Unit 12 What did you do last weekend说课稿.docx

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《Unit 12 What did you do last weekend说课稿.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 12 What did you do last weekend说课稿.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?说课稿说课内容:新目标英语七年级下Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?(section B 2a-2c) 一、教学设计理念 1、遵循任务型教学的教学理念,以学生为主体,以任务为中心,在使用语言完成任务的过程中来学习,体会和掌握语言。 2、自始至终贯穿了以交际为目的的原则(在做中学,在学中用)。 3、在教学过程中,注重学生的生活实际和生活体验,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲自实践、独立思考、合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式。 1 教材地位和作用 上一单元已经初步理解和

2、使用了动词的一般过去时,也了解了动词变过去式的形式,本单元将继续学习一般过去时的用法,更深入、广泛地从听、说、读、写几个方面来使用它,特别是创设情境,在情境中学习和使用它。为了更好地完成本节课的教学任务,我确定了如下教学目标。 2 教学目标 1. 知识目标 1) 掌握以下单词: High school ,ago ,india, put up the tent, moon ,each other ,get a surprise , snake ,scared, move ,Shout to ,start ,jump up and down ,wake up , forest ,2)复习一般过去时

3、态的用法及动词的过去式。能准确叙述过去发生的事情。3)通过不同形式的练习题来练习谈论过去发生的事件。4)学会谈论自己节假日的活动。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)复习一般过去时态的用法及动词的过去式。 2)通过不同形式的练习来熟练使用所学的知识。2. 教学难点:准确判断时态,能对一般过去时态熟练使用,描述过去的事件。3. 情感目标 1. 协助学生树立合作学习观点。 2. 讲述美好的周末,树立学生乐观向上、享受生活的情感。三、学情分析 我所教学的对象是七年级学生,七年级学生对英语普遍感兴趣,但有很大的不稳定性,好奇心强,求知欲旺盛,注意力容易分散。所以,我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,

4、努力激励他们大胆开口,激发学生学习的兴趣。提升课堂效率,让学生在快乐中学习。 四 、教学方法与教学手段 为了完成以上的教学目标,更好的突出重难点,我用到了以下的教学方法: 1、任务型语言教学法 2、主体参与法 3、情景交际法 在学法上,重点放在培养学生实际使用语言的水平。在课堂活动中使用生动的课件画面调动学生的学习兴趣,让学生围绕着课堂任务在小组中分工合作培养他们的合作探究水平。 为了激发学生的主动求知欲,我利用任务型教学并结合多媒体辅助教学,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生使用英语实行交际创设情景。 五、教学程序与设计 本节课的教学过程按以下几个环节展开 Step 1. Thinking Wor

5、k on 2a: This activity provides writing and oral practice using the target language. Show some photos of animals on the screen. Ask the class to answer the questions1.what kind of animal are you afraid of ? 2.Why?3.Make a list. Ask students to say the words by themselves.Step 2 . Reading Work on 2b:

6、This activity provides reading practice using the target language.1. Fast reading Read the article and find the answer to this question: What did they see near the fire the next morning?(They saw a snake sleeping near the fire)Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to this question. Then c

7、heck the answers with the class.2. Careful reading Read the article and find the answers to the questions on 71. Ss read the passage and find the answers to the questions. Check the answers. Step 3 . ReadingWork on 2c Read the instructions again, put the phrases in order according to the passage the

8、n use then to retell the story.1. Ask the student to read the story in 2b again, put the sentences in order. 2. 阅读指导:(见课件部分)3. Check the answer.Answer: 6 2 8 4 7 5 1 33. Ask the students retell the story using the phrases.Step 4: Homework 1. Review Section B. 2. Now write a travel diary .Imagine you

9、 are an American student on vacation in Beijing. Have students do the activity individually. Write on pieces of paper. Set it as written homework to be collected and marked.板书设计:Section B 2a-2csing-sang study studied have had go-went fly- flew swim-swamDid you go anything interesting last weekend? Not really, but I visited my sister. My sister finished high school two weeks ago.


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