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1、2019 年小学英语外研版 ( 3 年级起点)四年级下册期末试卷( 1 )一选出不同类的单词(5 分 )1. ()A. niceB.strongC.littleD.bird2. ()A. homeworkB.WednesdayC.ThursdayD.Friday3. ()A. westB.speakC.northD.south4. ()A. watchedB.playedC.laughD.helped5. ()A. coldB.carryC.goD.buy二英汉互译。 ( 15 分)1感冒 _2. chocolate biscuits _3看电视 _4. on the computer _5.

2、流行音乐 _6 verybigred hens _7弹吉他 _8 do one shomework _9打篮球 _10 goswimming. _三选择题。 (20 分)1() This boyis _than thatgirl .A goodB betterCbad2() They _ young , then .A isB areC were3() Yesterday,I _ TV .A watchedB watchC watches4() Who isthatlittlegirl ?It s_.第 1页A meBmyC I5() There aremany boats_ the rive

3、r .A aboutB onC under6() Weare _ tohaveapicnic .A goingBgoC to go7() Thisisabook _ London.A inBofCabout8() What _ isittoday.A dateBdayC /9() _ Thursday ,I ll domyhomework .A inB onC at10()She is _ nice teacher.A amB isC are四情景选择。 ( 10 分)1()你想说你又饿又渴时,应该说 :A.Iamthirsty.B.Iamthirstyand hungry.C.Iwashun

4、gry.2()当你想知道朋友星期日做什么时,应该说 :A.WhatwillyoudoonSundays ?B.Wheredoyoulive ?C.Howareyou ?第 2页3()当你问你的朋友明天的天气时,应该说 :A.Whatdoyoudo ?B.Whatwilltheweatherbetomorrow ?C.Thisismyfriend .4()当你想要表达北京比天津大时,应该说 :A.BeiJingisbigthanTian Jing.B.Tian JingisbiggerthanBeiJing.C.BeiJingisbiggerthanTian Jing.5()当你看到朋友受伤时,

5、应该说:A.Thisismyfriend .B.Howoldareyou?C.Whathappyedtoyou?.五连词成句。 ( 10 分)1 the,China,is,capital,BeiJing,of ._2、New York,is,where?_3、 in,kites,fly,spring,we ._4、 can , they ,guitar ,the ,play._5、 table tennis,did,play,you?第 3页_六句型转换。 ( 10 分)1 Theyaremygrandparents . (对划线部分提问)_ arethey ?2 Itwasthin.( 一般

6、疑问句 )_ _ thin ?3 Dadcookedlunch.( 改为否定句 )Dad_ _ lunch.4 Lucygoes toworkonfoot everyday .( 同 2)Lucy_ _ workeveryday .5 Willyoutakeyourkitetomorrow .( 否定回答 )_ , I _.七山歌对唱,把相搭配的句子连起来。( 10 分)1 Whatmusic doyou like ?A. Yes , Iam .2 Areyouclever ?B. I ll domyhomework .3 What s this ?C. I likepopmusic .4 D

7、idyouplaybasketball ?D. It s arobot.5 Whatwillyoudo ?E. No , Ididn t.八 . 我是小小翻译家 .(10 分 ) 1.这是我的大哥。_Theycanplaytheerhu .第 4页_你的头怎么了?_TheChangJiang RiverislongerthantheYellow River._5.新年快乐。_九、阅读理解。 ( 10 )Tomorrow is Saturday, Letshave a class party. We will go to a park . The park is tothe north of s

8、chool. Its very big and beautiful . We can play football. We can fly our kite.Sam is going to go skating and Amy will tell us a story(故事 ), Mr Li , our English teacherwill play the guitar.We will go there at nine oclock.1)Tomorrow is _A. SundayB. SaturdayC. Tuesday.2)Is the park big? _A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isntC. No, itssmall3)What will Sam do?He will _-A. swimB. go skatingC. go home4)Mr li is our _ teacherA. ChineseB. EnglishC.math5)We will go there at _-oclockA. 9B.8C. 7第 5页第 6页


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