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其运用于日常生活之中。2、 参与合作,形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力。(3)情感目标: 体会英语在与人交往中的作用以明确学习目标,提高学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的自信心和合作精神。4.教学重点与难点(1)教学重点:用英语表达自己各类食物(2)教学难点:在口语交际和写作中学会正确使用and, or, but, any, some 等词。 5.单元教学安排:PeriodTitleContents1st periodPart A:单词新授课利用学习用具

5、进行学习新单词并引导学生用已经学过的形容词进行描述这些用具: Bread, eggs, coffee, butter, rice, tofu, fried chicken, meat用旧单词再穿插新单词一起描述可以让学生学习理解并熟悉掌握这些形容词的用法,突破难点。2nd periodPart B1,句型新授课进一步熟悉形容词并会用This isbut表达自己的观点和询问价钱How much is? Its本课时设计同桌练习、自编对话设计以及小组合作来运用新知识;设计话题表达自己对物品的喜爱或不喜欢的观点;同时,把PartG chant部分也融入本节课的教学,调整顺序,进行教材的整合,进一步巩

6、固这节课的主要句型。3rd periodPartB2,B3, 巩固复习课本课时,我计划在学生前面学习运用I like this Its I dont like this Its too 表达自己对物品的喜爱或不喜欢的观点,把教材的B2,B3,E, J部分放在一个课时中学习,达到巩固和复习本单元重、难点的作用。4th periodPartC ,Part D:阅读练习课在这节课我以Shopping for a car为话题来表达自己对物品的喜爱或不喜欢的观点,培养学生的阅读能力,将PartD 融入本课时的学习中,设计写表达喜好的活动以提高学生的口语表达能力。5th periodPart F: 本节

7、是一节活动、写作课,重点是引导学生如何用英语进行购物,并指导学生如何把它记录下来。6th periodPart H and I:拓展阅读课本课是一节阅读课,重点学习字典的种类及如何选购,涉及到的内容对小学生来说比较枯燥,所以我将利用直观的图、多样的形式,利用学生已有的经验让他们去理解掌握知识。6.教学方式:任务型教学法、TPR教学法和情景教学是教授本单元必不可少的教学方法。学生主要采取合作学习和自主探究的学习方法。7.教学用具(1)多媒体课件和KOKO爱英语的配套光碟(2)图片和单词卡(3)录音机8.教学过程:第一课时教学设计Topic:Unit3 Being Lets go shopping

8、 Part APeriod: The 1stperiod一Teaching aims (教学目标的制定):1.学生能初步熟悉掌握本课的句型: A:What do you want?B:I want some A:Do you want B:Yes, I do./no, I dont. thank you.2. 学生能熟练掌握本课的重点单词和短语:Bread, eggs, coffee, butter, rice, tofu, fried chicken, meat二Analysis of students(学生学习能力分析): 学生在已学过的句型I want a 进行简单的描述所拥有的用具,学

9、生将在运用这个句型的基础上很自然进入学习本课教学重难点What do you want? Do you want ?三Teaching material and design intention (教材分析和设计意图): 本节课的教学难度是学习表达对物品的喜爱或不喜欢,因此在教学设计的时候,力图使学生轻松进入学习,我设计有关物品教学的游戏活动,激起学生的学习兴趣,在谈论学习用具话题时引出A:What do you want?B:I want some句型;开展同桌对话活动,让学生在听说练习中感受运用新句型,突破难点,使学生学以致用,在生活中运用英语。四Key and difficult poi

10、nts(教材的重难点): 本课重难点: 掌握重点句型和短语:A:What do you want? B:I want someBread, eggs, coffee, butter, rice, tofu, fried chicken, meat五Teaching aids(教具): CAI, 实物(学习用具),单词卡六Teaching procedure (教学过程 )ProcedureTeachersactivitiesStudentsactivitiesDesignintentionSituation and methodProcedureTeachersactivitiesStuden

11、tsactivitiesDesignintentionSituation and methodStep 1:Preparation1. Chant:What do you have 2. Free talk:Do you have ?Yes, I do./ No. I dont,1. Chant and clap their hands together.2. Try to answer the teachers questions.借助chant和自由交谈来活跃课堂气氛,让学生进入上课的状态,同时又复习了旧知识.实物Step 2:Presentation1.Teacher asks Ss:

12、What does Pat have? What does Candy want to buy ?2. Show the objects cards and teach the words3. Play a game . Look and say quickly 1. Try to answer the teachers question individually. 2. Ss watch the objects and try to describe the objects.3. Ss say the words.借助实物(字典、笔记本等)、图片、和游戏活动学习新单词和句型, 同时引导学生进

13、行简单的描述。实物Step 2:Presentation4. Work in groups.Try to talk with partners4. Ss ask and answer the questions by learing and using What do you want?I want some.Do you want any ?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.开展对话练习熟悉掌握难点降低了学习的难度。学生乐于参与。 小组合作Step 3:PracticeAsk Ss to show the pictures by asking and answering the

14、questions in pairs. Practice in pairs .学生运用重点句型锻炼口语表达能力。同桌对话Step 4:Production1. Do a survey by using the sentences.2. Show their survey.Ss talk about this interesting topic in class .设计活动,让孩子去了解同学们的用具,加强了同学们的沟通和培养学生的合作能力,达到学以致用的目的。Step 5:Homework1 .Finish workbook2. Listen and recite thewords of Par

15、t A Board writingUnit 3 Lets go shopping A:What do you want?B:I want someA:Do you want B:Yes, I do./no, I dont. thank you.第二课时教学设计Topic:Unit3 Lets go shopping B1GPeriod: The 2nd period一Teaching aims (教学目标的制定):1.学生能熟练掌握本课的重点句型2. 学生能流利地表达自己对物品的喜爱或不喜爱二Analysis of students(学生学习能力分析):学生已经在前一课时学习和运用了重点单词,

16、在此基础上,拓展他们买卖东西的交际用语。三Teaching material and design intention (教材分析和设计意图): 本节课学习运用颜色及相关形容词,为了使学生学习起来轻松愉快,我设计由学生扮演商店老板引入新课,在表演中学生会不知不觉地学习了相关句型,通过小组活动运用巩固新语法点。最后用chant来进一步巩固句型。 四Key and difficult points(教材的重难点):本课重难点: 1.学生能熟练掌握本课的重点句型:I like but its It has on it.Do you like ? 2.学生能熟练自编对话。 五Teaching aids

17、(教具): CAI, 图片,单词卡六Teaching procedure (教学过程 )ProcedureTeachersactivitiesStudentsactivitiesDesignintentionSituation and methodStep 1:Preparation1 Free talk:Whats your favourite colour? Do you like ? 2 Pat, Candy,Tim are in shops. What are they going to buy?3. Invite three students to act as them. 1. T

18、ry to answer the teachers question.2.Perform and practice the sentences. 锻炼口语表达能力。表演引入,学习了解英语在买卖过程中的交际用语。在轻松愉快中学习新知识。 表演Step 2:Presentation1. Show some pictures and talk about the objects.2. Encourage Ss to talk about the objects what they want to buy. 3. Play the video . 1Watch and learn . 2.Talk i

19、n groups . 3. Read and Learn Part B1. 流利掌握这些句型,开展小组活动,(老板与顾客)对话练习,达到巩固目的。 课件小组活动Step 3:PracticeAsk Ss to show dialogue in groups. Make dialogues in groups . t 通过小组扮演买卖活动对话练习,进一步检验学生运用知识的能力。小组合作Step 4:Production1.Listen and chant.2. Play the tape . Finish Part G.通过chant让学生进一步巩固了重点句型并学得轻松多媒体课件Step 5:H

20、omework1.Listen and recite Part B1 2. Finish P14 of workbook. Board writingUnit 3 Lets go shoppingDo you like?Its but its tooHow about? I have enough money. Ill take it.第三课时教学设计Topic:Unit 3 Lets go shopping Part B2、B3、E and JPeriod: The 3rd period一Teaching aims (教学目标的制定):1.学生能熟练运用I like this Its I d

21、ont like this Its too 表达自己对物品的喜爱或不喜欢的观点。2.学生能够正确使用too 短语。3通过听和说唱韵律诗和完成练习活动,培养学生的口语交际能力,综合运用语言的能力和合作创新精神。二Analysis of students(学生学习能力分析):本节课继续带领学生进一步学习表达自己对物品的喜爱或不喜欢的观点 ,提高口语表达能力。三Teaching material and design intention (教材分析和设计意图): 我把PartB2/B3/ E /J作为巩固、复习课融到一课时来完成,因为这几部分的内容比较简单,学生不感到困难,目的是让学生进一步消化理解

22、本课的重难点。本节课我创设going shopping,shopoing for something情景导入新课,再请同学们设计如in the book shop等贴近生活情景,进行购物口语表达训练,增加教学的趣味性。 四Key and difficult points(教材的重难点):本课重点:1.学生能熟练掌握短语too 。2.学生能够运用英语进行表达like and dislike。本课难点:培养学生的口语交际能力,综合运用语言的能力和合作创新精神。五Teaching aids(教具): CAI, 图片,单词卡 六Teaching procedure (教学过程 )ProcedureTe

23、achersactivitiesStudentsactivitiesDesignintentionSituation and methodStep 1:Preparation 1. Show a picture of a shop with children .2. Show the pictures to go over the phrases Ss have learnt . 1. Follow the flash and say the chant (PartE) together.2. Remember the phrases.用说韵律诗的形式开始新课,符合学生的兴趣、爱好;复习巩固前

24、两课学过的短语,为本节课打下了良好的开端。情景表演Step 2:Presentation 1. Show the picture of shop to tell Ss that they are going shopping . Please make a dialogue “and practice going shopping . 2. Invite two pairs to perform. 3. Show Flash and ask Ss to read the dialogue of Part B1 1. Watch the flash and learn the phrase “t

25、ake a message “ 2. Practice going shopping in class . 3Perform making a dialogue .4. Listen and practice the dialogue In pairs . 创设going shopping引入学习新课,增加教学的趣味性。熟悉课本内容,锻炼口语表达。图片及课件小组合作Step 3:Practice1. Encourag Ss to create situstions (eg buy a dictionary )to make a dialogue . 2. Ask Ss to listen ca

26、refully and finish listening exercise of Part B3.making a dialogue to buy a dictionary.Finish Part B3 . 鼓励学生创设情景进行有趣的购物对话交流,培养创新精神.课本23Step 4:ProductionAsk Ss to turn to Page30 to finish PartFinish Part JPart J给学生提供了一个很好的书写巩固练习。课本P30Step 5:Homework1.Listen and recite Part B2 of Unit 32. To make a di

27、alogue and write it down.第四课时教学设计Topic:PartC and PartDPeriod: The 4th period一Teaching aims (教学目标的制定):1.在故事学习中对本单元所学的主要语言点进行运用巩固。2.在故事学习中提高学生的听、读、演及写的能力。二Analysis of students(学生学习能力分析):小学生对故事性的英语比较感兴趣,也基于前三节课的学习,学生能大概读懂故事。三Teaching material and design intention (教材分析和设计意图): 分析C部分我发现,它在话题上和本单元有很大的关系。本

28、节课我定为阅读课,主要以学生的阅读,以及学生已经充分理解故事内容的基础上组织学生进行表演。四Key and difficult points(教材的重难点):本课重点:故事的理解和复述。本课难点:Do you have any biscuits or chips? We have some biscuits but we dont have any chips.五Teaching aids(教具): CAI六Teaching procedure (教学过程 )ProcedureTeachersactivitiesStudentsactivitiesDesignintentionSituatio

29、n and methodStep 1:Warming up 1.Chant (P60)2. Review the words and contents of PartA/Part B1/PartB21. Follow the flash and chant2. Read the words quickly and recite the contents of Part A /Part B1/PartB2 by the help of the key words.复习本单元的主要单词和句型,让学生快速进入故事教学。动画Step 2:presentation1. Free talk :Do you

30、 have .or .?2. Play the disc of Part C and ask the Ss pay attention to what the market had and what Pat bought.3. Watch the video again and read after the tape and ask the Ss pay attention to the new words. 4. Ask the Ss read the story carefully and try to answer the questions of Part D.1. Answer te

31、achers question and talk about what the market has and so on.2. Watch the video and try to find out the answer to the question and learn the new words.( biscuits , chips)3. Watch the video and read after the tape, learn the new words. 4. Watch the video carefully and answer the question of Part D.通过

32、设置各项具体任务,引导学生看、听读、阅读故事,从而完成对故事的充分理解,对故事中包含的语言点进行学习。动画和 课本Step 4:Practice1. Listen to story again and ask the Ss to pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.2. Role-play the story Ask the Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. Present some key words of the story and ask

33、 the Ss to retell the story.1. Listen to the story carefully.2. Role-play the story.3. Retell the story by the help of the key words.让学生通过充分模仿故事中任务的语音语调进行角色扮演,锻炼学生的口语和表演能力,通过给出关键词让学生复述故事,锻炼学生说的能力。课本Step 4:ProductionRetell the story in their own words by the help of the key words.Write down the story

34、. 在进行了听、说、读、演后设计一个复述故事的任务,开始有意识地锻炼下学生的看图说话能力。多媒体课件Step 5:Homework1.Read the story after the tape for three times.2.Retell the story by themselves.BoardwritingUnit 8 Shopping for food Any or Some and第五时教学设计Topic:Part E, G and reviewPeriod: The 5th period一Teaching aims (教学目标的制定):1. 学习E部分语音。2完成G部分绕口令填空

35、。3. 进行复习巩固练习。二Analysis of students(学生学习能力分析):经过前四节课的学习,学生已经基本掌握了本课的新的单词和语言点,但还需要通过一定量的练习进行复习巩固。三Teaching material and design intention (教材分析和设计意图): 在完成语音学习的基础上通过一定量的练习对Unit 8 所学的只是进行复习检验。四Key and difficult points(教材的重难点):1. 字母组合“ow的发音学习。2. 复习本单元的词汇和句型。五Teaching aids(教具): CAI六Teaching procedure (教学过程

36、 )ProcedureTeachersactivitiesStudentsactivitiesDesignintentionSituation and methodStep 1:Warming up1. Chant (P60)2. Review the new words of this unit.1. chant2. Try to read the words correctly and quickly.借助节奏明快的Chang激起课堂气氛,让学生进入上课的状态;通过快速闪现本课新单词让学生进入到兴奋紧张的课堂学习中,也是对本单元重点单词的复习。动画和卡片Step 3:presentatio

37、n1. Present the pronunciation of”ow”and learn the words with the pronunciation.2. Ask Ss to give some words with the pronunciation and use the words to make sentences by themselves.3. Ask the Ss to say the poem.4. Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks of Part G.5. Ask the Ss to chant.1. Listen and read a

38、fter the tape.2. Give some words and make sentences.3. Say the poem.4. Fill in the blanks.5. Chant.通过自己举例达到牢固记忆的效果,并培养他们举一反三的学习能力。通过G部分chant的填空及读的练习对本单元的主要句型进行回顾。Koko 光碟Step 4:PracticeAsk the Ss to do the exercises on the workbook,Do the exercise on the workbook.通过不同形式的练习来巩固运用所学的知识。Koko爱英语学习光盘Step 5:Homework1. Read Part E after the tape.2. Recite the words BoardwritingUnit8 Shopping for foodOw frown shower clown crown15


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