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1、Unit7 Enjoy your hobbyLesson 53 A strange hobby.单元教学内容分析:本单元的话题是谈论喜好,内容主要是围绕着业余爱好这个话题展开教学的,不同的人们有着不同的业余爱好这也正符合当前中学生的实际情况,所以本单元的话题对于学生来讲不陌生而且很自然真实。那么我们就应该利用这样一个学生感兴趣的话题引导学生参与到课堂中来,尽可能多的让学生相互交流描述自我的爱好。通过设计较真实的语境,教育学生去认真看待业余爱好,学会乐观地看待生活培养学生积极的人生观,学会享受爱好所带给我们的乐趣,学会享受生活。通过合理设置活动让学生能够准确利用所学词汇,语言等准确表达个人想法,

2、提升文化素养。Instructional Design 教学设计课题Unit7 Enjoy your hobby Lesson 53 A strange hobby.课型Reading and speaking教学目标知识目标1.Students will be able to use the words and expressions.eg.seem,rock,spare,addto be full of.2.Students will be able to understand use of Verb-ing水平目标Students will be able to have the abi

3、lities of communication by using vocabulary learnt to talk about likes and dislikes.情感目标Students will realize the importance of hobbies and learn to take more positive attitude to life.内容分析重 点The use of Verb-ing and vocabulary such as rock, Germany, seem .难 点Write a report about ones hobby and expre

4、ss your opinions about hobbies.教法学法Individual、pair、group-work and task-based learning教具学具Multi-media , Traceboard ,tape recorder教学过程Teaching Process Step I: Warming-up 教师活动Teachers ActivitiesAt the beginning of the class say hello to the students, and introduce myself to them and at the same time tr

5、y to learn more about the children. 学生活动. Students ActivitiesReply the teachers greetings and communicate with the teacher simply设计意图Purpose让师生间能够感觉到一种亲切感避免因陌生而产生距离感。StepII:Lead-in:Play a video of a dialogue by Harleys two students.1.Tell the students that Harleys students come to this class,too.the

6、n play the video.2Let students think about the questions and point out the topic of this lesson.1.What are they talking about?2.Are their hobbies special?3.Does David know about strange hobbies?Watch and talk about the video and answer the teachers questions.1.2.通过教师的语言和视频做引导,视频内容做诱因激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲。(明

7、确本课的学习话题及目标)StepIII: Vocabulary learning“Ok,Would you like to know an famous actors hobby? Naturally comes this step!1 Show them a cover of a magazine with a famous actor.2Let the students guess the meaning of words while the teacher show them some information about the guy. Encourage the students t

8、o master the meanings of words as soon as possible.1. Guess the meanings of new words and try to remember as many new words as possible.2. fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meaning on the worksheet.开展小组合作学习同时引入竞争环节让学生主动参与到教学中来挖掘学生潜能瞬时记忆单词的能力。(task1-词汇的学习)Step IV: Listen& Read“Now lets list

9、en to the tape and get to know what the passage is about,Ok? Naturally comes this step!1Play the tape and have the students listen and repeat after the tape. 2Ask the students: what is the passge about?3.tell the students a reading skill :sometimes we can know the main idea of this passage from the

10、title. 1. Listen to the tape and repeat after the tape .2. Answer the question.利用多媒体播放课本听力内容。训练学生的听力和阅读理解能力。(task2-听力阅读理解的训练) Step V: Read and answer1Read the passage and answer the questions according to it.2. Encourage the students to ask questions in understanding paragraphs and others try to sol

11、ve their friends problems. 1. Read the passage and answer the questions the teacher sets.通过对文章各个段落设置不同的问题来检验学生对短文的掌握情况,同时积极开展小组探究学习的方式.(task3-阅读理解能力的培养)Step VI: Read again 1.Ask the students if they have any questions in understanding the passage and explain the difficulties that they come across.2.

12、After learning about the passage, complete the passage with proper words.1.Ask and answer their friends questions in the plete the passage with proper words.让学生对学习中所遇到的难点质疑,其他组学生答疑以此相互学习进步.通过对本课的学习强化对所学内容的理解,检测反馈学生的学习情况。(task4-更深入理解本课内容)StepVII:Discussionspeaking1.According to the passage,encourage

13、the students to learn more and further about hobbies. “What hobbies can give us?”2.Sum up what they understand about hobiies.In this way Teacher wants to suggest “Enjoy hobbies,enjoy life.1. Sort the advantages that hobbies can give us.2. Sort the disadvantages that hobbies maybe can give us.3. Conc

14、lusion:A happy child has a good hobby.通过对课本知识的学习进一步挖掘课本后面所蕴含的深层内容,通过学生们对业余爱好的了解进一步挖掘他们的情感态度,培养他们积极的人生观。(task4-moral education)板书设计Unit7 Enjoy your hobbyLesson 53 A strange hobby.Group Score (competition groups) A New words and expressions:B seem like addto be full ofC Students questions in understanding the passage:D 1.E 2.F A happy child has a hobby! 教学后记 Homework:1.To practise talking about hobbies with classmates. 2.Load my blog http:/ for more information about Lesson 53


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